The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#99075 by batmura
Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:19 pm
I was curious if he digs the ultra layered production of Radiohead's album OK Computer onwards. Considering the work on OK Computer and Kid A, I wouldn't surprised if Devin was inspired by some of it while recording Terria.

Then again, I seem to liken Ulver's Blood Inside to Terria as well, production-wise, so what do I know?


#99142 by Sypholin
Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:47 pm
I dunno if Dev is... but I am!! :twisted:

I haven't listened to them in a couple of months, though... but I still remember the awesomeness of Pyramid Song (beautiful beyond words), Street Spirit (Fade Out), Optimistic, Paranoid Android, Packt like sardines...

One of the best bands I've ever heard, for sure... 8)

#99145 by Tracy
Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:09 pm
Yes, very much so. Just the other day I said "I don't know why U2 is called the best band in the world."

He said "Neither do I. Radiohead maybe, but not U2."

#99150 by Eyesore
Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:31 pm
Radiohead > U2

#99168 by Catatonik
Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:03 am
I admit I never got into Radiohead myself.


But I agree that Radiohead owns on U2.

#99171 by VampireDaveGrohl
Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:18 am
I took a long time to come round to them. I'm still not a huge fan of OK Computer, but i love All Hail The Thief and Amnesiac. The Bends is pretty rocking too.

#99211 by Eyesore
Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:28 am
VampireDaveGrohl wrote:I took a long time to come round to them. I'm still not a huge fan of OK Computer, but i love All Hail The Thief and Amnesiac. The Bends is pretty rocking too.

I don't like Pablo Honey.

#99216 by BlueRaja
Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:41 am
Eyesore wrote:
VampireDaveGrohl wrote:I took a long time to come round to them. I'm still not a huge fan of OK Computer, but i love All Hail The Thief and Amnesiac. The Bends is pretty rocking too.

I don't like Pablo Honey.

That was the only one I ever had and I traded it in. I got it for free as a promo copy when I was working in a music store. I guess I've never really heard anything from them.

On the other hand, U2's Achtung Baby and The Joshua Tree are a couple of my favorite albums.

#99225 by batmura
Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:04 pm
Tracy wrote:Yes, very much so. Just the other day I said "I don't know why U2 is called the best band in the world."

He said "Neither do I. Radiohead maybe, but not U2."

Hey Tracy! Thanks for your post. So did you say "yes" meaning Devin likes Radiohead or he was to some extent inspired by them while recording Terria.

Layer upon layer... Radiohead is intense. :)

#99227 by EternalMetal
Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:17 pm
I think yes as in he likes them. Inspiration comes through a likeness in music, so he may have been influenced by them a little bit.

Now Devin should listen to more Porcupine Tree. I heard he liked In Absentia, but Wilson is a lot like Devin as a musical artist, and they deserve to listen to each others music. Devin follows more of a metal path and has a more abstract mind, but they are both extremely talented at stream of consciousness songwriting.

Cant comment on Radiohead, heard one song and wasnt really impressed. But I could give them another chance, all the hype has to be about something. Or maybe it doesnt.

#99229 by Eyesore
Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:20 pm
BlueRaja wrote:
Eyesore wrote:
VampireDaveGrohl wrote:I took a long time to come round to them. I'm still not a huge fan of OK Computer, but i love All Hail The Thief and Amnesiac. The Bends is pretty rocking too.

I don't like Pablo Honey.

That was the only one I ever had and I traded it in. I got it for free as a promo copy when I was working in a music store. I guess I've never really heard anything from them.

On the other hand, U2's Achtung Baby and The Joshua Tree are a couple of my favorite albums.

Pablo Honey is more grungy, alt-rock, I guess. Everything after is 100 times better, more experimental and weird. Definitely worth checking out.

#99236 by Biert
Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:18 pm
I fucking hate U2. My little brother listens to absolutely nothing but U2 and REM, so I've heard aaaaaaall their songs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many times and I'm totally sick of it.
I was really happy when they put out a new record, finally some new songs. Only, after a week I had heard those songs just as much as the rest, and I was sick of it again.

#99267 by Noodles
Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:36 pm
I used to like Radiohead, but then like everyone in my family fell in love with them so now I've heard all of their albums like 20 000 times so it's kinda like elevator music to me.

#99277 by gurp13
Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:49 pm
VampireDaveGrohl wrote:I took a long time to come round to them. I'm still not a huge fan of OK Computer, but i love All Hail The Thief and Amnesiac. The Bends is pretty rocking too.

I like Ok Computer more or less. But, I think Kid A and Amnesiac are much better. Haven't heard anything else. Should check out Hail to the Thief, though. I guess.

Or, I could just fuck off.

#99288 by Eyesore
Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:14 am
Biert wrote:I fucking hate U2. My little brother listens to absolutely nothing but U2 and REM, so I've heard aaaaaaall their songs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many times and I'm totally sick of it.
I was really happy when they put out a new record, finally some new songs. Only, after a week I had heard those songs just as much as the rest, and I was sick of it again.

Their "Vertigo" song ripped off the Therapy? song "Sister" SO BAD it's not even funny!! Listen for yourself (click the sample links on the Amazon page):


It's so blatant it's not even funny!! And both bands are Irish so I can't come to any other conclusion besides U2 ripped off Therapy? BAD! :evil:

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