So there he is, our hero. Sitting on the sofa, Devy sips a snifter of battery acid cut with a few drops of water to keep his voice clean, quietly pondering what next to unleash upon the world.
He curls his lip and flares a nostril, then plunges a finger deep into his sinus in a dual attempt to stimulate his frontal lobe and to retrieve a rogue booger. He quickly retrieves his finger as Tracy rounds the corner, and plays it cool as she joins him on the sofa, "Hey babe, you still like heavy metal?"
"Not right now Devin, I have a headache." Tracy says, drawing a stray lock of hair behind her ear with an apologetic smile.
"Hrmph." Our hero slumps further into the cushion, draws a little more from the snifter and clears his throat, "so what do you think we should do next?"
"I think we should consult the internet."
"Good idea."
So that's where we come in ladies and gentlemen.
Tell us all what your fantastic ideas are for Devy's next project!
Here's my contribution:
A Very Devy Christmas I would love to hear sarcasm like Punky Bruster aimed at the whole Christmas thing. Not sure how far that could go, but as a spare-time thing it would be hilarious to hear a dimented distorted devilish very devy Christmas album
Alchemist In the spirit of the DTB naming scheme, and the theme... completely stripped Devy. Invite Gene over and have him beat on the kitchen table, Devy on an acoustic, sitar, lyre, with arabic & african style rhythms and a "Civilization coming of age" theme ... plague, discovery, war, etc...
He curls his lip and flares a nostril, then plunges a finger deep into his sinus in a dual attempt to stimulate his frontal lobe and to retrieve a rogue booger. He quickly retrieves his finger as Tracy rounds the corner, and plays it cool as she joins him on the sofa, "Hey babe, you still like heavy metal?"
"Not right now Devin, I have a headache." Tracy says, drawing a stray lock of hair behind her ear with an apologetic smile.
"Hrmph." Our hero slumps further into the cushion, draws a little more from the snifter and clears his throat, "so what do you think we should do next?"
"I think we should consult the internet."
"Good idea."
So that's where we come in ladies and gentlemen.
Tell us all what your fantastic ideas are for Devy's next project!
Here's my contribution:
A Very Devy Christmas I would love to hear sarcasm like Punky Bruster aimed at the whole Christmas thing. Not sure how far that could go, but as a spare-time thing it would be hilarious to hear a dimented distorted devilish very devy Christmas album
Alchemist In the spirit of the DTB naming scheme, and the theme... completely stripped Devy. Invite Gene over and have him beat on the kitchen table, Devy on an acoustic, sitar, lyre, with arabic & african style rhythms and a "Civilization coming of age" theme ... plague, discovery, war, etc...