The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#80515 by asparagusDuck
Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:50 pm
heres the deal. my english teacher from this past year is a pretty chill guy and we shoot the shit from time to time outside the classroom. when the discussion of music came up, it turned out he likes a lot of the same type of stuff as i do, mainly dream theater, primus and rush. I told him about other bands i like and hes been asking me to burn him some stuff just to try out. Obviously i want him to try some dev, along with maybe some pain of salvation, opeth, strapping, in flames, porcupine tree etc.

here are my 2 issues

1. i want to give him one cd of soley DTB so he can have a good chance to get into it if he likes it. im trying to decide whether to give him maybe a mix of 5 or 6 songs representing each album, or just doing an entire album since the flow will obviously add a lot more to it. For that I'm thinking either OM or Terria.

2. do you think dev would have a problem with the issue of burning cds? im a loyal fan and ive bought everything i can get my hands on so i figured burning 1 cd to try and get someone else into his music wouldnt be such a bad thing. i ask this because of all artists i respect Dev the most and i know a lot of you guys feel the same way so your opinions will mean a lot in terms of my decision.

thanks for any input :)
Last edited by asparagusDuck on Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#80517 by CardDinour
Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:22 pm
well does your teacher buy all of his cds anyway? if you give him a dev (mixed or just purely an album) and he likes - then maybe he will buy it! :)

if he doesnt buy, maybe you could lend him an album (if you are that comfortable knowing itd come back)?

but if you do burn it, its just 1 album - i dont see a problem with it, or you could even just loan him the burnt copy ?

plenty of options :)

#80519 by asparagusDuck
Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:36 pm
i would just lend him my album maybe but im going away to college in a couple months, and schools out anyway so i wouldnt see him much after the graduation ceremony, if at all.

i guess ill just burn a copy of Terria unless some people seem to strongly object. i have to wait a few days to get back to my dads house to do it anyway.

kinda funny how were talking to each other on both DT forums :-)

#80533 by Greg Reason
Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:50 am
Give him Terria. That's the most mature and well produced of all the Devin Townsend albums in my opinion. I like Infinity a tiny little bit more, but most people find that album to be too strange. I think that it's worth burning one disk if it means he gets into it and buys more of Dev's albums.

#80535 by Socialenemy69
Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:59 am
tell him to buy a tshirt and dev will be happy

#80553 by simen_88
Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:29 am
Yeah, it's all right as long as he buys a fucking t-shirt.

#80565 by asparagusDuck
Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:05 am
yeah i think i might do Terria. Maybe i'll even go out and buy him a copy, having the artwork to look at while listening is pretty cool. too bad no places around here have any dev.

thanks for the advice guys.

#80619 by CardDinour
Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:13 pm
asparagusDuck wrote:i guess ill just burn a copy of Terria unless some people seem to strongly object. i have to wait a few days to get back to my dads house to do it anyway.

burn or like you said - buy that would be awesome, cos definitely the artwork has to make him like it :)

asparagusDuck wrote:kinda funny how were talking to each other on both DT forums :-)

hehe yea! cant argue with that, funny and weird ;)

#80716 by ALieN
Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:23 pm
Yeah, I'd go with the giving him Terria and then making him buy a fucking T-shirt idea ;)
#80789 by Lumiere
Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:33 pm
asparagusDuck wrote:i want to give him one cd of soley DTB so he can have a good chance to get into it if he likes it. im trying to decide what to give him.

Terria all the way, but I'd remove Olives from the tracklisting. It can be a bit daunting for the unseasoned listener.

asparagusDuck wrote:
2. do you think dev would have a problem with the issue of burning cds?

It's one CD, that you're burning for a prospective fan. No money is changing hands. I don't see why you're suffering from moral vertigo on this one.

#81318 by asparagusDuck
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:54 am
i went out and bought a real copy of terria yesterday. i cant believe it, it was the first store in connecticut ive seen with any Townsend stuff besides SYL.
anyway this guy better like it after shelling out 20 hard earned bucks. now all i have to do is find him.

#81319 by Chris
Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:12 am
asparagusDuck wrote:i went out and bought a real copy of terria yesterday. i cant believe it, it was the first store in connecticut ive seen with any Townsend stuff besides SYL.
anyway this guy better like it after shelling out 20 hard earned bucks. now all i have to do is find him.

So you really bought an original... 20 bucks?! He better likes it then.

I think it goes without saying that you'll tell us what he thinks of it ( soon as he finds words, don't forget it's Terria, that could take some time)

Spreading the word of the Dev always gets my appreciation :kiss:

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