Atlantisian wrote:Ive never really liked the covers, dont find them too special, especially not Biomech, its quite ugly... They are no Iron Maiden or Everon quality ones thats for sure, but that doesnt really matter after all since the music well make up for it.
they fit the music quite well. and I think that Iced Earth has better album art than Iron Maiden. I do kind of agree with you, Devin's album art isnt spectacular, but it isnt bad either. Its the way they fit the music that is so cool. Every cover fits every cds souns so accuratly.
My favorite is Accelerated Evolution. The thing makes me smile whenever i look at it, and the fact that i have it signed by Devin is cool too.
Looking at it, i like Devlab's cover too. It is just a hand, but a creepy hand amd it captures the wierdness of Devlab so well.
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