Well, here's my lil' theory:
If you take both SYL's and DTB's 2003 records into consideration, you'll realize that both are pretty basic and stripped-down by Devin's standards. "SYL" is the full-on in-your-face metal attack, whereas "Accelerated Evolution" is a down-to-earth rock band record compared to the all-englufing vastness of its predecessor Terria.
Now, as for the SYL side, "Alien" is quite the opposite of the reducedness (does such a word exist?) of "SYL" (that's not a criticism of any of the two, just an observation): devinesque choruses, crazy stuff going on behind the guitars, the layering's back big time...
My guess is that "Human" (what a great title in conjunction with "Alien" by the way) will have the rock band feel of AE, but will have this rock band playing crazy complicated progressive stuff. (That would be "progressive" in the true meaning of the word, not in the Dream Theater sense).
There ya go.
I think King Fear just summed up what I wanted to Say... Said it better than I could.
Remember when HDR mentioned Steve Vai may appear on Devs next CD and vice versa... Is this still happenning??
SYL did their only realguitar solo in Alien... apart from Far Beyond metal. so i reckon the DTB solos will go nuts!!! woohoo!!
Remember when HDR mentioned Steve Vai may appear on Devs next CD and vice versa... Is this still happenning??
SYL did their only realguitar solo in Alien... apart from Far Beyond metal. so i reckon the DTB solos will go nuts!!! woohoo!!
When i first heard 'Two Weeks' from Alien it got me excited for 'Human'. Just to hear the mellower side of Dev again on something new was cool. It hasn't changed my expectations just made me more excited.
I guess its going to be a long way off with all the SYL touring coming up.
I guess its going to be a long way off with all the SYL touring coming up.

niklang wrote:When i first heard 'Two Weeks' from Alien it got me excited for 'Human'. Just to hear the mellower side of Dev again on something new was cool. It hasn't changed my expectations just made me more excited.
I guess its going to be a long way off with all the SYL touring coming up.
Well, thats true...but it may be recorded sooner than you think, as I believe that the other DTB guys have the material to rehearse at the moment. Still, its definately a long way from the finished product.
I cant wait!

"Mongo only pawn in game of life..."
Well in any case.. I would definetly get on it.
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Devs albums are always better tan SYL albums, and because Alien is so good it makes me think that Synchestra will be utterly amazing.
my band: http://ektoise.bandcamp.com/
I wish I knew how amazing, it plagues me. Can't someone go and bootleg the pre-production recording session..... ppppppllllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeee
'I didn't mean to sound bitchy, should've used a smiley.' - Tracy
In a perfect world we could just buy passes into Dev's head and hear the album the second he thinks of it.
Also known as TheBigDizzle
My Metal Collection: http://metal-archives.com/usercol.php?i ... eBigDizzle
My Metal Collection: http://metal-archives.com/usercol.php?i ... eBigDizzle
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