The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#76812 by asparagusDuck
Sat Apr 23, 2005 3:48 pm
How about Dev and Mikael Akerfeldt? Mike seems like a cool guy who wouldnt mind sharing the spotlight. Doubt it would ever happen but cool to think about, both guys have friggin devastating vocals.

#76815 by Amaran
Sat Apr 23, 2005 4:38 pm
asparagusDuck wrote:How about Dev and Mikael Akerfeldt? Mike seems like a cool guy who wouldnt mind sharing the spotlight. Doubt it would ever happen but cool to think about, both guys have friggin devastating vocals.

I can't imagine that, since Dev always prefers music with lots of effects, synths, a clear, crispy production and all that.

Akerfeldt however, only used some "retro"-keyboards on their latest album, and generally prefers more basic productions... more like a 70ies prog band with some metal parts and death metal vocals.

Besides that Opeth aren't very experimental (they are to a certain degree, but compared to Dev's stuff they aren't at all) and/or humorous or anything in that direction - Patton would be a much more fitting musician for a collaboration with the Dev.

#76828 by EternalMetal
Sat Apr 23, 2005 8:48 pm
asparagusDuck wrote:How about Dev and Mikael Akerfeldt? Mike seems like a cool guy who wouldnt mind sharing the spotlight. Doubt it would ever happen but cool to think about, both guys have friggin devastating vocals.

Dev and Mike are like opposites. They definitely wouldnt work.

Dev and Patton sounds like a good idea. If i meet him at the concert tomorrow maybe ill ask him :lol:

#76829 by LouiLoomis
Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:06 pm
EternalMetal wrote:Dev and Patton sounds like a good idea. If i meet him at the concert tomorrow maybe ill ask him :lol:

Please do! :)

#76868 by asparagusDuck
Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:44 pm
I was thinking more like Devin's vocals being featured on some of Mike's stuff the way he did with Steve Wilson. I know they would clash in other respects.

#76887 by 66tinytears99
Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:26 am
What about Devin guesting on a Manowar song??? \m/ :P

#76894 by Alex B
Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:51 am
Be cool if all of fear factory, stapping and Dtb got together and went WAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! Of course we'd have to clone Dev and Byron first. Then Patton could join in. Yea.

I think Patton and Dev share that insane silly sense of humour so it would have to be comical.

#76925 by McGrubbins
Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:39 pm
Although it would be utterly amazing, I don't think Devin/Patton would happen because each would want the majority of the control and neiter would give it up. Or I could be totally wrong. Just a thought.

#77086 by Greg Reason
Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:55 pm
I asked Patton about it the first time I met him. He said he liked SYL a fair bit (this was before the s/t album) but he saw Devin play his solo stuff in Japan and didn't dig it too much. Strange... but then, Dev live is a LONG WAY from Dev in the studio....

#77304 by Burzum
Sun May 01, 2005 8:31 pm
asparagusDuck wrote:How about Dev and Mikael Akerfeldt? Mike seems like a cool guy who wouldnt mind sharing the spotlight. Doubt it would ever happen but cool to think about, both guys have friggin devastating vocals.

It has already happened
#77320 by scarred
Mon May 02, 2005 5:49 am
I remember Ginger from the Wildhearts talking about how Devin prefers to work alone. I think they were supposed to release an album but the partnership didn't work out so well and we just got Christeen. *someone might be able to correct me on this however*

#77329 by Burzum
Mon May 02, 2005 3:38 pm
Well no it wasn't a collaboration given that Devin wasn't even there but it did highlight the fact that differing vocal styles and musical styles as well can work very effectively together.

In other words I don't see why Dev and Akerfeldt couldn't collaberate on a project.

Having said that, I can't see Dev ever collaborating on a project with anyone. At best he guests. I remember him telling me he's been speaking to Steve Vai about working together again but I doubt that would be a collaboration either.

Interesting to throw ideas around though

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