Well, lot of results, great !
Just a shame I can't understand Coma Divine's post at 100% :p
If I ever decide to rise an army of evil Brussels sprouts to take over the world, I know at least one third of the humanity will be with me, so it won't be a problem to annihiliate the others that are against brussels sprouts
And with the help of an evil lamb brain army desguised as an ennemy, I'll bring more humans to my cause
Talking about lamb brain, the 8 persons that voted this option, is it only a supposition or do you actually had the erm... "opportunity" to eat lamb brain ? I hope for you it's only a supposition :p
My mom' cooked that one day, lamb brain with capers. It was disgusting, though I can't remember if it wasn't more because of the consistency than the taste, or maybe both
What is great when you like brussels sprouts, is that I had a third of the dish for me only at school lunch
(as well as a third of half-of-grapefruits... Which leads me to remember all those that were violently dismembered by people who don't know how to eat a grapefruit properly
Oh well, I stop rambling^^)