The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#75750 by IBrokeAString
Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:48 am
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:
FUBAR wrote:I heard dev in an interview say his next record is very much influenced by Opeth

i could have sworn he was talking about alien, but i guess it never happened. i remember him saying something about blackwater park ...

oh God please NOT!

#75751 by Blazingmonga
Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:04 am
Not a fan of Opeth then?

#75754 by FUBAR
Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:38 am
IBrokeAString wrote:
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:
FUBAR wrote:I heard dev in an interview say his next record is very much influenced by Opeth

i could have sworn he was talking about alien, but i guess it never happened. i remember him saying something about blackwater park ...

oh God please NOT!

I think he was just influenced by the fact that you can make songs that include both heavy metal and ballad elements to them

#75758 by kettle
Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:52 pm
I'm sure Dev said somewhere that this could be his first "beautiful" record. Not that I don't think that all the records are beautiful, I really like the idea of a beautiful record. Perhaps a record that any person could immediately listen to and go "wow that's beautiful" without having to train their ear to heavy metal music. I would however like it to be filed under metal, so if anyone can do that for me I think devy can.

#75782 by fragility
Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:27 am
I just read someone else talking about how the lines between SYL and Dev's solo stuff have kind of been blurred by Alien....which in some ways I can agree what the heck is Human going to be like? Should definately be very interesting indeed!

#75783 by steve_dave
Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:26 am
Olive? wrote:
Stonegaze wrote:All of the previous albums are different sides of a huge diamond, all reflecting different tones of colors. We know all how great that diamond is - but who can tell which color, and which tone is the next side reflecting, and how brightly, before seen it? :P

Wow man... Cool words!
I couldn't have said it better!
I totally agree!

agreed... well put!

#75820 by asparagusDuck
Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:59 pm
Alien has gotten me so hyped up for Human. Just hearing The Dev in all his glorious glory raised my expectations for Human by a lot. If Alien was just ok, i don't think it would have changed much. But since I love it to pieces and it incorporates some of Dev's solo styles so well, it has made me so curious how Human will sound.

#75828 by GSG
Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:53 pm
kettle wrote:I'm sure Dev said somewhere that this could be his first "beautiful" record.

If Terria isn't beautiful, then my arse is a banjo.

#75848 by Tim
Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:33 pm
GSG wrote:
kettle wrote:I'm sure Dev said somewhere that this could be his first "beautiful" record.

If Terria isn't beautiful, then my arse is a banjo.


#75858 by gurp13
Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:31 pm
I don't know that _Alien_ has changed my expectations all that much. Personally, I think there's a gulf of difference between SYL and DTB, or any other solo projects (even Physicist). But, I'll tell you what's got me all aflutter for new Dev, that's Ayreon's _Human Equation_. Now, I know the jury's mixed around here on that record and there's some parts of it I don't like. It's waaaaaay too long, for example. I mean, come on, we get it already, it's not that amazing a story. And the twist at the end is kinda cheesy a la _Total Recall_. But, that's beside the point. The point is that Devy's parts in that album... man. It's almost like the fucking world opens up and there's this otherworldy music flowing out of the speakers. Then, Devy goes away and the music closes in on itself again. It's almost sad. Devy comes back and we're happy again. :-) Seriously, though, the music that Dev did for that project is unbelievably coool. If _Human_ had previews like that I'd be touching myself. Twice.

#75874 by Blazingmonga
Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:27 am
GSG wrote:
kettle wrote:I'm sure Dev said somewhere that this could be his first "beautiful" record.

If Terria isn't beautiful, then my arse is a banjo.

Awesome Connery quote there...heh

#75877 by jon
Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:55 am
yesh, well shed!

#75878 by fragility
Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:37 am
gurp13 wrote:I don't know that _Alien_ has changed my expectations all that much. Personally, I think there's a gulf of difference between SYL and DTB, or any other solo projects (even Physicist).

Oh yes, of course, they are very different, but have ultimately both come from the mind of the same man, and although predicting Devin's mental state through the process of writing both records is a rather difficult task, I think that it's only natural to think 'well, this is obviously where he was at while doing this one' 'I wonder where he might have been for the other'

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