The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#91793 by Jasta
Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:31 pm
thanks gents:

Porcupine Tree
Pain Of Salvation
and I'll give Deadsoul Tribe a listen, too.

#91800 by Das Schuetzenfest
Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:06 am
Nothing like Devin Townsend's music exactly,

but what about:

Pink Floyd (Dark Side of the Moon)
Opeth (especially Damnation and Ghost Reveries)
A Perfect Circle (Mer De Noms)
Voivod (Nothingface)
Anathema (A Fine Day To Exit)
The Gathering (Mandylion; Nighttime Birds)
Tiamat (Wildhoney)
Waltari (So Fine!) :mrgreen:
Faith No More (Angel Dust; King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime; Album Of The Year)
Killing Joke (S/T 2003; Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions; Brighter Than A Thousand Suns)
The Sisters Of Mercy (Floodland)
New Model Army (Thunder And Consolation)
Soundgarden (Louder Than Love)
Alice In Chains (Dirt)
Apocalyptica (Cult; Reflections)
Marillion (Misplaced Childhood)
OSI (Office Of Strategic Influence)

#91830 by Burzum
Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:12 pm
artfag wrote:There is very little, if anything, that actually sounds like Devin Townsend.

This is a little left field, but the other night I threw in Silverchair's latest CD, "Diorama", for the first time in over two years. I enjoyed it a lot more then I thought I would. It doesn't sound like DTB really, but they both use more progressive music construction and lyrically i think they're closely related.

Lyrically? Daniel Johns is the worst lyricist of all time. I despise silverchair, I really do. Over-hyped and over-rated. They have nothing - repeat NOTHING - on the Dev.

Porcupine Tree are very good, yes, but I agree they're very different to DTB. The key to Dev is atmosphere.

#91836 by Spinalcold
Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:24 pm
I wouldn't compate Porcupine Tree to DTB, not heavy enough, and they're much more centered on melody and less about the emotion behind them. Their last stuff was good, but I picked up an old CD of theirs and didn't enjoy it much, it was just uninspiring and bland.

I love Silverchair actually, I also think Daniel Johns is a great lyricist and I like the way his music has grown. From unorigional Frogstomp to one of the most emotional albums Neon Ballroom. Diorama I personally didn't enjoy, but I respect his talent for writting it, it's origional and on the outside of mainstream music, he seems to be writting more like a classical composer now.

As for bands that sound like DTB, I can't think of any that sound like that, because he changes his style from album to album and each is as amazing as the last. The only artist I would compare him to is Dave Grohl, every Foo Fighter album has a distinct flavor. He can play heavy or soft, epic or catchy, silly or serious. The music isn't that comparable, but the versatility and emotions behind are very comparable.

#91878 by Blazingmonga
Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:24 am
Another band I just thought of is Dredg. Their 2nd release 'El Cielo' is like a cousin to Terria. Where Terria is green and organic, El Cielo is a dusty and barren counterpoint. Both have similar use of atmosphere and theme(particularly the little interludes and details).

The new Dredg album 'Catch Without Arms' is also stunning, though more set in the style of catchy hard rock than the sleep paralysis-based psychedelia of El Cielo.

Last edited by Blazingmonga on Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

#92026 by mazbi
Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:49 am
Noodles wrote:The production on Disillusion's album sort of reminds me of Devin just because it sounds so huge.

Thanks. I was once playing in a band called Disillusion. Yes, I know you meant the other Disillusion, but thanks anyway :D

I don't know if there's anything similar to Devin, but Ayreon's Human Equation could be worth checking out.

#92087 by Noodles
Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:37 pm
mazbi wrote:
Noodles wrote:The production on Disillusion's album sort of reminds me of Devin just because it sounds so huge.

Thanks. I was once playing in a band called Disillusion. Yes, I know you meant the other Disillusion, but thanks anyway :D

I don't know if there's anything similar to Devin, but Ayreon's Human Equation could be worth checking out.
lol ^^

Ayreon's album is similar to Devin's stuff in that it is awesome!

Also Soilwork's Figure Number Five has some Devinish production/synths in it (ironically more than the album of theirs that Devin actually produced)

#92188 by Das Schuetzenfest
Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:32 am
Noodles wrote:Also Soilwork's Figure Number Five has some Devinish production/synths in it (ironically more than the album of theirs that Devin actually produced)

...and Darkane's "Insanity" comes to mind.

#92224 by Noodles
Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:07 pm
Oooh OOh I got another one, Zero Hour's The Towers of Avarice just because it's so awesomely dark and the vocalist is a little crazy

i haven't heard any Darkane except their new album ^^

#92249 by Kristopher
Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:26 pm
okay Im gonna plug one of my loocal favourites.

They are not like DTB or like SYL, but what is??
But they are big fans of Devin, and supported SYL in Perth in '03

The are KARNIVOOL and well worth checkin out, they fuckin rock.

#92454 by mazbi
Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:51 am
Noodles wrote:Also Soilwork's Figure Number Five has some Devinish production/synths in it (ironically more than the album of theirs that Devin actually produced)

Really? I didn't know, I should because I'm huge fan of Soilwork. At least Devin has produced Soilwork's Natural Born Chaos album, which is in my opinion the best Soilwork's album.

#92458 by EphelDuath666
Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:23 am
quite a few PT whores on here :D I agree, they might not sound like DTB but Steven Wilson as an artist is not too dissimilar to Dev. So I would give them a try. Some of the mellow Hypocrisy stuff sometimes reminds me of Devy, just slightly though. DTB is unique so anything that sounds too similar would just be a copy anyways.

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