The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#89667 by bad_devil
Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:57 am
Let's take listening to music for entertainment to another level.

I have been listening to metal for several years now and many bands have come and gone in my cd collection. But the DTB and SYL have remained pretty consistant with my tastes and I find myself more drawn and interested in their music than ever before.

Having said this, do others listen and enjoy music for the sole purpose of entertainment OR, like me, has it helped you through an obstacle in your life?

I'd like to share my personal experience with this. I have been trying to lose weight for about 2 years now and it was only recently (6 months ago) that my motivation really kicked in. With intense training and following better eating habits, I have been able to shed about 40 pounds. However, I should mention that music (DTB and SYL) was very therapeutic for me in the sense that it helped push my beyond the limits I thought myself capable of. Now, I'm confident about my body, I feel much more energized than before and I am doing the best I can to prevent diseases common in my family (heart disease & cancer namely).

So all in all, I send my thanks to Devin and the band for their indirect support even if they've heard this kind of story 100 times before!
Last edited by bad_devil on Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

#89669 by Noodles
Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:01 am
SYL got me through grade 11, i listened to city/alien 2 times a day each basically for the whole year.

and terria always puts me in a good mood...

like i can be in tears and listen to it then be like "yea..."

#89675 by Dunkelheit
Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:19 am
i could say SYL affected it


#89687 by bad_devil
Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:34 am
You can elaborate on your stories you know (if you want)! Hehehe

I just came back from lunch with the company and all I can think of now is, you're gonna get your ass on the stairmaster the minute you hit the gym and you're not getting off of it until you burn off every single calorie ingested!

:lol: women... hahaha...

#89696 by Burzum
Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:14 pm
I think it's more moments that are significant.

I wouldn't say DTB 'changed' my life or anything but it certainly has impacted on me significantly.

When I say moments, I have very specific and fond memories of certain times and people that I associate with various songs/albums.

I've always said I love driving through the city at night time with Bastard playing. Gives me goose bumps. A mate of mine always tells me of this night he was in his office which overlooks the city and there was a huge storm, so he was there with the lights off at midnight watching the lightning flash and Dynamics cranking. He said it was an amazing experience.

I would probbaly say there are a few albums and bands that when I play them take me back to some special times - Alice in Chains, Van Halen and Jane's Addiction all do that for me and of course the Dev.

#89700 by Jack Sparrow
Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:44 pm
My poor dad is on drugs now :D :D :D

#89703 by EphelDuath666
Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:01 pm
Musically I'd say they affected me in a very positive way. You just can't feel bad when you listen to a DTB record (that includes the stuff prior to AE of course). Personally I gotta say that Ryan destroyed my innocence :P

#89705 by Kenshino
Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:12 pm
Stagnant really helped me change who I was.

'Cause you don't know how or where it's gonna go.

I can't count how many times I had no hope at all in something and all it took was that phrase echoed in my head to make me want to go on just a little bit longer.

Such a beautiful uplifting song on an album that is otherwise very depressing or mellancholly. Makes it even more special to have at the end of the album.

Most significant Devy line in my opinion.

I think everyone here could really go in depth about how talented all the guys that make the Devy music are and how that alone inspires them to want to achieve more in either their instruments or life. Gene and RVP make me want to be a better drummer every day.

#89720 by CardDinour
Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:24 pm
im not sure if its changed anything, but its made me feel a lot happier listening to some great music. and always manages to make me feel good when i play one of them :)

#89798 by bad_devil
Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:54 am
I guess I stated it wrong. It shouldn't be ''How has the music changed your life?'' but more along the line of ''How has the music helped you change your life?''

It's so very true for me also. Each time I have DTB blasting in my ears while running or exercising, I get this splurge of positive energy never before experienced.

If ever I give birth to a child one day, this first thing I would want the child to feel is my arms and his dad's arms and secondly, would be the sweet sound of Earth Day. (Corny I know, but it would be one of those moments that would make me smile while I lay dying on my death bed, haha).

#89805 by ALieN
Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:51 am
DTB is really the one type of music that just makes me feel complete.. ya know? It's just amazing how I feel like I can connect with the music.

SYL on the other hand, pumps me the fuck up before soccer games.. and it's got me through times that I'd rather feel angry than sad. I can't listen to sad music when I'm upset.. I need violent and energetic music and thats where SYL came in :D

#89821 by Blazingmonga
Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:02 am
Cool stories dudes (or dudettes....potentially!)

I think the first time I heard all of these albums (Dev/DTB/SYL) was a very special time for me, and I connect each album with a special time in my life. I have mentioned it here before how I went insane listening to Infinity...but I don't think that was because of the music. I think it is more like these albums (my favourite albums) were the perfect soundtrack to what was happening in my life at the time. I suppose in that way they did help me through bad times because they were always there for me. Music cannot let you down.

On the other hand, I am weird enough that I feel that I really do connect well with something quite deep and wonderful that is apparent in this music alone. For example the huge sounds of Spirituality have taken me to another level when watching the starry night sky. I have often found myself in a trance listening to Infinity. Likewise all of Ocean Machine gives me goosebumps when walking through a rainy city.

So in some ways the music has exposed something new to me and on the flipside it has been there for me when I have been tackling my own problems.

More recently and specifically Alien helped me through my (very tough!) final exams at University. Screaming along to that disc on the way to Uni gave me a big boost.

#89825 by bad_devil
Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:30 am
All I have to say is that I have a few friends who like metal and who hang out with me and yet, none of them have ever connected to me in this ''spiritual'' sense like you people have! I wish you all lived in my city so we could hang out and have parties listening to DTB and just being so open and frank with one another.

OMFG, I sound like I could use therapy or something, hahahah.

#89837 by Chris
Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:54 am
bad_devil wrote:If ever I give birth to a child one day, this first thing I would want the child to feel is my arms and his dad's arms and secondly, would be the sweet sound of Earth Day. (Corny I know, but it would be one of those moments that would make me smile while I lay dying on my death bed, haha).

Well, thinking of the "Shut up and think of..." part in Earth Day, I'd say that there are warmer musical welcomes for a child that has just been born. Instead, I'd probably take the next track on Terria :wink:

I don't know if the music really helped me. But during the last years, I often listened to the Dev in both, very good or hard times. I'm too tired (which means lazy) for the long version now, but to cut it short: I guess that Devy's music has become the soundtrack of my life.

#89840 by bad_devil
Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:22 pm
Well, thinking of the "Shut up and think of..." part in Earth Day, I'd say that there are warmer musical welcomes for a child that has just been born. Instead, I'd probably take the next track on Terria :wink:

LOL. I just verified the entire lyrics for that song, and I guess it is a little ''brutal'' for a newborn... :lol: I dunno, I'd rather he/she hear beautiful music than my friends and family yelling in the background because they're so happy and worried. What am I talking about?!?!?! I'm not even married, I'm in my early 20s and I have another 2875673454 years to live before I really need to think about these things!
I don't know if the music really helped me. But during the last years, I often listened to the Dev in both, very good or hard times. I'm too tired (which means lazy) for the long version now, but to cut it short: I guess that Devy's music has become the soundtrack of my life.

You put it perfectly in that last sentence.

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