I've been browing various Devin stuff on the 'net, and i keep coming across reference to a freaky video for Storm, but i can't find it anywhere. Anyone got a link?
Atari wrote:I'm hoping it'll be included on the DVD for Synchestra
It was meant to be on it along with the videos for Life and Christeen, but I don't know if that's still the case since it's "just" gonna be a bonus to Synchestra.
Shouldn't be that much effort, I still expect it to be on the DVD.
i can and i can not
Yeah it was shown once at a Music Video festival and I belive thats it. Last time we asked Tracy about it she said it was out of their control and to ask the record company. The record company said they couldn't just make it avalible for reasons I've long scince forgotton. So unless it's on the DTB dvd I doubt we'll ver see it.
Chris wrote:Atari wrote:I'm hoping it'll be included on the DVD for Synchestra
It was meant to be on it along with the videos for Life and Christeen, but I don't know if that's still the case since it's "just" gonna be a bonus to Synchestra.
Shouldn't be that much effort, I still expect it to be on the DVD.
I didn't know there was a video for Life. Is it available to view anywhere or is it in the same boat with Storm?
Agent 00Shoe wrote:Chris wrote:Atari wrote:I'm hoping it'll be included on the DVD for Synchestra
It was meant to be on it along with the videos for Life and Christeen, but I don't know if that's still the case since it's "just" gonna be a bonus to Synchestra.
Shouldn't be that much effort, I still expect it to be on the DVD.
I didn't know there was a video for Life. Is it available to view anywhere or is it in the same boat with Storm?
The Life video has done the bootleg circuit a few times, though only a small clip has ever really been seen online.

"Mongo only pawn in game of life..."
#87604 by geoff
Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:24 am
Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:24 am
I had this video on Tape, courtesy of a cool Fan from Australia I won't name cos I don't want him or her to be spammed
This video is a very low budget video. If you watched the Christeen video then you have an idea about what the Life video can be. Some cheesy video effects with Devin performing with the guys from the OM line-up ... I watched it a few times and then lost the tape somewhere in my mess here
I am sure it will make surface at one point

This video is a very low budget video. If you watched the Christeen video then you have an idea about what the Life video can be. Some cheesy video effects with Devin performing with the guys from the OM line-up ... I watched it a few times and then lost the tape somewhere in my mess here
I am sure it will make surface at one point
I have it on videotape somewhere in my massive piles of old vids.
Pretty straightforward stuff, though I like the part-knowing/part-inquisitive looks Dev gives to the camera.
Pretty straightforward stuff, though I like the part-knowing/part-inquisitive looks Dev gives to the camera.

Yeah, and I have the Great Average Guitar somewhere around here...and that duet Dev did with Michael Jackson, thats kicking around too....if only I could be bothered to get them....

"Mongo only pawn in game of life..."
Whoa cool, Dev and Michael collaborating together!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

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