The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#76400 by EphelDuath666
Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:28 pm
I like na na na na na! :lol:
Anyways. If it´s gonna me one long track then I hope it will be seperated into chapters though because I don´t always feel like listening to a whole album and sometimes just feel like listening to a certain song.

#76431 by asparagusDuck
Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:16 pm
I just hope its all one big song because thats how it worked out naturally, i dont want it to feel forced. Although, I seriously doubt Dev would do something just to seem cool and proggy with his music.
Most of his albums contain songs that all blend well together anyway so i don't think its gonna be that huge of a difference. I do hope that it is broken up into different tracks or something like Dream Theater's 6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence, but with better flow. Oh man i can't wait to hear what its like!

#76438 by andjustinforall
Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:37 am
You know what *offtopic* I friggin love Siilverchair actually... Daniel Johns is awesome. Granted, I like Dev more, but I bet if Daniel Johns decided to write a metal album it would be outstanding.

#76453 by Tim
Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:26 am
andjustinforall wrote:You know what *offtopic* I friggin love Siilverchair actually... Daniel Johns is awesome.

I agree.

#76454 by Tim
Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:32 am
asparagusDuck wrote:I just hope its all one big song because thats how it worked out naturally, i dont want it to feel forced. Although, I seriously doubt Dev would do something just to seem cool and proggy with his music.
Most of his albums contain songs that all blend well together anyway so i don't think its gonna be that huge of a difference. I do hope that it is broken up into different tracks or something like Dream Theater's 6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence, but with better flow. Oh man i can't wait to hear what its like!

I honestly don't think Dev would release a one track album just because it's the trendy thing to do (hell, he could be yanking our chains with this one track business). And I agree that most of his previous works flow well together anyway, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

#76519 by Burzum
Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:53 pm
andjustinforall wrote:You know what *offtopic* I friggin love Siilverchair actually... Daniel Johns is awesome. Granted, I like Dev more, but I bet if Daniel Johns decided to write a metal album it would be outstanding.

To quote silverchair:

"There's no bathroom,
and there is no sink
The water out of the tap is very ...
Hard to drink!"

And again:

"No more maybes ... the baby has rabies."

Terrible, terrible, terrible

#76522 by LouiLoomis
Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:58 pm
"...Sitting on a ball, in the middle of the Andies" Man, I used to love Silverchair, what was I thinking? Madman is a great instrumental though but Daniel Johns is an arrogent twat.

#76530 by andjustinforall
Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:33 pm
Haha, well yeah, agreed, but give the kid a break, he was 13 when we wrote it!

Neon Ballroom, Diorama, Dissiociatives are all awesome albums I reckon but (not necessarily lyrically though). Anyone else see SIlverchair on the last tour? To be honest, I thought it was on par with the last SYL show. Bloody amazing it was...

More importantly, new DTB......... yeeeeow.

#76633 by Burzum
Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:27 pm
My main gripe was that they released Frogstomp when they were 13, and it was pretty good for a bunch of young teenagers, but that doesn't make it good in general.

If I wanted to listen to music because the artist is good for their age I may as well find a two-year-old that can hit a snare while keeping some sort of time on the hats.

"That's shit - some kid hitting two drums."

"Yeah but he's good for his age."

That's not to say silverchair have never written a decent track, but they are massively over-rated

#76842 by batmura
Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:35 am
According to a post on, the new Devin Townsend album is going to be recorded in Aug-Sep 2005, and will be titled Sychestra.

Well - why is it that all the news about DTB are first revealed on the Portnoy forum?

NP: Linear Sphere - Reality Dysfunction

#76864 by yessurf
Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:25 pm
There are a couple of guys over on that forum that are huge DTB fans... so any info they find on the net is immediately posted there by at least one of them!

#76877 by Socialenemy69
Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:43 am
Umm didnt you guys get the Memo?
Issue #69

Things have been very hectic for the band the past few months. Starting in
December Devin did the Osbournes commercials, SYL played the Century Media
party in Los Angeles, Devin did a promo tour in Europe where he did hundreds
of interviews in a short week, they filmed a video in Los Angeles, then
immediately Devin produced Darkest Hour which finished the day before the
current tour started, all the while Byron was touring with Fear Factory.

Last weekend MTV's Headbanger's Ball debuted the video for "Love?" It was
done in an "Evil Dead" theme complete with cabins and zombie paint. The
reaction has been awesome and the band are really pleased with it. To quote
Byron "Wow, we finally have a cool video". It is apparently available for
download on-line somewhere but I do not know the location.

This month, on top of being featured on the cover of Metal Maniacs, the band
will also co-host Headbanger's Ball as well as the show Uranium on Fuse.
They are also set to do an interview with Circus next week. The US press
seems to finally be catching on to what the Euro press has known for years.
SYL really are cool!

A new album and the change of seasons mean a mass of touring. Here are the
SYL tour dates that are booked so far (subject to change and the information
provided is all we have at the time of printing). Please remember that we do
not book the tours or control where they go. No amount of pleading will get
them to play your birthday party. Sorry. Apologies for the redundancy if you
got the last issue of the news but for the benefit of the newbies here are
the dates for the current US tour:
(Not included in this post)

There is more touring planned but Devin has booked off half of August and
all of September to record the new DTB album. It is tentatively called
'Sychestra' (changed from Human). The DTB DVD will likely be released as a
bonus disc with the album and not independently. Like in 2003, Devin thinks
that the two records will artistically compliment as well as contradict one

During this time Byron will be back with Fear Factory for the Gigantour in
the USA featuring Megadeth, Dream Theater, Symphony X and Nevermore.

One little detail that I neglected to mention last issue is there has once
again been a member change. Will Campagna has returned as keyboard player.
He had left to do his own project and father a child but is welcomed back as
one of the guys. Munesh Sami is now on tour as the drummer for Hank Williams
III. And John Morgan works for Electronic Arts and Matteo Carratozzolo is
hanging out somewhere... Yes, there have been too many to update but Will is
hopefully here for a long time. :)
-Hevy Devy Records

#76878 by Socialenemy69
Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:45 am
PS - Daniel Johns from silverchair has always been a Kurt Cobain Wannabe.

#76888 by Tim
Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:28 am
^Care to back that up with anything?

#76891 by CardDinour
Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:37 am
Burzum wrote:
To quote silverchair:

"There's no bathroom,
and there is no sink
The water out of the tap is very ...
Hard to drink!"

And again:

"No more maybes ... the baby has rabies."

Terrible, terrible, terrible

regardless what the lyrics are, those 2 songs are absolutely amazing.

Silverchair and Daniel Johns are amazing.

oh and i did catch them on their last tour, i thought it was absolutely garbage. it was the most boring show ive seen. no mosh pit was the first thing which sucked hard, being told to sit down from ppl behind me cos i wanted to dance sucked more, and the fact he acts like a toss pot on stage was worse. they were much better live when they were young.

and back on topic, i hope Dev track marks the song, i wouldnt want to listen to the whole album every time. looking forward to it though.

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