The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#81326 by asparagusDuck
Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:58 am
yeah hopefully he'll get back to me before i head off to college. if not he could just email me i guess.

i just hopes he gives it a solid chance. Unlike my bozo friend who heard it once while working on a anatomy project and felt content to dismiss it as nothing more than mediocre crud. :roll:

#81377 by Chris
Sat Jul 02, 2005 6:00 am
asparagusDuck wrote:yeah hopefully he'll get back to me before i head off to college. if not he could just email me i guess.

i just hopes he gives it a solid chance. Unlike my bozo friend who heard it once while working on a anatomy project and felt content to dismiss it as nothing more than mediocre crud. :roll:

MEDIOCRE?! I know - it's music and as such it depends on one's taste if he or she likes or dislikes a certain musician, song, genre or whatever... I might have overread it if you said he didn't get into it or something, but calling Terria "mediocre" makes me shake my head in disbelief.

...but thinking of something as great, mediocre or shitty is finally a very basic form of taste too, so I'll shut up...

Considering that you even bought an original CD for him, your teacher might acknowledge the effort you put in it and give the CD some serious listens (and maybe will e-mail you his impressions).

(Ahem... To be honest, I don't know this Devin Townsend - guy too. What's he like? Heard he makes some nice stuff. Maybe you wanna introduce me to his music by giving me his forthcoming album as a present?)

:roll: ...

#81414 by asparagusDuck
Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:34 pm
Chris wrote:(Ahem... To be honest, I don't know this Devin Townsend - guy too. What's he like? Heard he makes some nice stuff. Maybe you wanna introduce me to his music by giving me his forthcoming album as a present?)

:roll: ...

:lol: nice try

i agree with what you were saying about thinking something is good or bad is just opinion, but claiming that something is mediocre after 1 listen is plain stupid if you ask me. Its not like he said "well just based on that 1 listen, i didnt find it anything more than mediocre." It was more along the lines of "pssh why do you listen to devin townsend. he IS mediocre man."

i mean this is my best friend were talking about here, a guy who introduced me to metal and many other things, so hes not a complete moron. He's just way stubborn and pretty close minded when it comes to music. He only likes something if he discovers it first. Devin Townsend happened to be my discovery (just between us 2), so therefore its bad. Its aggravating! AHH! Especially since when i told my teacher i'd wanna introduce him to DT, my buddy was like "dont listen to it, its total garbage." ah well what can ya do? Sometimes i feel like he makes an effort to dislike stuff that other people enjoy. what a snerd, right?

#81427 by CardDinour
Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:43 pm
asparagusDuck wrote:ah well what can ya do? Sometimes i feel like he makes an effort to dislike stuff that other people enjoy. what a snerd, right?

reminds me of my friends :)

so you havent made a decision what you are going to do about this yet?!

#81428 by asparagusDuck
Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:49 pm
oh yeah, you must have missed my earlier post. I went out and bought Terria :)

now that the issue has been solved the discussion has kinda turned toward other stuff.

#81439 by Chris
Sun Jul 03, 2005 2:34 am
asparagusDuck wrote:that the issue has been solved the discussion has kinda turned toward other stuff.

Yeah. "Why being close minded sucks"

Totally agree with what you said about your friend's attitude, been in contact with that behaviour myself (actually, I used to be quite like that too).

If I would have been too close minded, I certainly wouldn't have given Terria (along with Physicist my first Devy CD) a second, third and fourth rotation in my CD player and I would never have had one of the greatest musical experiences of my life.

Didn't call it mediocre at first anyway. I knew it was everything, just not mediocre. But hearing Terria right after Physicist, both very loud and for the first time... I was like :shock: My head was near exploding.

Love the Dev's music

#81464 by Chris
Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:05 am
Noodles wrote:my friend didnt like terria because there were too many guitar solos that were too long o.o

Was this the same friend who stole your Limp Bizkit CD? :lol:

Great solos that really DO add emotions to the songs, very cool use of the wah-effect, the bendings sound awesome, there's so much feelings in it... Awesome. Just awesome.

#81475 by riotryan
Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:54 pm
I'd say, give him a copy of city. That'll blow his mind. There is denying that record. It can't be done. He might not like it, but he will most definitely be moved by it.

#81496 by asparagusDuck
Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:47 pm
riotryan wrote:I'd say, give him a copy of city. That'll blow his mind. There is denying that record. It can't be done. He might not like it, but he will most definitely be moved by it.

my close minded buddy, same one as i mentioned before, hears City and goes "eh". Not that he's even given it a single full listen. Then he tells me SYL sucks everytime i bring them up. so i guess there is denying City. its easy if you're a bozo :wink:

#81509 by Greg Reason
Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:08 am
asparagusDuck wrote:
riotryan wrote:I'd say, give him a copy of city. That'll blow his mind. There is denying that record. It can't be done. He might not like it, but he will most definitely be moved by it.

my close minded buddy, same one as i mentioned before, hears City and goes "eh". Not that he's even given it a single full listen. Then he tells me SYL sucks everytime i bring them up. so i guess there is denying City. its easy if you're a bozo :wink:

You've gotta remember how fuckin heavy that album is. Maybe we're all aclimatized to it after years of punishment, but to people who listen to ordinay music that sounds like a smack in the face with a ten ton hammer. Most people can't even get past the sheen of noise and hear what's actually going on inside it.
Last edited by Greg Reason on Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

#81526 by Blazingmonga
Mon Jul 04, 2005 6:04 am
Yeah, even my mum wasn't convinced...ha.

#81559 by Noodles
Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:23 am
Chris wrote:
Noodles wrote:my friend didnt like terria because there were too many guitar solos that were too long o.o

Was this the same friend who stole your Limp Bizkit CD? :lol:

Great solos that really DO add emotions to the songs, very cool use of the wah-effect, the bendings sound awesome, there's so much feelings in it... Awesome. Just awesome.
nah, the one who stole my limp bizkit CD is in love with syl (he's on 'for those aboot to rock' for like 2 seconds)

i told him that they were awesome solos and he was like "pish, he's just wanking with his guitar" and i was too lazy to argue with him

#81678 by rgx612a
Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:11 am
^ Devin's albums don't have many guitar solos, there's been a few on his last couple albums, but very little before that. I don't see how guitar solos could not appeal to people though, they can add alot to a song sometimes.

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