The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#74635 by asparagusDuck
Tue Mar 29, 2005 10:32 pm
I was just browsing over at the dream theater general discussion boards and someone made a post about the best screams in music. Not to my surprise, Devy got a lot of mentions. I think it would be cool to compile a list of his best and coolest screams.

I'll start off with the part in The Death of Music when he absolutely screams his soul out around 9:48
It's like a death becomes musical, its musical
It's like a death becomes musical, its muscial

awesome! so lets get some more up here! include SYL too if you so desire.

#74639 by Coma Divine
Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:22 am
CANNOT EVER forget that little 14 second beauty after Thing Beyond Things. :D

My neighbours know that one all too well. If they have been bad - they get that at 400 watts at 4am. :twisted: :twisted:

#74666 by Snaga
Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:44 am
best screams in DTB or SYL as well? Dynamics is full of powerful wails, Namaste has some good ones. The operatic intro to soul driven... but in terms of sheer ridiculousness, nothing tops what he does in SYL...
The phantom-of-the-opera-ish stuff he does in bring on the young, His wail in the beggining of All Hail The new flesh is insane, his rant in critic, and of course the epic screech in Shine.
haha, my brother once said when i played SYL and DTB for him that if Devy was more handsome, with a voice like that he could take over the world

#74671 by Mordecai
Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:16 am
The first scream in 'all hail the new flesh' is amazing. And the one after the mellow section in 'mountain' after the glass shatters is great too.

All of dev's screams rule.

#74673 by Blazingmonga
Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:28 am
The first section of Processional has some of the most insane screaming ever, I think. I don't know how Devy can go so high!

There are many, many more. Every album has some memorable moments like these.

Another good one is Funeral (2:19 + 3:35). Infact, that song is filled with good bits.


#74751 by Stonegaze
Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:14 pm
As I've been in hospital for soon a month, I've had plenty of time listening to Dev and SYL from this laptop's winamp, aloud of course with portable small speakers...

Just imagine this: You've woke up, you know someone's coming soon again, giving nasty shots or taking blood from your arm, or just asking some tiresome questions about how are you feeling...oh that s w e e t satisfaction what it brings when you're listening to SYL's Oh My Fucking God live version, and at the same time a nurse/doctor enters your room, you put full volume and let Dev scream to everybody in the room: 'GET DOWN THERE AND SUCK MY BUDDIE'S COCK!!!'

Sweet Jesus, it IS worth of that. :twisted:

#74754 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:31 pm
Coma Divine wrote:CANNOT EVER forget that little 14 second beauty after Thing Beyond Things. :D


first time i heard that song im like oh what a nice song, i went to lie down for a bit, just shut my eyes ...

g'damn it scared me. i cut it out and used it in a project (movie project) once a year ago, sorry dev i never asked permission 8)

#74761 by asparagusDuck
Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:41 pm
oh man, Bring on the Young has some of my favorites from SYL.
Bring on the HATE! HATE! HATE!

also from Love?
I'm not the man you know-ohohoh
Cause love is about CONTROL!!!

#74776 by Sune
Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:30 pm
it's "I've seen your shine'.

#74787 by Snaga
Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:30 am
yeah that's a good one.... The aftermath chorus fucks up my shit, it's so awesome

#74831 by ASHORIZZOR
Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:31 am
Sune wrote:it's "I've seen your shine'.

...agree to that point..... :idea:

#74947 by danceswithchickens
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:16 am
Some of his best screams are in Thalamus...

But I can't believe no one mentioned the impossibly long scream at the beginning of "All Hail the New Flesh". That scream broke my sanity...

#75046 by Metalmonkey
Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:31 pm
The choke-like screams in OMFG are really fun!

Some good ones in "Death" (despite the voice-fx).

#75072 by asparagusDuck
Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:49 pm
Nobody's Here also has a really good scream. Its the type of scream thats like, ok man i just need to scream right now ok?

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