...I´m begging you Dev. The song on the ass-sordid demos "ocean machines". PLLEEEAAASSEEE...redo that one on some of your upcoming DTB albums. It´s gotta be one of the best tracks ever, the vocal lines on the 1st verse are some of the best in metal - that´s all i´m saying.
Everyone who hasn´t heard that one, get a hold of it now. That is TRULY amazing song that would fit to DTB album perfectly. The biomech album is propably one of my most played albums of all time.
Everyone who hasn´t heard that one, get a hold of it now. That is TRULY amazing song that would fit to DTB album perfectly. The biomech album is propably one of my most played albums of all time.
It´s not the DRESS that makes you look fat...It´s the FAT that makes you look fat.