The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#76935 by Burzum
Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:00 pm
Socialenemy69 wrote:PS - Daniel Johns from silverchair has always been a Kurt Cobain Wannabe.

Which is not such a great thjing either.

If I had to list the leading Seattle bands in order, Nirvana would be somewhere near the bottom of my list.

They don't hold a candle to Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Mother Love Bone, Mad Season or even Pearl Jam to name but a few.

As for those two silverchair tracks, tomorrow was a decent track I suppose in that I don't vomit when I hear it, but Freak or whatever it's called is guaranteed vomit material. I'd rather watch a Britney Spears film clip ... at least she looks good :shock:

That will change soon too now that she's decided to ruin her life and have a kid

#76976 by Tim
Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:11 am
Burzum wrote:
Socialenemy69 wrote:PS - Daniel Johns from silverchair has always been a Kurt Cobain Wannabe.

Which is not such a great thjing either.

Well, I think he meant it as a derogatory thing. I'll readly admit there was a huge Nirvana/grunge in general influence on Silverchair's earlier material, I think saying that "Daniel Johns has always been a Kurt Cobain wannabe" is pretty far off the mark.

As for those two silverchair tracks, tomorrow was a decent track I suppose in that I don't vomit when I hear it, but Freak or whatever it's called is guaranteed vomit material. I'd rather watch a Britney Spears film clip ... at least she looks good :shock:

You've got to be kidding! There are thousands upon thousands of chicks who look better than Britney. If anyone mentioned in this conversation is over rated, it'd be her.

#77034 by into the voigtex
Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:33 pm
Burzum wrote:Also, I've never been one to be too concerned aboput lyrics but Slipknot's are terrible. TERRIBLE.

Example from Iowa 'If you're 555 then I'm 666'. What the? What's that supposed to mean? Idiots. Only silverchair write worse lyrics

Not on Diorama, dude. Daniel Johns has matured significantly since "Tomorrow", you know. He was only 14 when he wrote that. For a sample of Daniel's talent, listen to "Tuna In The Brine" by way of example. Forget about their early stuff, Diorama is a seriously brilliant album.

I should also mention that Slipknot's lyrics generally aren't that terrible. At least Corey Taylor has what passes for a vocabulary, whereas people like Fred Durst are merely content with plaguarising a rhyming dictionary.


#77081 by Burzum
Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:21 pm
hehe, I recently interview Zakk Wylde and asked him about the whole Britney, Durst epidemic and of course Dave Grohl came up too. Here's what Zakk said - fucking hilarious!

You’ve never been backwards in saying what you think about people. Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters) springs to mind …
“Yeah well, everyone I’ve spoken to says Dave is a cool guy but I’m just pissed off we had to play that fucking song (Grohl co-wrote a song off Osbourne’s 2001 Down to Earth album). When I look back now I think ‘Dave at least you could have tossed us a kick-arse riff or some fucking thing’. But I mean, the bottom line is you’ve got Ashlee Simpson and Britney Spears – they all lip synch. I don’t fucking lip synch and you know why? Because I practice my fucking arse off and I don’t have to worry about dancing. It’s impossible to dance and sing. Physically it’s impossible. It’s like when you’re bench pressing 550 pounds and with your feet you’re juggling two chain saws – you can’t fucking do it! All I’m saying is what everyone else is saying, or at least they don’t have the fucking balls to say it. But that’s fine, if anyone wants to come down and kick my arse they’d better have a gun or a bat. I’m carrying brass knuckles so bring it on! I’m not going out of my way to be a cunt to anybody but some guy that’s a fucking poser, wannabe guy doesn’t deserve to be looked at. Ashlee Simpson was on Saturday Night Live lip synching – she can’t even sing her own shit! All I’m saying is it’s a fucking insult to real musicians.”

haha, the guys a riot

#77101 by Persuader
Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:59 am
RESPECT! The Simpson girls should be banned!

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