Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#223792 by mrbean667
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:47 pm
Again, whatever you do is gravy for us.

Thar be the truth.
#223833 by hairbearbunch
Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:33 pm
Liquid wrote:I'm much more interested in an "original intention" version of Infinity that Dev has teased us about for years, though a redone Physicist could be cool. I don't know. They could make a sweet double album release. :lol:

Hey yeah, wasn't Physicist meant to be like taking off in a UFO? And Infinity, well if you don't understand the physics behind it, you won't get no UFO to be real. Merkabah. FOL.

Any chance of any other clips like the one for Stand appearing? Or tour clips on the Poopy. channel?
#223893 by FTB
Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:40 am
Antiyou wrote:
Hey Dev,

I think you're capabilities are greatly expanding (Addicted and Ki sound amazing). Just one fan's 2 cents though... (BTW I'm waiting for my hoodie package and couldn't resist the leak)

I would rather have a completely remixed and remastered version of Physicist than any number of re-recordings. The fact is, it's out there. You will have fans that would be alienated by new recordings. Those of us who have loved it from it's release, regardless of production value, would have a hard time identifying with the emotion on new recordings. There are things to be learned from the past. There are also ways to apply what you know today to what you've done in the past. My own personal wish would be for a 5.1 mix of the original but I would be elated with a simple stereo remix. In fact, I love Physicist so much that if you don't consider the first 2 suggestions, I'd be thrilled if you just left it alone.

For perspective, let me tell you about Pearl Jam's Lost Dogs. Regardless of the artist, it's the substance of the story that matters. There is a "holy grail bootleg recording" of a song they did in the 90's (Hard to Imagine for those who care). When they did their rarties collection (Lost Dogs) numerous parts of original recording sessions from the early 90's were used with updated current sessions. For many fans, this set was a total disappointment as it was not sold as advertised. Everyone expected to hear their favourite bootleg recordings in full studio quality for the 1st time. Well, we got 90's drums and guitars with 2005 vocals and keyboards. The fans had learned to love the rawness of the boots and even to appreciate the mistakes or vocal flubs. The newer versions sound empty and without the passion of the originals. To this day, I will only listen to a static laden mono recording of that song because it conveys the power and emotion I have identified with the song.

It's your music and your right to do with it whatever you choose. I just thought if you happened to skim this post, there is another perspective for you to consider.

I couldn't disagree more. You're basically saying to Dev, "don't re-do Physicist because it will be different and the fans won't like the differences." Well of course it'll be different, that's the entire reason he wants to re-do it. It doesn't matter if fans of 'old' Physicist don't like 'new' Physicist, because they'll always have the old one, which was still written and recorded by Dev. Nothing will change that. If he only did things based solely on what it would do to his fans, we wouldn't have his masterpiece of a discography to date.

Dev, do what you want. I think that's worked well for you so far :wink:
#223903 by Feehan
Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:35 am
Physicist is the dev solo album that hasn't clicked with me yet. i think a re recording would defiently do the album justice.

the production on the last 2 albums has been amazing especially addicted. my goodness the drums on supercrush are meaty
#223922 by Antiyou
Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:36 am
FTB wrote:
Antiyou wrote:
Hey Dev,

I think you're capabilities are greatly expanding (Addicted and Ki sound amazing). Just one fan's 2 cents though... (BTW I'm waiting for my hoodie package and couldn't resist the leak)

I would rather have a completely remixed and remastered version of Physicist than any number of re-recordings. The fact is, it's out there. You will have fans that would be alienated by new recordings. Those of us who have loved it from it's release, regardless of production value, would have a hard time identifying with the emotion on new recordings. There are things to be learned from the past. There are also ways to apply what you know today to what you've done in the past. My own personal wish would be for a 5.1 mix of the original but I would be elated with a simple stereo remix. In fact, I love Physicist so much that if you don't consider the first 2 suggestions, I'd be thrilled if you just left it alone.

For perspective, let me tell you about Pearl Jam's Lost Dogs. Regardless of the artist, it's the substance of the story that matters. There is a "holy grail bootleg recording" of a song they did in the 90's (Hard to Imagine for those who care). When they did their rarties collection (Lost Dogs) numerous parts of original recording sessions from the early 90's were used with updated current sessions. For many fans, this set was a total disappointment as it was not sold as advertised. Everyone expected to hear their favourite bootleg recordings in full studio quality for the 1st time. Well, we got 90's drums and guitars with 2005 vocals and keyboards. The fans had learned to love the rawness of the boots and even to appreciate the mistakes or vocal flubs. The newer versions sound empty and without the passion of the originals. To this day, I will only listen to a static laden mono recording of that song because it conveys the power and emotion I have identified with the song.

It's your music and your right to do with it whatever you choose. I just thought if you happened to skim this post, there is another perspective for you to consider.

I couldn't disagree more. You're basically saying to Dev, "don't re-do Physicist because it will be different and the fans won't like the differences." Well of course it'll be different, that's the entire reason he wants to re-do it. It doesn't matter if fans of 'old' Physicist don't like 'new' Physicist, because they'll always have the old one, which was still written and recorded by Dev. Nothing will change that. If he only did things based solely on what it would do to his fans, we wouldn't have his masterpiece of a discography to date.

Dev, do what you want. I think that's worked well for you so far :wink:

Or it could be an abhorration (Hyperdrive!). I'm basically telling Dev to do what he wants but consider alternatives before potentially tarnishing a near perfect legacy. He's the one that wants to move on and let the past be the past. I fail to see how revisiting old material will help him accomplish this goal.
This whole place has filled up with so many fanboi's, it seems like it's heresy to have a different opinion than Dev. He's just a guy you know. He's also prone to making statements about projects before finalizing details. He's going to do what he wants anyways so If I feel like making a statement and he reads it, maybe he'll see another side to the coin. Opinions and assholes right?
#223941 by Octillus
Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:44 am
You know that he wouldn't be the first artist to do such a thing, right?

I really don't think the existence of a remake changes anything. I don't get how "his legacy is tarnished" and I really don't get how letting him do what he wants to do makes us fanboys. I was pretty sure that attitude of letting him do what he wants to do is like... you know, one of the most important things about Devin's music entirely. We are certainly fanboys on a lot of subjects here, this is just one I don't think it's so. If anything, hopelessly clinging to the past (i.e. the endless calls for a reunited Strapping, etc.) is more fanboyish.

Devin has been unhappy with the mix for like years with that album, if he wants to rerecord it, uh he can. It's kinda his music.

That said, of course you're entitled to your opinion. I happen to like Hyperdrive! on par or maybe even more than Hyperdrive, but I need to let it sink in before I make my final ruling.
#223955 by catharsis
Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:59 am
well rerecording physicist has been a long time coming. i remember hearing dev toss the idea around years ago, so your argument about "wanting to move on and leave the past in the past" is null and void. if he decides to do it, GREAT! yet another album to buy. physicist imo is a good album but production wise could be better, although if it turns out to be not as good for some reason then just listen to the original one. if he decides not to do it... well, we still have the original anyway. i don't see why this is such a big issue.
#223972 by Nevaeh
Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:19 pm
My two cents (were making quite a fortune here).

I was sort of aware that you wrote albums based upon the last years or current years feelings and experiences. There's a couple of ways to go about this, and I also think antiyou has a point.

It's easy for us to forget about a few examples of mixing gone wrong or not to intention. Meshuggah put out an album called "Nothing", which im sure alot here are very familiar with. Well at the time, with the tunings they had, they were unhappy with the sound on 25.5" Scale 7 strings - fret-buzz, lack of tonality and crunch. They later received their custom baritone 8 strings, re-recorded the drums and vocals and realised in their own personal standards that the original (although many will argue they prefer the original, in relation to antiyou with Physicist), sounded like "dog shit". They re-recorded it to their intention, and personally I preferred it, but I like the idea we have both. In my head, if that's what the band wanted to hear and their intention, then that's the right thing. To me music is an artists interpretation of whatever they're trying to say - its an insight to who they are.

You also have St.Anger, the album that brings many to boaking point. I heard the later version of "Some Kind Of Monster" on the EP, and with that cookie-tin snare sorted, the song rearranged and hetfield's vocals redone, it sounded far from the original. You also have the subject of much debate, the Death Magnetic loudness wars. Some fans have taken it upon themselves to remix the album.

BUT, on the other hand, we have George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg violently raping Star Wars and Indiana Jones, unable to leave either saga alone. And Alien 4. God I hate Alien 4.

So ideally, I totally trust Devin and whatever choice he makes. Rather than a straight remix, I think it would be new ground for him to go back and re-evaluate each song, and add something new to it, a new twist. And if you don't like it?

Well, you still have the original don't you? Just don't buy the new one. :wink:
#224203 by pehko
Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:53 pm
Physicist was a difficult album for me. I got into Devy's music when Alien came out. So when I was listening to Terria, Ocean Machine and Accelerated Evolution, after that the Physicist was like "wtf?". I think the biggest "problem" was more mental than the music. The song were blasty and everything and SYL guys were playing on it...but still, it's Devin Townsend album. But I think it's only in my head. Don't know, if the viewpoint would have been different if I'd had the record when it came out and had only heared OM and Infinity. Physicist, in my opinion, is very underrated album. For me, there's many many great moments, and I even think that songs like Jupiter and Planet Rain are among the best songs that Devin has wrote.

About the sounds in general... When ever i buy a new record, it never comes to my mind think for example "Wow, that's a shitty snare sound" while listening it. Or that "If they had add this or that a bit it would sound better", I just listen the songs, without caring the sound. Only thing that i notice though, is if there's no bass, but I won't thing it further. Sometimes it feels like people are mocking some albums just because of the sounds, without caring what the actual songs really are. Which is fucking stupid. Only thing that matters really, is the good songs. With Physicist, I think it sounds fine and needs nothing more or less. Though, you can't get any sense of 'Death', it's all chaotic mess, but what the hell, it's the way it sounds and I can't think that it could sound something else. I love the way it is.

Don't know if i got to write things i was supposed to say and if i just repeated myself. Atleast, lot of "thinking", haha
#224208 by The Dev
Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:39 pm
I'm thinking of re-recording Addicted. Is that alright?

I think one more version of Hyperdrive is in order.

It's called 'Hyperdrive?' and has guest vocals by Elmo.

This forum is fun...have at 'er guys.

Oh, and I'm not just any old 'person', I'll have you know... I'm my mommy's l'il sweety pookums.
#224213 by mrbean667
Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:04 pm
I can't wait for Deconstruction.
#224214 by Van Pole
Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:07 pm
L'il Sweety Pookums feat. Elmo... Hell fuckin YEAH !
#224215 by mrbean667
Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:10 pm
So cold... in the night... in ELMO's WORLD!
#224216 by Van Pole
Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:17 pm
Next album to re-record... Devlab featuring Cookie fuckin Monster !

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