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Bush/Cheney or Kerry/Edwards ???


#51547 by Jersen
Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:10 pm
I had heard from a friend a while back who told me he'd heard that if Bush found himself getting a little uncomfortable with poll results, he would attempt to hurriedly pass a declaration of war on Iran for basically the same reasons as he did Iraq, in an attempt to rally people into giving him more votes.

However, I haven't heard anything about that since my buddy told me that, so I could've just been a rumor he came upon or something.

#51549 by Archetype
Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:15 pm
well, he has spoken about this in public a few times. Iran is also on the 'axis of evil' (damn, it sounds like a game) list. But I really hope he won't attack Iran before the elections... I mean, it's a stupid idea anyway, but I think he will lose even more votes if he attacks yet another country, which has never attacked America, or killed an American civilian.
#51566 by Daft Grin 6zero
Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:35 pm
I am going to vote for Kerry. Not because liberals tell me to or because Michael Moore says I should; I just think he is better for the job. Not in sense of the lesser evil either, just that I think he would do a good job and the current chief isn't.

I fully expect him to make mistakes during his administration though. People make mistakes; its the sort of big mistakes that Bush has made that push it over the line.

Although, if it were up to me...Kermit for President all the way!

#51591 by Jersen
Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:18 pm
I'm in agreement with you on that, Daft Grin. At first I was going to be one of those people who wasn't really voting FOR Kerry, but rather was voting AGAINST Bush, but after hearing some of the things he's had to say at the debates and so forth, I really liked his ideas, and now I'm definitely pro-Kerry.

#51682 by Daft Grin 6zero
Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:56 pm
Jersen wrote:I'm in agreement with you on that, Daft Grin. At first I was going to be one of those people who wasn't really voting FOR Kerry, but rather was voting AGAINST Bush, but after hearing some of the things he's had to say at the debates and so forth, I really liked his ideas, and now I'm definitely pro-Kerry.


to be honest, I don't think anyone is really suitable for the job. How many people lives in america should one person have control of? none as far as I'm concerned. But yet, I live here...this is my home, it's just that I happen to be in one of the most gluttonous countries in the world.

#51695 by Jersen
Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:47 pm
MSN has some interesting voting-related articles today. One is on Australia's compulsory voting policy and why we should have it here in the US. Then there are two opposing articles; one is from an economist who believes that your vote is not important, the other from a mathematician who uses the other's article to argue that voting is very important.

#51697 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:58 pm
didn't they already have problems in florida?? on like a pre vote thingy? something about computer signals...


i smell another rig

#51716 by Archetype
Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:11 am
It won't surprise me, if Jeb Bush is going to fuck with the votes again down in Florida. There has to be SOMEONE in America who can count beyond a hundred.
Isn't there any security now, who is checking if there is going to be another rig?
#51727 by Regal Jenkinson
Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:40 am
Daft Grin 6zero wrote:I am going to vote for Kerry. Not because liberals tell me to or because Michael Moore says I should; I just think he is better for the job. Not in sense of the lesser evil either, just that I think he would do a good job and the current chief isn't.

Well said.

I just couldn't bring myself to vote for the republicans, more or less everything they stand for I think is evil. The same with our conservatives.

I'd be the same if I'd got the tax cut, that's something I'm seriously against. Especially tax cuts for people who are married, that's fucked up.

#51751 by BlueRaja
Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:25 am
Archetype wrote:It won't surprise me, if Jeb Bush is going to fuck with the votes again down in Florida. There has to be SOMEONE in America who can count beyond a hundred.
Isn't there any security now, who is checking if there is going to be another rig?

If you're worried about voter fraud, find out what's going on right now involving BOTH parties. Yes, I said BOTH.

#51761 by Sinkharmony
Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:11 am
BlueRaja wrote:
Archetype wrote:It won't surprise me, if Jeb Bush is going to fuck with the votes again down in Florida. There has to be SOMEONE in America who can count beyond a hundred.
Isn't there any security now, who is checking if there is going to be another rig?

If you're worried about voter fraud, find out what's going on right now involving BOTH parties. Yes, I said BOTH.

Well, if they are both committing fraud, then at least it may even it out. :D

#51764 by BlueRaja
Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:19 am
Heh, true. :)

#51765 by Archetype
Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:21 am
oh I'm sure they are both using fraud to win. That's just to show how good America is in holding elections. But I thought this only happened in countries with dictators; guess I was wrong.

#51766 by mistress2metal
Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:25 am
All in all, politics in the US are in a bad position these days. Politics in the WORLD are f'd up. Too many people in power positions that shouldn't be. It's not a democrat/republican issue, it's the entire system and the human race in general.

Unless some honest politician who actually cares about us comes along and decides to rewrite the entire system, we have to decide based on the information we get, the procedures that are written and the candidates that are in front of us.

The whole country isn't going to rise up against the government all of a sudden, when none of us has enough information to truly know the whole story yet. Why do you think our country is 50/50 over who to vote for? Every bit of information we get is contradicted by some other bit of information. How the hell should any of us know what source is reliable and what source isn't?

So this "stupid american" garbage needs to stop here unless you have scientifically documented proof that our brains are smaller and less functional than the rest of yours.

And incidentally, there are evil people in every aspect of this life. Priests, parents, presidents... I'm not saying I'm a Bush supporter but you have no right to categorize me or anyone else because of your opinion on whether someone or a particular group is "evil". That's prejudice right there and it makes you no better than the people you claim to hate.

And btw, I have cracked some jokes about my fellow americans too so if I offended anyone, I'm sorry. I often take for granted my laid back nature and assume that if it makes me laugh, it makes everyone laugh. I tend to forget how twisted I can be, at times. There was no malicious intent and I love all you guys.

#51782 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:06 pm
i convinced my sister (who is voting age) to vote for the marxist leninist party!!! we new the ndp would win in our region because that commie... errr... ndp representative... is supposedly good o.0? so she was like okay i'm going to purposely throw my vote away... christian heritage, marxist leninist!!!???
yay for communism. ^.^

i love politics... especially when people are blind about it... (i'm mostlyh referring to canadian politics).

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