The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#76777 by Greg Reason
Fri Apr 22, 2005 9:41 pm
I don't have an IPOD, and I like to listen to Devin's albums (most albums actually) in their entirety... I listen to Infinity the most.

#76778 by PyroVesten
Fri Apr 22, 2005 11:36 pm

Since I've been listening to Dev for years upon years, and only been using Audioscrobbler my stats are very skewed. I'll need to be using the program at least another 12 months before they even out..but as it stands of my top 50 most played songs:

8. Devin Townsend - Bastard (45 times)
10. Devin Townsend - Earth Day (44 times)
24. Regulator (35 times)
25. Deadhead (34 times)

As proof of how skewed the stats are, I've been using the program since before the latest SYL was released which means it has recorded every play of the album on my computer...and my #3 song with 58 plays is 'Love?'.

If I'd been using the program since the first time I heard Ocean Machine for example...the play counts of songs would be well into the hundreds.

#76983 by Metalmonkey
Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:07 am
Here is what winamp says :

1. DT - The Death of Music (163)
2. SYL - Detox (159)
3. SYL - SYL (137)
4. SYL - Underneath the waves (92)
5. DT - Earthday (89)

#77313 by FlatHead
Mon May 02, 2005 1:58 am
I don't have audioscrobbler or anything similar on this laptop, but if I had to guess wildly I'd say the second half of Terria.

#77314 by Amaran
Mon May 02, 2005 2:35 am
I belong to those people who prefer to listen to albums rather than songs - the album is the context of the songs and the context is important for fully experiencing the songs.

The stuff I listen to the most is:

1. Infinity (now especially the new version I made - with the original tracklist)
2. EKO (I listen to all three songs every morning after getting out of bed)
3. DevLab
4. Alien
5. Ocean Machine (sometimes only the second half of the album)

City would be somewhere there as well, but I don't have a CD-R copy of it at the moment (I never listen to my originals, I always burn my albums onto CD-R when I get them and hide the originals at a place where they're safe)

#77321 by Bagheera
Mon May 02, 2005 7:11 am
1: Kingdom
2: Namaste
3: Deep peace
4: Oh my f*cking God
5: Force fed

#77337 by gurp13
Mon May 02, 2005 11:26 pm
I had originally ripped all of my songs in 128 kbps AAC but decided that since Devin's music was so layered that I ought to re-rip all of the songs in 256 kbps AAC. (It might be better, I don't know. Maybe the highs are better. Or not. I dunno. If only I was an audiophile. Sigh.) So, I replaced all of the songs on my iPod. But, at that time, Depth Charge and Storm were the most often played songs, up over 50. But, basically, by re-ripping all of the songs, it reset the play counts for them.

Currently, "Alien" is getting the most plays at 18. Below that is "Infinity" at 10. It's sad, really, because I had a ton of plays on those albums and now they're all gone. I've basically been listening to a steady diet of all Devy all the time for the last six months or so since I got into Devy. So, I was rather proud of my play counts. I mean, I've had my iPod since August and the *vast* majority of what I've played on it is Devy. If they came out with a Devin Townsend edition of the iPod, I'd buy it yesterday.

#77474 by simen_88
Thu May 05, 2005 7:55 am
I have my ripped albums in 192 kbps WMA. It works great, I think.

#77633 by Falk
Mon May 09, 2005 1:38 pm
I liked that option in winamp 5, but it got fucked up after a formating, it wouldn't find the mp3 folder again to go on with the count, though it would play it, weird...

All I remember is that Aftermath was first with 375 after 6 months, so about 2 listenings per day.
Detox was second I think, about 290 I think.
About solo project, mmh most of the epics I think, or maybe away, cuz' I listened it a lot to do the tab :p

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