You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!

#78579 by Hellhammer
Mon May 30, 2005 10:25 pm
I sure hope I am 19 by the time the guys start touring and such. I know they tend to play the smaller Venues here in Van, which tend to be bars. So I can't miss these guys anymore.. MUST SEE DTB! MUST SEE DTB!

#78582 by Janne
Mon May 30, 2005 11:52 pm
I know there has been talk of the forthcoming album being "one big song" and maybe divided into chapters, but obviously both Devin and Brian are talking about several songs in their respective posts in this very thread.

Of course, they could refer to parts of this "one song". But they could just as well be talking about different songs. And the album isn't even recorded yet, so there are months worth of arranging and rearranging the stuff, which could lead to something completely different than what we are currently expecting.

And I have to say this again: To me, "Terria" is one song divided into chapters...

#78585 by The Dev
Tue May 31, 2005 1:13 am
Ok, here goes;

Synchestra is one 'piece' three 'movements', with a whole bunch of songs that go into each other and allude to each other as it's bulk. It has some real energy to it that releases in a big way. It's really an enormous project that we had to get AE done to be able to achieve 3 years later. Lyrically, it uses the words "I" and "me" less, and there are interesting 'stories' and such. There will be plenty of female voices, I will scream less, and I want to get that kind of lullaby vocal approach that is more 'clean' for melodies. The guitars will also not be full-on all the time...(just most)

It's a really dynamic, colorful, and long thing thats been worked on now in some instances since before 'Infinity'. This record won't demand much from you, it will be an inviting and a summery nature theme. Theres some dark bits, but just for color, and nothing imposing. It plays like a movie. oh...and it's biiiiigggggggggg.

Heres the order (90%...)

1- Let it Roll
The Baby Song
2- Vampira
3- A Simple Lullaby
Notes From Africa
Sunbeams And Happiness!

There ya go, we're rehearsing hard!

#78586 by fragility
Tue May 31, 2005 1:29 am
yay, thanks Dev :) all your teasing comments seem to be suggesting the sort of direction I was hoping for :)

#78589 by EphelDuath666
Tue May 31, 2005 2:49 am
oh man...that sounds GREAT! The way you describe it, it sounds like there will be some ambient stuff going on on that record too, maybe influenced by Devlab? :) And female voices? Man, that's gonna kick ass in a smooth way! Anyways, sounds awesome.

P.S.: I can see Porcupine Tree in Dev's playlist....Ryan, you'll be Rusty Tromboned! :D

#78593 by Coma Divine
Tue May 31, 2005 4:05 am
Thanks for letting us know all that Devin.

I think I can speak for most when I say that your little informative visits (especially with regard to upcoming DTB recorded activity :wink:) leave us all salivating just that little bit more...

And Porcupine Tree, huh?

*rubs hands together maniacally*


(and Ryan, if you read this....RUN!)


#78606 by HiPoCrAcY
Tue May 31, 2005 6:58 am
Preparing to ride the rollercoaster again!! :D

#78608 by ALieN
Tue May 31, 2005 7:32 am
woohoo! can't wait :D i think everyone would have bought the DVD just fine if it was a standalone product, but its cool that you're including it in a special edition of the cd. either way works for me!.. just means i'll have to buy 2 copies of the cd to get the regular and the special edition lol.

also.. the song title "Sunbeams And Happiness!" just made me laugh lol. i have to say I didn't see that one coming :lol:

#78616 by sunsetofage
Tue May 31, 2005 8:47 am
Thanx for these amazing informations, Devin ! Sounds great !
I can't wait to hear the new DTB record & to see the DVD !!!
I'm sure it will be another masterpiece with excellent music !

#78621 by Drumdude13
Tue May 31, 2005 9:35 am
Well we can always rely on the Dev to tell ya' exactly whats going on !!!! Cuz sometimes even us in the DTB are'nt sure !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Honestly, this has been Dev's approach for a while on this record. The whole one song thing is true to a certain extent but Synchestra really is a bunch of amazing song's that flow very well together to make it sound like one big song (Just like Dev has mentioned).

After jamming it as much as we have (Lots !!!), I absolutely love the flow of this record and most importantly the atmosphere of this record. Synchestra is definitely the "Yang" to Alien's "Ying" ! This will be an album that you throw on right after listening to Alien.....chill out and the end of Synchestra, you'll be in total peace. This album has so much feel and groove that it's unbelievable. Dev has truly out-done himself on this record and I cannot wait to record it in September !!!!!! Like I've said before.....this album will be worth the wait and a treat for all you fans out there........

#78631 by earworm
Tue May 31, 2005 11:13 am
AWESOME!! I can't wait!

#78633 by simen_88
Tue May 31, 2005 12:07 pm
Drumdude13 wrote:Honestly, this has been Dev's approach for a while on this record. The whole one song thing is true to a certain extent but Synchestra really is a bunch of amazing song's that flow very well together to make it sound like one big song (Just like Dev has mentioned).
Sort of like SDoIT?

#78649 by BenMech
Tue May 31, 2005 4:10 pm
The difference, Simen, is that DTB's album won't suck ;)

#78653 by LouiLoomis
Tue May 31, 2005 6:05 pm
This is gonna be great, thanks again Dev and Ryan for the tidbits of info. I'm guessing this is gonna be the 'nature' feel album Dev wanted to make after hearing 'Black Water Park'? Maybe I'm wrong...

#78654 by CardDinour
Tue May 31, 2005 6:09 pm
wow!! thats some good teasers! :) sounds very intriguing. i think everyone wants to hear it now!! :)

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