Since I've been listening to Dev for years upon years, and only been using Audioscrobbler my stats are very skewed. I'll need to be using the program at least another 12 months before they even out..but as it stands of my top 50 most played songs:
8. Devin Townsend - Bastard (45 times)
10. Devin Townsend - Earth Day (44 times)
24. Regulator (35 times)
25. Deadhead (34 times)
As proof of how skewed the stats are, I've been using the program since before the latest SYL was released which means it has recorded every play of the album on my computer...and my #3 song with 58 plays is 'Love?'.
If I'd been using the program since the first time I heard Ocean Machine for example...the play counts of songs would be well into the hundreds.