risemoonlapsevertigo wrote:Fucking Amen to you Tracy. On so many levels. This is a great place to get information being a somewhat fanatic type of person (maybe that's an understatement), but I am reserved enough to be very disappointed in the shit attitudes of some of the others here. I am not ashamed to say that this is why I hardly ever post on the boards. It has to be hard being the wife of the man who is being ridiculed by some of his supposedly biggest fans!@#$? Screw that. Stab a friend in the front if you're going to do it at all, you know? I am glad to hear you say something this realistic to these people. But I also very much agree with Tony P. I've been in contact with some truly awesome people from this one and the SYL board, and have even made friends (and great contacts) with a few of them. There is great support here for Dev and all of the guys too, and even for each other. That is what I do like about this community. I just hope that the true ones remain visible to all of us who really do give a shit about the music and the people unconditionally. Again, thank you for your words. I know now that I'm not the only one noticing these things...
Thanks, but I do also want to clarify that I don't expect, or want, ass-kissing all the time. It's fine to have opinions but on things that are reasonable and that you actually have knowledge of. Dictating on Devin's career isn't cool.