The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#85021 by Das Schuetzenfest
Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:50 pm
We can all agree on the fact that Devin's music is not about mass media appeal and commercial success.

BUT I guess we also agree on the fact that Mr. Townsend deserves more recognition. I'd like too see him playing in front of bigger audiences and I'd love to see his concerts to be emphazised by visual effects; as epic as possible! Anybody seen Tiamat on one of their Wildhoney era shows? Or Rammstein? Or Within Temptation? You get the picture...

A couple of months ago and prior the release of "Alien" I read an interview with Jed Simon. He stated that SYL don't tour Germany more extensively because it's not a strong market for them. I was quite surprised because Devin's albums usually get very good reviews in the most popular german metal magazins (Rock Hard and Metal Hammer especially) and I consider Germany to be one of THE strongholds of metal in general.

Contrary to Jed's statement, a couple of weeks ago Devin released an official "thank you" to the german fans for their positive reception of "Alien" (I read it on and announced a couple of german tour dates. But the SYL show I attended in Münster/Breitefeld near Frankfurt afterwards was by far not sold out. So which way is it?

Is it just a matter of sub-optimal marketing of Devy's shows in Germany?

My guess is that despite all the critical acclaim in my country, Devin's music unfortunately is too out in left field for the majority of the german metalheads, who seem to be relatively conservative when it comes to their favourite music. I don't know if Devin's sales figures are improving over time here, though. Any thoughts?

How is the situation in other countries?

Where's money to be made (so let him milk it)?

#85022 by Atari
Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:02 pm
UK reception's been pretty good......

#85024 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:32 pm
CANADA! CANADA! here in the homeland we worship the man.

okay maybe im exaggerating ... just a little.

#85027 by EphelDuath666
Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:10 pm
dude, you were in Münster/Breitefeld too? Man, I've seen crappy local concerts with 14 year old musicians with a bigger audience :lol: Damn, it's not even funny. I found it quite embarressing actually. Maybe it was the location (Hessen's Anus as I call it) or the lack of promotion (there really wasn't much for that concert) but there really were not many people there. And I think Alien DID sell pretty well here in Germany because a Century Media dude that I had contact with told me so. I think one reason might be the lack of festival shows. I mean, we have TONS of Metal fesitvals here. I think Germany is one of the best places on the Globe when it comes to that. But I can't remember when SYL played a festival here the last time. And it IS a fact that bands get MUCH better exposure on festivals. That would definitely help. And I can't imagine that no one's trying to book them. I know that the With Full Force Festival tried to this year. And Germany is definitely no bad market for Metal in general. Dimmu Borgir, Nevermore, Anthrax, found all those in our Album Top 50 and many more. Here where I live for example pretty much every Metalhead that I know personally loves SYL or the DTB. And a buddy of mine sold SYL merch at Wacken and the people there were CRAZY about it, he sold almost everything now. So I really have no idea what went wrong with the concerts here. But maybe I'm totally wrong and the people here are just too stoned for Devy music, or whatever :P

#85145 by Chris
Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:58 am
EphelDuath666 wrote:And Germany is definitely no bad market for Metal in general. Dimmu Borgir, Nevermore, Anthrax, found all those in our Album Top 50 and many more.

I guess that Schuetzenfest (feels strange to tipe that nick in...) was refering to that when he said:

"My guess is that despite all the critical acclaim in my country, Devin's music unfortunately is too out in left field for the majority of the german metalheads, who seem to be relatively conservative when it comes to their favourite music."

I know some guys who are into metal, but SYL is a bit too extreme for them.

But I definitely agree with you on the festivals. I guess almost everyone here is convinced that the quality of Dev's music could easily attract a bigger audience, if just enough people knew about him. Here were already lots of related topics going on, I know, but I can't stress enough that I'd love to see the Dev rock bigger crowds at some festivals over here.

#85156 by EphelDuath666
Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:08 am
hmmm...I don't think that Metalheads are too conservative over here. I mean, DEP is not an easy listening band and there are lotsa people over here who love them. Of course it's always a bit difficult to enter the charts with such music. So I don't really think that Metalheads here are not open enough for that kind of music. And yes, festival shows WOULD help over here. People who liked SYL but were not fans here were I live turned into fans after watching the "For those.." DVD.

#85161 by Chris
Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:18 am
EphelDuath666 wrote:hmmm...I don't think that Metalheads are too conservative over here. I mean, DEP is not an easy listening band and there are lotsa people over here who love them. Of course it's always a bit difficult to enter the charts with such music. So I don't really think that Metalheads here are not open enough for that kind of music. And yes, festival shows WOULD help over here. People who liked SYL but were not fans here were I live turned into fans after watching the "For those.." DVD.

I have some trouble with seeing the metal-fans that general. There are certainly lots of metalheads over here who grew up during the 80s with Slayer, Metallica and others, who still wear their old jeans jackets covered with patches and for the most part stick to metal which is "true"
They are one of the main reasons why some of the bands mentioned above are still so successful here in Germany. Guess my view goes into a different direction, since I tend to divide the "metalheads" more into different groups... Then you have lots of younger guys who get into metal nowadays with metalcore, some years ago it was Nu Metal... Guess I'm saying "Metal is not exactly metal"

But yeah, I agree that there are still bands who have a crazy edge to them and who still get more recognition... But from what I heard so far, Century Media don't really put that much effort into spreading the word of SYL that much.

What was the topic again? Ooh, I remember - Dev certainly is quite big in Japan (pun intended, but true nonetheless)

#85172 by Noodles
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:41 am
I've heard than in a lot of interviews that you need to go somewhere then come back to get people interested.

I think it would be cool if Devin performed with a full orchestra (I mean the Arrogant Worms have done it...)

#85181 by asparagusDuck
Wed Aug 17, 2005 10:41 am
is it just me, or does it seem like so many artists are huge in japan?

#85184 by Atari
Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:00 am
asparagusDuck wrote:is it just me, or does it seem like so many artists are huge in japan?

Stacks of western artists are huge in Japan.....

#85275 by black_tooth_grin
Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:33 am
Coma Divine wrote:HERE, definitely! :D


^^What he said :D

aussie aussie aussie
oi oi oi


#85293 by the_scoon
Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:37 am
thirded :D

#85301 by 21st Century Jesus
Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:55 am
Coma Divine wrote:HERE, definitely! :D


what is that, can I eat that? :)

btw, viewing from Europe, Aussieland is geometrically the ass of the world :)

#85315 by Chris
Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:42 am
21st Century Jesus wrote:btw, viewing from Europe, Aussieland is geometrically the ass of the world :)

Well, the Dev even rocks the world's anus.

How much bigger can you get? 8)

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