I don't know that _Alien_ has changed my expectations all that much. Personally, I think there's a gulf of difference between SYL and DTB, or any other solo projects (even Physicist). But, I'll tell you what's got me all aflutter for new Dev, that's Ayreon's _Human Equation_. Now, I know the jury's mixed around here on that record and there's some parts of it I don't like. It's waaaaaay too long, for example. I mean, come on, we get it already, it's not that amazing a story. And the twist at the end is kinda cheesy a la _Total Recall_. But, that's beside the point. The point is that Devy's parts in that album... man. It's almost like the fucking world opens up and there's this otherworldy music flowing out of the speakers. Then, Devy goes away and the music closes in on itself again. It's almost sad. Devy comes back and we're happy again.

Seriously, though, the music that Dev did for that project is unbelievably coool. If _Human_ had previews like that I'd be touching myself. Twice.