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The best Devin Townsend record production


#7551 by OdinsCourt
Wed Mar 31, 2004 2:29 pm
Yes, I realize compression overuse is done in the mastering phase. I figured that was a given everyone knew, but that may just be because I have personal experience with it. And it is done about 95% of the time these days - at least on Pop/Top 40/Mainstream music...

#78907 by Lumiere
Fri Jun 03, 2005 1:41 pm

[Patrick Bateman]
You hear every nuance of every instrument.
[/Patrick Bateman]

#78909 by SirJuzzi
Fri Jun 03, 2005 2:00 pm
Infinity. Thought the drums sound so electronic, the rest entire sound world is just amazing. Everything is very sharp and clear sounding and you can really hear all the stuff going on there.

Accelerated Evolution and Terria sound awesome as well, but IMO they are a bit too muffled, and AE could have a bit louder bass guitar. The guitars are mostly great and the drums too.

I don't like Ocean Machine production. The vocals are too silent and the whole thing sounds somehow cheap. The songs are great though. ;)

#78910 by niklang
Fri Jun 03, 2005 2:18 pm
I voted Terria straight away but there have been some valid points raised especially about the difficulty of producing Infinity which does make it an awesome production.
AE is so good but for me Terria just sounds perfect....but maybe I'm just not that much of an expert.....compression, whats that all about :-)

#78925 by danceswithchickens
Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:56 pm
Terria, because I love the lush sound of it.
#78928 by OPTI_MAP_ZORB
Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:59 pm
At first, I got to excuse for that bat english, but I am just just a little boy from germany.
My favorite record is the "Ocean Machine" or "Biomech"!

This album an the songs will set me in a state of trance, everytime I hear one of the masterpierces of this awsome record!!!
The greatest compact disk I ever bought!

I've heard a lot of music but nothing "chillin" like Devin!
My favorite is: "Funeral"

So I vote for the OCEAN MACHINE!!! best ever!!

And I don't think that anything similar would be as good as this...

Greetings OPTI

#79068 by rgx612a
Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:15 pm
Terria, although they all sound great.

#79093 by CardDinour
Sun Jun 05, 2005 6:54 pm
id say Terria by far. its so crispy clear. everything can be heard perfectly. each intrument and sound has such clarity.

#79104 by TinyTears007
Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:44 pm
Terria! The production does nothing if not enhance its beauty. In saying that, I have never had any problem with the production on any Dev album.

#79204 by Oscar
Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:01 am
I think Infinity has the best production, followed by Biomech. The compression on Terria and the thin drum sound on AE really bring those down for me.

#79217 by asparagusDuck
Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:10 am
infinity for sure. i dont often have a chance to play my cds on a good system but one time i played infinity when i borrowed my moms car and it was amazing. it felt like the bass was gonna scramble my brains.

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