The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#81387 by Chris
Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:12 am
Hey there!

Didn't find any similar topic by using the search function, so, again, to the Mods... If this has been done before: I'm sorry and, well... DELETE :evil:

The idea for this topic came to my head during the "Life being played live" discussion. I mentioned that I read somewhere that Devy played Life live (no pun intended, how else should I put it...) on german radio in an acoustic version. But I'm not 100% sure - and that's why I wanna use this thread to a) get all the songs together Dev ever played acoustic and b) simply discuss the subject "The acoustic side of Devin Townsend". You know... Do you like the acoustic set on the Official Bootleg CD, do you dislike it, why do you like or dislike it... ETC ETC ETC
Or just say which Devy songs you'd love to hear in an acoustic version. Basically everything related to the topic.

Ok, I'll start with a list of songs Dev played acoustic. This was taken from HDR's tracklisting of the Official Bootleg Video, so we can be pretty sure that it's completely right. Here we go:

Hide Nowhere
Colonial Boy
Noisy Pink Bubbles

But not the complete setlist made it onto the video (for those who don't know, I refer to the OB video and not the CD, since the last one only includes four songs from this show). As it says right under the tracklist:

"Similar to the Official Bootleg audio CD, the video was recorded in Japan in 1999 with SELECTED footage from Devin's acoustic performance."

So... Does anyone have the complete tracklist?

Furthermore, for OM, Dev did a promo tour here in Germany including acoustic performances at German radio. He definitely played Hide Nowhere, and, as mentioned above, maybe Life.

Were those radio things and the Vancouver show Dev's only acoustic performances? It's been quite a while now...

When thinking about songs I'd like to hear in an unplugged version and which are also suited for it, Nobody's Here was the first one that came to my mind. I think it fits really well within the concept of just one guy singing and playing his acoustic! And Storm would be killer...

What do you think?

Oh, and of course - at first sight, (most of) Dev's music certainly isn't made for being played in these very basic forms, I know. And although there are some songs which I couldn't imagine fitting into the unplugged concept and its whole idea (Soul Driven, ANTS... And almost the whole Physicist record, to give you some names), it's exactly this difference between the record versions with the huge sound, the choirs etc and the stripped down unplugged versions as heard on the Official Bootleg. I'd definitely love to hear more of this side of the Dev :guitar: (look closer... It's a black ACOUSTIC guitar!)

Your turn!

#81431 by Greg Reason
Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:14 am
I have an mp3 of an acoustic performance from a Melbourne instore. The tracks are Hide Nowhere and L.A.

Devin introduces Byron, Jed and Gene, but they don't play anything. He says "I'm going to play some acoustic stuff for you now, yeah, I know, not very metal hey?". When he goes to play L.A. he says "I gotta remember how to play it first, just gimme a second" and quickly runs through it.

Not a bad little recording, it goes for around eleven minutes. At the end Devin says "we're going to do some signing now so bring up your signing material and let us go balistic on your hairy buns" Heh...

#81432 by Hellhammer
Sun Jul 03, 2005 1:24 am
I absolutely love Dev's acoustic stuff. I of course want to hear Life done acousticlly and Suicide, Traveller and Storm big time. Those would be awesome.

#81437 by Chris
Sun Jul 03, 2005 2:16 am
Greg Reason wrote:"I'm going to play some acoustic stuff for you now, yeah, I know, not very metal hey?"

Ha, that's a good one. Dev's "Metaaaaaaaal" - scream at the end of Hide Nowhere on the Official Bootleg made me laugh quite a few times.

Do you know when this Melbourne Instore signing took place?

Damn, I didn't think of Suicide at first. But now that Hellhammer (can a ten letter nick be more metal?) mentions it... The "Like you knew that I would" - screams would be awesome in an acoustic performance, I think. In general Dev did a good job not leaving out the screams just because he did the songs acoustic - it adds a lot to the emotions.

#81441 by funny_little_guy
Sun Jul 03, 2005 2:52 am
I have an mp3 of an acoustic performance from a Melbourne instore. The tracks are Hide Nowhere and L.A.

I really like that performace of Hide Nowhere. I think a lot of Devin stuff would be good to hear acoustic just because it would be such a simpler version of the song. Just the guitair and vocals as opposed to the thouhsands of instuments and backing vocals on the cds.

#81446 by Greg Reason
Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:38 am
Mind you, Devin's layering and exquisite production really make him. I would be very interested to see whether he ever revives the acoustic pop record that he was going to do a while ago. He said in the press that he would release Terria and then, a short while after that, an acoustic pop record featuring new songs and also old songs reworked.

I asked him about it on the forum here a year ago and he said that like many of his ideas, it just never ended up happening but that he may revisit the idea in future. It'd be cool if it was stuff like Deep Peace - acoustic based but with the lush production of his full material.

#81447 by Chris
Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:57 am

Never ever heard of his plans for an acoustic pop record before. Now that really makes me dream - some new songs written for being performed unplugged AND some stuff from his previous albums... At least for the last category he has enough songs, I think. As it seems, acoustic performances only include songs from OM and Infinity so far (and some of his older stuff that was only released as demos before), since the Dev hasn't done anything like that since then. Maybe when it came to promoting Physicist the idea got kinda weird :wink:

Ok. 2006 Synchestra, 2007 the acoustic pop record. - What? Oh yeah, I know. I definitely can be quite greedy at times.

#81452 by funny_little_guy
Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:14 am
Ok. 2006 Synchestra, 2007 the acoustic pop record. - What? Oh yeah, I know. I definitely can be quite greedy at times.

2005 Synchestra, 2006 the acoustic pop record and another new full release.

Now thats being greedy.

#81458 by simen_88
Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:11 am
Greg Reason wrote:I have an mp3 of an acoustic performance from a Melbourne instore. The tracks are Hide Nowhere and L.A.
That recording is great. Although it seems he had a few problems playing LA, especially those screams.

An acoustic Physicist sounds like it would be interesting.

#81460 by Chris
Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:34 am
simen_88 wrote:An acoustic Physicist sounds like it would be interesting.

I'd love to hear the chorus from The Complex unplugged... Furthermore it would be cool to hear what he'd make of the heavier parts.

"Interesting" is the right word. An acoustic version of Death would be very interesting indeed...

#81547 by Tim
Mon Jul 04, 2005 8:22 am
Greg Reason wrote:I have an mp3 of an acoustic performance from a Melbourne instore. The tracks are Hide Nowhere and L.A.

Devin introduces Byron, Jed and Gene, but they don't play anything. He says "I'm going to play some acoustic stuff for you now, yeah, I know, not very metal hey?". When he goes to play L.A. he says "I gotta remember how to play it first, just gimme a second" and quickly runs through it.

Not a bad little recording, it goes for around eleven minutes. At the end Devin says "we're going to do some signing now so bring up your signing material and let us go balistic on your hairy buns" Heh...

I'd love to hear this stuff.

#81563 by Hellhammer
Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:02 pm
An acoustic Physicist, now that would be really weard. But I'd like it all the same. Especially hearing Kingdom live, that would be really interesting to say the least.

#81580 by Chris
Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:06 am
Hellhammer wrote:An acoustic Physicist, now that would be really weard. But I'd like it all the same. Especially hearing Kingdom live, that would be really interesting to say the least.

Physicist was maybe the last record I was thinking of when creating this thread, but anyway. I'm with you on wanting to hear Physicist unplugged. With Oh my fucking God as encore.

#81586 by Socialenemy69
Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:55 am
I heard a story on here about a guy who was playing his accoustic guitar outside the SYL or DTB tour bus trying to play Deadhead and The Dev walked by and showed him how he plays it. That would also be another great accoustic song, along with Seventh Wave, Funeral, Deep Peace, Canada, and Kingdom.

#81604 by HiPoCrAcY
Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:28 am
Greg Reason wrote:I have an mp3 of an acoustic performance from a Melbourne instore. The tracks are Hide Nowhere and L.A.

I was at that Instore!! Was really cool, very first time seeing Dev. There were heaps of people there and the songs went down a treat. I will never forget it thats for sure.

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