The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#75886 by jon
Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:23 am
i cant remember where i read it (probably here on the HDR forums) but some musician wrote that its important to listen to ALL music, good or bad, because as a musician there is something that we can learn from it.

if its musically good - then steal *ahem* i mean adapt the idea to suit your own style.
if it is musical rubbish, then find out what makes it sound crap and learn to avoid it!

now im not a slipknot fan, but i do respect them as musicians-theyre certainly doing something right
... i mean id rather listen to them than shania twain! :wink:

...or celine dion :caca:

#75954 by Tim
Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:32 am
Noodles wrote:
Burzum wrote:SLIPKNOT??????????????????????

Oh dear ...

its odd how music fans are often more picky than the actual artists about whats good or not : )

I think it also has a lot to do wiht popular opinion among "music fans".

#75988 by Burzum
Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:45 pm
Tim wrote:
Noodles wrote:
Burzum wrote:SLIPKNOT??????????????????????

Oh dear ...

its odd how music fans are often more picky than the actual artists about whats good or not : )

I think it also has a lot to do wiht popular opinion among "music fans".

Or the fact that Slipknot are woeful. I was actually very surprised to see them mentioned by Dev given that most of the bands on the list were quality metal bands. Plus I know he loves Nordic black metal etc, so it's strange that he would also listen to Corey Taylor and his over-rated crew.

Oh well, to each their own

#76008 by Tim
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:25 pm
Thank you for proving my point.

#76076 by Burzum
Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:04 pm
In what way?

If you're suggesting that I'm saying Slipknot are woeful because it's popular opinion then you're way off target.

I mean, it IS popular opinion, but there's a reason for that.

And at the end of the day, why subject yourself to something useless when there is so much quality out there?

#76091 by Tim
Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:50 pm
I mean, it IS popular opinion, but there's a reason for that.

..and that reason is?

#76114 by Blazingmonga
Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:49 am
Think subjective thoughts....

I like Gwen Stefani.

#76184 by Tim
Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:15 pm

#76275 by Marshall Bravestar
Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:16 am
Sorry, but seeing how people are ripping into Slipknot I'd like to make a couple of points:

Messhugah are absolutely terrible. All their riffs are composed of one or two notes and the solos are painfully repetitious and have no direction, instead aiming to be as purposefully meandering as possible. Total rubbish

NOW... let's see what happens when people read this.

Instantly you get the blood boiling of all Messhugah fans who jump to the defence of said band. I actually like Messhugah, but I'm offering the view that these arguments are as childish and boring as the Nintendo Vs Sega arguments I had in the school playground.

Secondly, if you actually saw Mick Thompson's guitar skills on paper, you'd know that he's a very talented musician. Joey Jordison managed to pick up Lars Ulrich's drum set at Download last year and made it his own. They are one of the few bands that bother sounding extreme and melodic at the same time, and the lack of bands in that mainstream sense is the reason why mainstream "metal" is full of whinging emo bands who for th most part really couldn't play their way out of a paper bag. Slipknot are today's Machine Head, Sepultura or (dare I say it) Pantera and it seems die-hard metal fans always hate anything that becomes popular. Heaven forbid it should not be the most underground or most extreme or most "metal".

Fools I say.

And if it's the masks you hate so much, take a look at black metal with it's clothing and makeup fad. Relax, it's just entertainment folks!

Hey, and do you know what's REALLY weird? I'm not even that big a fan of Slipknot myself. I'm just tired of having spent over fifteen years listening to tired, uneducated arguements that are merely people's opinions, and having them rammed down my throat as fact.

#76285 by Tim
Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:02 am
^Well said.

#76317 by Burzum
Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:16 pm
Ahhh, I look forward to arguing this.

First of all, I'm not a fan of Meshuggah but I do respect what they do. The problem with mathmetal is that it can often be so stop-start, lacking flow, that it's hard to listen to for any length of time. I find the same thing with some Dillinger Escape Plan.

I agree with you on the issue of troo-ness. More importantly, I never claimed that Slipknot weren't 'troo' enough (I hate that term) and I will never be drawn into argument about bands being troo. It's a redundant concept for metal elitists. So no, that wasn't part of my argument. I merely stated that Slipknot are woeful and I stand by my statement.

Slipknot are not today's anything by the way

I never mentuioned the masks, however I do enjoy black metal. Immortal are metal gods, and I do enjoy the odd session of Emperor, Burzum's Hvit Lyset Tar Oss (superb) and Bathory among many, many other more recent BM bands. It's just unfortunate that BM must have its fine name tarnished by being mentioned on the same page as Slipknot - as if they have anything to do with each other.

I have no interest in seeing any Slipknot tabs. I have EVH and Steve Vai tabs as examples, and, well again lets not tarnish their great names by mentioning them in the same breath as Slipknot.

Also, I've never been one to be too concerned aboput lyrics but Slipknot's are terrible. TERRIBLE.

Example from Iowa 'If you're 555 then I'm 666'. What the? What's that supposed to mean? Idiots. Only silverchair write worse lyrics

And yes I am blatantly using this forum to post my opinion on this topic, however I think you'll also find that I wasn't the one that launched into this argument. I merely stated the fact that I was surprised they were mentioned by Dev given the other bands on his list and that, personally, I consider them to be shit. As a result of the reaction I received, I've since taken great pleasure in listing the numerous reasons why Slipknot deserve no space in my CD collection. Well, one space but that's only because it was given to me as a gift :shock:

Anyway, I'll have to be careful what web pages I visit later today in case something is rammed down my throat ... oops that's right, they're merely words on a screen!! In fact, I live around 15,000km from you. I must have long arms or something.

Anyhows, this has been great. Thanks for your continued support

#76328 by Coma Divine
Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:33 pm
*hunts around looking for original thread sentiment*

Ah yes. Splendid.

So what if it were one long track, or a suite?
Pretentious? Or progressive?

Evolution. ("accelerated" perhaps) :wink:


#76330 by Noodles
Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:16 pm
evolution = progression? :)


i'm not a fan of slipknot, there is better music out there for me to listen to and I also find that their fans like them more on image than anything else really. there are worse bands but there are also much better bands.

#76398 by Burzum
Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:09 pm
Noodles wrote:evolution = progression? :)


i'm not a fan of slipknot, there is better music out there for me to listen to and I also find that their fans like them more on image than anything else really. there are worse bands but there are also much better bands.

I'll agree with you on that one - there are worse bands

Anyway, back to the one track topic, I'd be quite interested to hear what a 45-minute Dev track would sound like. To me it's the music that counts, not whether a song is 3 minutes or an hour long

It certainly wouldn't be pretentious, although even if it was I really don't care. Progressive? I guess so although the word progressive has lost any real meaning these days. And yes I guess it would make for a natural evolution of Devin's music.

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