The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#96749 by Socialenemy69
Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:31 pm
Ha I have been saying there would be an OPETH/DTB US tour for months now.
#96752 by Drumdude13
Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:11 pm
IronMaiden736 wrote:I got one!!!!!!!

and in the newsletter that came with it, it said:

"Possible Februrary DTB tour of the USA with Opeth"


I think I just died and went to heaven

Trust me....we are praying for this tour to go thru !!!!! It would be the ultimate !!! I've known about this for about a month now and had to keep quiet about it. I'm so glad "the cat's out of the bag" now.

Again, I really hope this tour goes's looking pretty good I guess, if it was mentioned in the new newsletter !

Anyways, hope you dig the X-Mas Card as well ! Have a good one bro...

All the best,


#96761 by gurp13
Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:47 pm
Got mine! Oh, and go ahead and sign me up for that tour, too. Well, one date anyway. Somewhere near Los Angeles or the Inland Empire, please. Thank you. :-)

#96770 by psychotic
Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:09 am
Got my holiday card as well today. As for that DTB/Opeth tour....I'd be there in a second.

#96774 by Atari
Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:27 am
Wow....that show would slay.

#96793 by niklang
Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:28 am
Looks like Dev might get his wish of having the bigger bands 'take' the DTB on tour.
I hope that goes ahead, DTB should get some good exposure with Opeth blowing up like they are!
#96831 by Burzum
Tue Nov 29, 2005 3:08 pm
Drumdude13 wrote:
IronMaiden736 wrote:I got one!!!!!!!

and in the newsletter that came with it, it said:

"Possible Februrary DTB tour of the USA with Opeth"


I think I just died and went to heaven

Trust me....we are praying for this tour to go thru !!!!! It would be the ultimate !!! I've known about this for about a month now and had to keep quiet about it. I'm so glad "the cat's out of the bag" now.

Again, I really hope this tour goes's looking pretty good I guess, if it was mentioned in the new newsletter !

Anyways, hope you dig the X-Mas Card as well ! Have a good one bro...

All the best,


By the way drumdude, if Dev tours Oz early next year as has been mooted, will it be SYL or DTB?

I've seen SYL twice now (which was great) but I'm fairly sure I'd have an instant orgasm if I finally witnessed the grandeur of DTB ... :shock:

#96844 by DevonH
Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:09 pm
How do you get sent a Christmas card? When you buy something from the HDR shop?

#96854 by Noodles
Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:58 pm
If that comes to vancouver or victoria i WILL kill to get in

i also got a christmas card, made me want to order a synchestra t-shirt even more than i already do but my parents credit card is full right now, so is my girlfriend's... and i don't have my own

#96860 by VelvetKevorkian429
Tue Nov 29, 2005 11:44 pm
I'm really hoping this tour happens. I'm definately gonna go to it if it's true

by the way. were the Christmas cards actually signed by Devin? it looks like his signiture and it looks pretty real too. or is it just copied?..
#96861 by Drumdude13
Tue Nov 29, 2005 11:50 pm
Burzum wrote:By the way drumdude, if Dev tours Oz early next year as has been mooted, will it be SYL or DTB?

I've seen SYL twice now (which was great) but I'm fairly sure I'd have an instant orgasm if I finally witnessed the grandeur of DTB ... :shock:

The only thing I've heard of so far for touring.... is the Opeth tour starting in late Feb. 2006. So if rumours are brewing about Devin touring Oz land in early 2006, it is probably SYL not us. Although, I would love to hit Australia very soon.... we'll get there, I'm very sure of that ! When we do...... we will kick your ass in a beautiful, musical DTB way :twisted:

#96862 by King Fear
Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:05 am
Got one, too!

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