The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#89862 by psychotic
Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:34 pm
Gives me great music that I can always enjoy listening to, and a great variety of it as well.

#89864 by Burzum
Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:50 pm
hehe Bad Devil, maybe Tiny Tears might be more appropriate for a newborn

#89899 by bad_devil
Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:26 am
Hmmmmm... those would be sweet.

#90738 by ZolZtiZz
Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:26 pm
Ocean Machine was quite helpfull to me when I was shepperd in the Pyrenees for 2 summers. It was quite a hard work. I remember listening to "Regulator" at the top of a mountain, eyes closed, in Christ position, feeling the cold wind penetrating my sweaty clothes. I really felt free at this time. I felt as if I was part of the universe. Thanx for this, Dev'! :wink:
Last edited by ZolZtiZz on Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

#90825 by ZolZtiZz
Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:33 am
Don't you dare laughing Coma Divine!!! :D

#90850 by BlueRaja
Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:31 am
ZolZtiZz wrote:Don't you dare laughing Coma Divine!!! :D

Nah, I think he's serious. Sounds like a wonderful experience.

Unless he's just jealous about the sweaty clothes bit. Image

#90923 by bad_devil
Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:13 am
unless he was in a wet t-shirt contest at the top of the mountain, none of you should be jizzing over this!

#92201 by yseyo
Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:26 am
DTB (and all the Devin related stuff released before for that matter) has entirely changed my life. One of the most extraordinary consequence of it is that I've spent a year of my life in Vancouver. I didn't get the chance to meet the Dev though, but I'll be back!
Like clouds that shape themselves and go...
I can't wait to hear Synchestra. It's just as important to me as my mom's birthday. It helps me through this shit im going through.
There's no more feeling low!
yeah, you put it perfectly man: Devy's music has become the soundtrack of all DTB fans.

#92253 by black_tooth_grin
Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:48 pm
All of Devin's stuff helped me through high school, I could only work with his music playing in the backgorund...I have proof, just look at my grades... :P

I only seem to work really well with music playing, it just invigerates me to work, most of the drawings and paintings I do now are with help from music in one way or another. 8)

#92273 by Noodles
Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:01 pm
Im A Strapping Young Lad wrote:All of Devin's stuff helped me through high school, I could only work with his music playing in the backgorund...I have proof, just look at my grades... :P

I only seem to work really well with music playing, it just invigerates me to work, most of the drawings and paintings I do now are with help from music in one way or another. 8)
i ahve the same thing, except my teachers dont believe me that i listen to them more when i have my headphones on :(

#93081 by [brett]
Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:57 am
When I listen to DTB and SYL, I just get lost in the music. When I hear DTB more so, I feel so inspired to write my own material. I only have to listen to 1 song, and generally I go straight for my guitar. A lot of devin songs does have a good time to be played though. For example, a lot of Ocean Machine I could easily play any time it rains. Or when it's dark. Or both...the atmosphere is just so right for it then. But in general I listen to the music because it motives me so much. Phisicist is a great album for me when I'm working in college. Such an uplifting album. I could play that anywhere though, I feel like, umm, not sure how to explain it really. I guess I could say it makes me feel really "alive" as I've said before, but the feeling is much more than that.

Even though every album has it's own feeling. They all give me the same feeling in a slightly different way.

When I think about it now, it would be hard to go a day without listening to any DTB or SYL. So it does do something for me I guess. It's far more than just entertainment to me though. To me it's about the feelings I get from the albums, I just have to keep going back to them.

I like many bands, but no other can have the same effect on me as DTB and SYL.

#93082 by A_Stranger
Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:02 am
Nobodys here helped me deal with a lot of shit before. I used to put it on just to calm myself whenever life got too rough before i went to college.

#93173 by a_random_person
Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:48 pm
I'm still never going to forget just how uplifting and altering "Infinity" was when I bought it on a field-trip vacation with my old high school class. I had spent about a year putting it off until the chance presented itself right smack in front of me. I didn't get to hear Infinity until the next morning when we all headed on out towards the slopes. It was about an hour of driving. The whole trip for me was spent in nothing but utter awe. It must've been around maybe 8 AM or so. I tell you, as far as music goes, no one has quite left an impression on me the way Devin's music did. I listened to Infinity all day that day. I'm amazed how it survived all the falls I took. War was orgasmic while taking a long, crazy slope. Sigh, good times....but his other records came close. Infinity will always have that impression on me, the impression of just a heavenly yet chaotic mass of white noise.

So yeah, Infinity is also great after spliff in the morning while driving.


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