The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#59975 by Gossamer Wings
Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:56 pm
Metallica's 'Unforgiven too' in my opinion wrecked the experience of the original - I can't see how this could be any different. Existing projects are best left alone. let's not destroy their existing beauty.

#59978 by mo
Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:30 pm
Gossamer Wings wrote:Metallica's 'Unforgiven too' in my opinion wrecked the experience of the original - I can't see how this could be any different. Existing projects are best left alone. let's not destroy their existing beauty.

yeah it was pretty disappointing... still love the original though

But what about bands who carry forth the sound rather than the concept? Its almost the same. The question is, is it necessary? In some cases it would work, in some it wouldn't.

#59985 by Socialenemy69
Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:13 am
mo wrote:
simen_88 wrote:I think it would be a bad idea. Sequels are almost always worse than the original, that goes for recycling inspiration as well.

yeah but that's movies dude...

i think it might work... its dev remember, he wouldn't just release shit.

yes but do not forget metallica's craptacular Re-Load album. Basically a continuation of a crappy album they had released a year before plus the sequal Unforgiven II.

#60160 by ianlogan123
Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:24 pm
I always thought it would be interesting if the 30-something Dev was recording for the first time the music that the 20-something Dev released. Would the experiences of Infinity completely change how he made Biomech? What is Physicist came after Terria?

#63184 by Kristopher
Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:42 am
I may be wrong.. or maybe nearly right... BUT

devs albums portray parts in his life... Life flows on and on... and yes you do recall your life in segments... like for instance when your old you'll say:-
"remenber back in the 2010's?" or "remember when i had that fucking tumor growing on my left butt cheek?"
It was a period of you life... Like devins Records...

Every record is a sequel to the previous because it is the next part in devs Life....

Every record is a little turd dev left behind.... (he said it right? and fans should remember that quote)

But as Dev gets better the turds are starting to become bigger... the music now has a matured odour... (dont ya love the imagery... hahahah)

A matured odour like a story told and told again, untill it is so far beyond exaggerated that it has now just become legendary... DEVS music is legendary... and every I feel every album is a sequel to the last naturally...

Why set out to make another OCEAN MACHINE when the next story is dry??

#63701 by fullgore
Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:16 pm
Well, Terria sounded kind of like a sequel to Ocean Machine to me. Whatever though, that's probably the closest you'll get to a sequel from Dev.

#64081 by krista
Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:14 pm
I agree... keep it natural. stick with the flow of current feelings while he is making his music. Revisiting an old era to do a sequel would be forcing old times into the present. Live in the now...

#64135 by Archetype
Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:23 am
Gossamer Wings wrote:Metallica's 'Unforgiven too' in my opinion wrecked the experience of the original - I can't see how this could be any different. Existing projects are best left alone. let's not destroy their existing beauty.

I actually like the second Unforgiven more than the original. But I agree Re-Load is crappy record. Load on the other hand I like, there are some good songs, and above all, it's one of the best metal-productions I've ever heard.

#64152 by ForceFed
Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:08 am
I prefer II to the first one too, slightly. Reload had it's moments...Low Man's Lyric and The Memory Remains in particular.

#65158 by Marshall Bravestar
Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:49 pm
I think people make the mistake of seeing Ocean Machine, Inifinity and so on as bands in their own right - just like SYL.

Whilst that may have been the intention to begin with (hence OM's album also being entitled Biomech), it seems the title of each project has become more of a thematic description of the content.

I suspect this is why he has adpoted the DTB banner - a way of pulling all of these seemingly random projects together.

SYL has always come across more as a constant because his metal albums have always been called SYL, but I wonder if anyone would anticipate Ocean Machine 2 if he had always used DTB in the same way since day one. Noone's anticipating a City 2 or HAARHT 2 are they!!

Does that make sense? I can't really express what I'm getting at too well I'm afraid. :?

#65224 by fullgore
Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:14 pm
Although a lot of people would love the idea of having a sequel to City.

#65360 by Marshall Bravestar
Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:12 pm
fullgore wrote:Although a lot of people would love the idea of having a sequel to City.

I won't argue with that. I'd love another City-style album too. That album's an absolute monster!!

But as people have said earlier in this thread, it seems song (or album) sequels don't always fill the predecessor's mighty boots.

Also, let's not forget that the best thing about Devin's music - and what makes him practically unique in music today - is that you never know what you're gonna get next. So sequels are only gonna happen if he's feelin' it, not too sell records.

No Forest Gump references intended btw :wink:

#65828 by catharsis
Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:24 pm
i don't know. dream theater's metropolis 2000 was a sequal to a single song written like 8 year earlier. and that is by far their best album.

#66117 by Marshall Bravestar
Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:58 pm
catharsis wrote:i don't know. dream theater's metropolis 2000 was a sequal to a single song written like 8 year earlier. and that is by far their best album.

Actually, I can't argue with that one bit, cos Metropolis Pt 2 is one of my all time fave album and you're right, it is a sequel.

Ok, maybe sequels aren't so bad after all, tho it seems it's not a good idea to rush into these things. Reload (particularly Unforgiven 2) came across as really cynical to me.

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