The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#94050 by Atari
Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:10 pm
post again please.

#94101 by FlatHead
Fri Nov 04, 2005 9:04 am
Goddammit! Please post again, I'll host it somewhere so it lasts longer than 25 downloads before disappearing again if you like.

#94278 by Wommis
Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:14 pm
hey, i'm new here, obviously.

i want to thank you for this excellent cover. I want very badly to make a 4 part men's arrangement of Canada, it just has some really spectacular harmonies in it, as you have probably observed.

it's seriously fantastic. devin would be proud, i'm sure.

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