The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#93311 by djskrimp
Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:23 pm
It's about to get long-winded up in this biatch:

Sex and Religion: I was transitioning from being a teenager to a young adult, and this was my first step away from guitar histrionics (Shut up, I know it's a Vai album...small steps, people, small steps) to songs of substance and meaning. It made me feel like music could really AFFECT you...and Dev's voice was like listening to God speak.

HAARHT: Metal + Humor? GTFO! Besides Scatterbrain and GWAR, I hadn't heard this level of musicianship and humor put into songs, and the fact that if I didn't read the subtext and just went with the "anger" on the surface was a great release. Nothing gets out the rage like screaming along with "SYL"

City: Heavy music can have the power to open your eyes to the world around you, and in you. Besides King's X, this album brough outl a full gamut of emotions in me: Anger, sadness, hope and joy.

Infinity: What can I say that hasn't already been said? Whatever fueled this album awakened a genius, and I stand in awe still today. I felt overhwhelmed when I first heard this album, and still do.

Ocean Machine: This is the album I turn to when I want to revel in my dwindling hope for mankind. Hope, humility and humanity in its best and purest form are represented in this album, and I consider myself a lucky human to have heard it. Lovely album; tied with "City" for my favorite.

SYL: Anger, as seen through the eyes of an adult who has seen the evil that people do to each other up close. Being in the military, I can feel the utter amazement at how easily we humans can, and do, try to destroy each other.

Terria: Hope and a wistful sort of nationalism. I wish more people looked at their home country this way. Not the brainless, "My country is better than yours", but the is where I live. I see this beauty every day, and I am so lucky to be here. Like, visiting home after being gone a long time and remembering only the good times. Oh, and "Mountain" kicks an amazing amount of tail.

AE: Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Great to lie back and listen to with headphones, and just as good at work to make the day a little better.

Alien: If this doesn't capture my current mental state, nothing else will. Dev & Co. hit the nail on the head on this one. Brilliant and makes me salivate for "The Hummer" and the next DTB album.

Too much to read? Sorry, I'm in a texting sort of mood.

#94112 by Dissentient
Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:52 am
Ocean Machine- I was really really stoned the first time i had listened to the album as a whole...and i remember that cd putting me in such a great mood. (along with the weed of course). But tracks like bastard, and thing beyong things are so powerful...

Infinity- This is the dev album that i heard first, and took me the longest to get into. This album doesnt really speak to me on a personal level...but its fucking awesome, just listening to it and imagining how fucked up it must have been to record this record...

Physicist- I'll always consider this the missing SYL album

Terria- Terria has a very amazing feeling to the whole record... The album is like if you had died and were just floating aimlessly in this dank grassy void... (void included with grass...) But i think the songs that i can relate to the most would be Deep peace, Nobody's here, and tiny tears....The middle part in tiny tears is so epic...

AE- this was the first album i bought by devin...all the other albums followed because this blew me away...since i have always been just into black, and death metal...listening to this totally changed alot of things... i have my own death metal band "dissentient"
and occasionally i like to write in those little devin style know something repetative and stoner... Storm, Deadhead, Suicide, and Away are the best...

#94130 by Verdo
Fri Nov 04, 2005 2:15 pm
I remember a summer in the mountains. I was alone, free, and Terria is the soundtrack of the most peaceful period of my life. I'll never forget the feelings of peace and freedom I felt this year. It was the happiest man alive.

Terria reminds me this time whenever I listen to it. But now there's a feeling of nostalgia that adds to the original feelings...

Whenever I'm down I just have to listen to this cd to feel courage and hope fill my heart...

Dev's music helped me in dangerous times of my life: Younger I used to say: "Nahh I just can't suicide now...The new Devin record's gonna be released in a few months...I'll wait for it then I'll kill myself..." ;)

I'm still waiting for Synchestra then we'll see ;)

#94141 by FUBAR
Sat Nov 05, 2005 4:31 am
Wow, this is getting deep...

Listening to Devs music is just the most pure, cathartic, fulfilling and beautiful musical experience. His music fills me with energy, hope and makes me want to live my life to the fullest (cheesy, I know)

#94236 by Chris
Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:01 am
FUBAR wrote:His music fills me with energy, hope and makes me want to live my life to the fullest (cheesy, I know)

It might sound cheesy at first, but it truly isn't. Doesn't everyone want to live his/ her life to the fullest, no matter what this means in each single case? And who doesn't appreciate it when he finds something amazing that encourages him to actually try to realize this aim?

Anyway, this thread turns out really interesting.

#94259 by fragility
Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:23 pm
It is a little cheesy, but I know what you mean..nothign else touches me on an emotional level in the same way...and hope really is the best way to describe it...when I'm down, I'm always a "wallow in self pity" type music listener...apart from Devin..and it makes me feel that sadness...and yet has this positive hopefullness to it..meh, I don't know

#94302 by Blazingmonga
Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:14 am
fragility wrote:it makes me feel that sadness...and yet has this positive hopefullness to it..meh, I don't know

I do know. I know exactly what you mean.

Infact, I would say it is pretty miraculous that when we are feeling at our lowest we can still listen to a song, and that song alone will take us to a different place. A better place. The music isn't the answer, but it sustains us all the same. That is the power and the beauty of music, and when it matters most.

Thoughtful and interesting posts everyone, good stuff.

#94319 by funny_little_guy
Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:50 am
How has DTB affected my life? You know I'm not acually sure, from the first moment I heard a Devin song I've listened to at least one pretty much everyday, somedays I've listened to almost every Dev album there is in that one day. I've probally listened to Terria over 200 times, I usally put it on before going to sleep. It's such a constant stream that it almost keeps me who I am. If I stopped I think I'd probally be a different person. I've grown up around it (Just turned 18) so it's probally helped shape me, but I can really tell cuz the music has kinda become part of who I am. IT's not like this with any other band, every other band fades away for me, I like most bands in stages (Still in a Pink Floyd stage right now), but the Dev has always been there, no matter what I'm into Dev is right there along side it.

#94343 by Noodles
Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:04 am
Blazingmonga wrote:
fragility wrote:it makes me feel that sadness...and yet has this positive hopefullness to it..meh, I don't know

I do know. I know exactly what you mean.

Infact, I would say it is pretty miraculous that when we are feeling at our lowest we can still listen to a song, and that song alone will take us to a different place. A better place. The music isn't the answer, but it sustains us all the same. That is the power and the beauty of music, and when it matters most.

Thoughtful and interesting posts everyone, good stuff.
I completely agree, I can listen to Terria and my mood changes practically on a dime. It's like some sort of magical thing that changes me from bad mood, to distracted by music, and then when it ends I'm happy!!

And maybe Devin will inspire me to be a singer since I always try to sing along to his music :?

#94345 by Biert
Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:27 am
Blazingmonga wrote:
fragility wrote:it makes me feel that sadness...and yet has this positive hopefullness to it..meh, I don't know

I do know. I know exactly what you mean.

Infact, I would say it is pretty miraculous that when we are feeling at our lowest we can still listen to a song, and that song alone will take us to a different place. A better place. The music isn't the answer, but it sustains us all the same. That is the power and the beauty of music, and when it matters most.

Thoughtful and interesting posts everyone, good stuff.

I get your point man, I know what you are talking about.

A while ago, when I was really having a bad time (I'm having a bad time for months already, but at that particular moment it was even worse due to circumstances) and I was feeling very sad.
When I was laying in bed at night, unable to sleep, I listened to Terria, with the lyrics and stuff. It was the first time I really gave it a good listen, that I paid attention to it.
And I can't say it made me happy, but I certainly found comfort in it. I don't know what it was but I felt differfent afterwards. A very special feeling, and the album is still very special to me.

#94437 by Greg Reason
Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:55 am
Well without saying too much I had a Holy Experience last night while listening to Infinity...

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