The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#58841 by day old male
Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:17 am
Does anyone else think it would be cool for Dev to revisit the emotions of past projects and try and take them a step further with a sequel - eg. Terria 2? Or do you think that the DTB is exactly that - an outlet for Dev to concentrate all non-SYL emotions into one band/project that is ongoing. Personally I would very much like to see something like "DTB performs Infinity2" as an album. I think that would be the big one, a sequel to Infinity. The case could definitely be made that AE was secretly a sequel to OM. Something about the sound and vibe of the two make them seem related. Or is it just me?

#58853 by simen_88
Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:43 am
I think it would be a bad idea. Sequels are almost always worse than the original, that goes for recycling inspiration as well.

#58854 by Olive?
Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:50 am
I just don't know...
I think that every Dev's album was born under the great influence of particular moments, thoughts and states of mind... Every Dev's work is very very emotional and emotive... So I don't believe that certain things could be create again...

I would like so much a Infinity 2 or a Terria 2, but I think that would not be the same spontaneus thing.

(Oh my god... My english... Do you understand what I'm trying to write?? :? :shock: :roll: )

#58864 by Daft Grin 6zero
Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:19 pm
i dont think so either...i was a comedy writer in high school and all kids would do is ask me to tell the same story but with different jokes. I would hear this all the time untill my next story would come out and then it would be the same with that. Sometimes the audience, i think, just has to accept that what was given to them is somewhat of a one of a kind item and should be appreciated because that's all there fucking going to get!!!

Sorry...i really hated those people in school.

#58872 by disgruntledembryo420
Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:48 pm
Terria 2=T2-Earth Day.... :lol: get it?? ehh?? eh??? I've been up since 6 AM :shock:

#58886 by mo
Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:37 pm
simen_88 wrote:I think it would be a bad idea. Sequels are almost always worse than the original, that goes for recycling inspiration as well.

yeah but that's movies dude...

i think it might work... its dev remember, he wouldn't just release shit.

#58897 by BLOYD
Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:44 pm
No sequels...It's hard to capture the vibe from a past effort and re-create it in a different form.

However, while the DTB thing is cool I really don't wanna see it as a long term endevour...Devin Townsend "solo" is the stuff I like best.

#58904 by ForceFed
Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:30 pm
I don't see how sequels would work, unless Devy was feeling very similar to whatever he was feeling while making those past albums...but he seems like the kind of guy who doesn't look back at what he's done, instead he is constantly looking forward. It would be interesting to see him expand upon some past works though, Terria and Biomech in particular for me.

#58905 by mo
Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:41 pm
what about SYL, isn't each album a sequel to the other??? Its all strapping young lad.

I guess, if its a suquel to a concept album then that's a different story, but I wouldn't put it past dev and the lads.

#58921 by catharsis
Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:42 pm

#58924 by A-Daamage
Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:51 pm
Quite a while ago, I think this was around the time of Infinity, Devin mentioned the possiblity of another Ocean Machine album, which of course had me all but dying of anticipation. I think this was said because at the time Ocean Machine came out, since it was the first "solo" album, OM was considered a band, hence the original CD being called Biomech with Ocean Machine being the title of the artists.

I'm just speculating of course as I'm not Devin, but I think Ocean Machine was originally intended as his "other" band, but he changed his mind when each subsequent project became completely different in sound than the previous one. Therefore, he made OM a one-off project and decided to call his non-SYL music simply by his name.

If it were possible to recapture the vibe of OM and create its sibling, I would be first in line to get my copy as it is the greatest album of music I have ever laid ears upon.

#59089 by Greg Reason
Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:38 pm
Devin said that the emotions involved in making Infinity were damned intense and that he will probably never be in the state of mind to do another one... And I feel that is for the best, as any deviation from what is there already would most likely be treading on ground that it shouldn't. I know Devin would be capable of producing amazing shit in the same vein but it has a lot to do with inspiration and if he's not in that same frame of mind, I daresay it's not the same thing. Witness how different AE is to OM, despite their similarities.

#59231 by powercozmic
Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:37 pm
I think there's no point in trying to imagine "what if Devin releases a sequel ?" "what if Devin does that ?" kinda things and just lie back and LISTEN to the magic he makes. I'm sure Devin earned all his fans with his music and will continue to do so as long as we listen to him.

#59245 by mo
Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:25 pm
either way, when it comes down to it, I'd probably buy anything that dev releases... There's no dev project I haven't liked so he's always gonna hit my shelves.

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