The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#115818 by Tracy
Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:48 pm
risemoonlapsevertigo wrote:Fucking Amen to you Tracy. On so many levels. This is a great place to get information being a somewhat fanatic type of person (maybe that's an understatement), but I am reserved enough to be very disappointed in the shit attitudes of some of the others here. I am not ashamed to say that this is why I hardly ever post on the boards. It has to be hard being the wife of the man who is being ridiculed by some of his supposedly biggest fans!@#$? Screw that. Stab a friend in the front if you're going to do it at all, you know? I am glad to hear you say something this realistic to these people. But I also very much agree with Tony P. I've been in contact with some truly awesome people from this one and the SYL board, and have even made friends (and great contacts) with a few of them. There is great support here for Dev and all of the guys too, and even for each other. That is what I do like about this community. I just hope that the true ones remain visible to all of us who really do give a shit about the music and the people unconditionally. Again, thank you for your words. I know now that I'm not the only one noticing these things...

Thanks, but I do also want to clarify that I don't expect, or want, ass-kissing all the time. It's fine to have opinions but on things that are reasonable and that you actually have knowledge of. Dictating on Devin's career isn't cool.

#115834 by andjustinforall
Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:53 am
Sorry if what I said offended you at all Tracy. I was just trying to use it as an example and see whether such a thing happened often, it was more of a stream of consciousness thing.

Believe me , I didn't mean to pretend to know how to run anything to do with the music business, thats why I was asking, because I was curious... $40,000 is a LOT of money but, cheers for taking the time out to clear my curiosities.

#115862 by Biert
Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:46 am
I don't think it's unnatural for the European fans (like me) to be disappointed with the lack of a European tour for Synchestra. I know there are good reasons for it, I know Devin is not just sitting on his arse (although he would deserve break :P ). But I'm still disappointed, but that's not an accusation or a complaint. I was just looking forward to DTB. But we'll all have to wait for a DTB and/or SYL European tour lateron, which will happen, I'm sure.

About SYL playing on Ozzfest, I know that it's a great opportunity to get more exposure and all that, and that's a good thing!
For the SYL fans tho, the people who know them already and want to see them, it sucks that they will have to pay a lot of money to see SYL for like 20 minutes, and a bunch of bands they'll probably dislike.
But I think they'll just have to take it the way it is, and wait for a 'real' US tour, supporting a decent band (or maybe even headlining? :o ), I'm confident there will be one/some.

About the new SYL record, I agree there's no use complaining/bitching about it already. We haven't heard a single note, yet. As far as I know, all that's been announced is that it's going to be 'different'. That doesn't mean a thing, all SYL albums are different from their predecessors.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining or accusing or anything. I think those are just observations.

#115865 by gozu
Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:51 am
syl will get to a lot of new audiences on the ozzfest second stage, which is nice

#115866 by mo
Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:54 am
Yeah I may not be the ozzfest organiser's biggest fans its good to see a band that can do the festival justice. Its a good way to save some non believers too.

#115887 by Chris
Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:59 am
Biert wrote:...some very well put observations!


#115914 by bloodredcurls
Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:14 pm

#115918 by *lebowski*
Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:17 pm
Tracy wrote:Possibly, but who is going to front the approximately $40,000 it would take to do that and risk not being repaid for their efforts? Find such a promoter and the tour would likely happen, given the right timing.

You guys also complain constantly about the lack of touring here, there and everywhere. From my perspective, Devin is home only a few months a year. Touring is part of the job but the operative word is "part", not all.

Frankly, all I see on this forum lately is negativity and it is getting quite tedious. Between people bitching about Ozzfest (likely the biggest opportunity Devin has had since Vai, regardless of your opinion of the Osbournes), speculating stupidly about how much the new SYL will suck when no one has a clue what it will sound like, and how you want constant touring and if he's not touring, to be recording but not recording the wrong thing - what you all decide is right. Seriously people...

well my gripe was with Roadrunner, not Dev and the crew. i wouldn't disrespect the man who changed the meaning of music for me forever. *fanboi moment*

#116490 by tempe
Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:14 am
I think a lot of fans in the world everywhere need to realise that 99% of the time it is the promoters not the bands fault that band x wont tour country y. I mean look at dream theater, who in 20 years have hardly made it into the southern hemisphere!

I guess my point is be thankfull for what you get, at least us aussies got SYL even i was a little to young (14 :p)

#117043 by black_tooth_grin
Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:24 pm
tempe wrote:I think a lot of fans in the world everywhere need to realise that 99% of the time it is the promoters not the bands fault that band x wont tour country y. I mean look at dream theater, who in 20 years have hardly made it into the southern hemisphere!

I guess my point is be thankfull for what you get, at least us aussies got SYL even i was a little to young (14 :p)

You have a good point dude, but that's no reason to sit on your behind and complain why the bands wont come down...If we want the bands down here so much, us the fans should be pestering promoters, media and sponsers to get the bands that we love so much down here. I've tried endless times to get such bands as Iron Maiden, Helloween, Blind Guardian and Nevermore down here, If we keep at the promoters they will finally realise that they have potential to bring in major crowds.

A good example would be to have all the aussie fans and even some of the international fans to write to Micheal Chugg or another well known promoter and see what we can come up with.

It's worked before in the past, and im sure it will work again.

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