The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#91660 by ZolZtiZz
Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:20 am
Thanx Noodles...
Didn't I write not to laugh at my english? :D

#91668 by Goat
Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:15 am

#92024 by bad_devil
Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:41 am
ZolZtiZz wrote:Thanx Noodles...
Didn't I write not to laugh at my english? :D

Great interview. I was expecting Earth Day to be Dev's favorite too, but I guess not!

LOL. My birthday is august 27th too :lol:

Zolztizz, d'aprés moi, nous sommes les seuls francophone ici?

#92065 by ZolZtiZz
Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:00 am
Ptdlol bad_devil. T'as raison! Du moins sur ce topic là! (Glad to read some french words in this topic). Thanx for the compliments! :wink:

#92092 by ZolZtiZz
Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:19 pm
==>Noodles : Don't worry, the fact of "speaking good french" is not a proof of superiority... I believe that when you're able to write on this forum, and be understood, means you're on the right way... By the way, did you manage to DL the DTB interview? Was I right about the unprepared stuff?

#92117 by chrisslight
Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:50 pm
Very very good stuff :). Thanks alot for posting thoes up for us! Very much appreciated bro, I owe you a drink.

#92198 by ZolZtiZz
Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:00 am
Thanx chrisslight. A pint of Kilkenny would be allright, then!;)

#92199 by Blazingmonga
Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:06 am
Awesome interviews!

I'd like to hear another one like this for the release of Synchestra, that would rule.

#92220 by ZolZtiZz
Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:45 am
Blazing, the problem is I'm no longer working in this radio station. I will perhap's make a new program on the Net though. Podcasting stuff or so. If that happens, maybe I'll ask the Dev' to give me this favour?
Anyway, I'm sure that many others made radio phoners with Devin. Perhap's much more interesting than the ones I made.

#92223 by Noodles
Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:06 pm
ZolZtiZz wrote:Blazing, the problem is I'm no longer working in this radio station. I will perhap's make a new program on the Net though. Podcasting stuff or so. If that happens, maybe I'll ask the Dev' to give me this favour?
Anyway, I'm sure that many others made radio phoners with Devin. Perhap's much more interesting than the ones I made.
just tell him you are


#92284 by ZolZtiZz
Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:17 am
Y'ou're right Noodles, but I know Devin reads and answers on this forum, so... He might as well know, now!:)

#92285 by Atari
Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:25 am
Oh snap.

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