The infinite waltz, welcome home, ladies and gentlemen

#81188 by Lumiere
Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:51 am
Initially, Infinity never clicked with me, but I've recently been listening to it a lot, and it has really grown on me. It has some progressive metal pop (Christeen, Bad Devil), and some sublime headfuckery (Unity, Noisy Pink Bubbles).

So intriguing is this album, that I tracked down the Christeen & Infinity EP. The tracks that weren't finished in time for Infinity are superb, especially OM.

#81395 by Lumiere
Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:47 am
If you procured AIM I'd be more than willing to hook you up with the tracks (on the proviso that you did indeed buy it eventually).

As for Infinity? I've listened to it about 4 times today, and every single time I've discovered something new. The reason why I love Infinity is because it's such a subtle headfuck. Upon initial listening, I only picked up on the poppiness, and I was thoroughly disheartened.

However, upon repeated listenings, I started noticing more and more subtle nuances, and it began to truly engage with me. The closing 3 songs (I'm sure I don't have to remind you; Dynamics/Unity/Noisy Pink Bubbles) are the perfect closing statement, a trance inducing trio of breathtaking ambience.

Ooops. Sorry for getting all profound on you unsuspecting DevHeads, but Infinity is just that amazing.
#181193 by ontheupside
Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:21 am
Infinity is incredible. It's the Devin record I keep coming back to, and that keeps slamming me in the face and spitting me into the cosmos.

I've listened to this album a hell of a lot (by my standards) in the past 10 months, and in no way am I the least bit tired of it. It still has the same effect on me as the first time I heard it, and EVERY time I listen to it, whereas a lot of records, even other Devy records, I can just tune out and put in the background. I can't with Infinity.

It's deep, funny, ethereal, powerful, insane... it's just a perfect album. And my list of perfect albums is pretty short.
#191032 by daneulephus
Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:36 pm
I don't condone drug use (being a recovering addict myself), but I have seen a few posts on here about tripping on Infinity.

I will stand by this one drug experience and will ALWAYS glamorize it: Infinity on ecstasy is as close to heaven as you will ever get. Period.

Be safe about it, test the pill....

But, I recommend it. Find your best pal who understands the album or Dev's music in general, buy some glow sticks and tons of water, kick back, and feel the layers of this album peel away in between your ears. Your heightened sense of emotion may overwhelm you at some points, especially at the end of Truth or Soul Driven, but it is well worth it.

I would never do it again, seeing as I didn't realize I was an addict and fried my brain trying to relive these moments over and over. But, I do not regret it. I hear music differently now......I have a different approach to writing music, and layering. It was most beneficial.....

You will hear subtle things all through the album that I guarantee you will not hear sober.
#209374 by jburde
Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:35 am
daneulephus wrote:I don't condone drug use (being a recovering addict myself), but I have seen a few posts on here about tripping on Infinity.

I will stand by this one drug experience and will ALWAYS glamorize it: Infinity on ecstasy is as close to heaven as you will ever get. Period.

Be safe about it, test the pill....

But, I recommend it. Find your best pal who understands the album or Dev's music in general, buy some glow sticks and tons of water, kick back, and feel the layers of this album peel away in between your ears. Your heightened sense of emotion may overwhelm you at some points, especially at the end of Truth or Soul Driven, but it is well worth it.

I would never do it again, seeing as I didn't realize I was an addict and fried my brain trying to relive these moments over and over. But, I do not regret it. I hear music differently now......I have a different approach to writing music, and layering. It was most beneficial.....

You will hear subtle things all through the album that I guarantee you will not hear sober.

That sounds amazing and I want to hear it like you did, but I'm totally not for drug use... Infinity is still beyond anything I've heard even sober though.

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