The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

What is your favourite Devin Townsend album?


#37243 by Guuff
Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:12 pm
Terria! i can't stop listening to it.

#37478 by funny_little_guy
Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:30 am
Accelerated Evolution for me, I like a whole heap of songs off every album but as a whole accelerated evolution has everything, from pop-metal stuff like 'Slow Me Down' and 'Traveller' to the heavier 'Random Analysis'. It puts me in a great mood listening to it to.

#37719 by DevyGod
Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:11 pm
I have to agree on the poll. I think Ocean Machine is one of my all time Favorites. It's just got that feel like you just want to sit back, pack the bowl and spark it up.
#38391 by processed
Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:38 pm
This weekend I had my little brother and a couple of his friends over. They all had ecstasy and I figured I might as well look after them instead of leaving them on the streets. Kids are gonna do that shit anyway (so am I).

Anyway, one of my brother's mates is a damn good musician all round. He plays in a metal band that has just gotten going and also a jazz band (with Hugo Weaving's son incidentally). Anyway, he likes SYL but he's never heard much else of Dev's work. Since he was peaking off his tits, I grabbed my headphones, gave him my laptop and made him sit in the toilet in the dark, listening to Terria with only the visualiser to keep him company.

When he emerged he was different. He had this look on his face and said, "Mo, that was fucken amazing!! I just have a new influence". He was particularly blown away by the power of the vocals in the album as well as the use of guitar in terms of melody and harmony instead of just being technical and fast.

I can't wait to show him another good album or till I show someone else Terria in those same circumstances.

#38469 by Mr. Tea
Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:30 am
He he, that's sweet! I keep meaning to listen to Infinity whilst on Ecstasy one of these days, but I'm half-seriously afraid I might die of joy.

I listen to Beethoven's 9th (the choral movement) the other night, in the dark, while on some VERY strong mushrooms. It was hilariously intense - a little 'Clockwork Orange', though! I kept thinking, 'If this gets any better, I'm going to come in my pants...)

Anyone else find a certain similarity of feel between some of Devin's work and REALLY epic orchestral music?

#39576 by batmura
Mon Jul 26, 2004 3:13 am
Holy shit - this is the first time ever that the votes for Terria and Ocean Machine are equal. I wonder if Terria is ever gonna surpass OM in the poll, hehe. :)

NP: Pagan's Mind - Celestial Entrance

#39599 by metalus
Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:40 am
Ocean machine without a doubt. Classic stuff!.

#40137 by BlueRaja
Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:39 pm
Ok, NOW say it Coma! :D

#40159 by Coma Divine
Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:22 am
IT!! :wink:

This'll be like the horse race with no end...
"And it is Terria and Ocean Machine neck and neck, with Terria in front by perhaps a whisker. A few furlongs back we have Infinity and AE nibblin' at one another...with Physicist bringing up the rear. Physicist seems a little neglected in the betting, and has suffered from unending comparisons to his more unruly half-brother Strapping Young Lad..."


#40243 by Mr. Tea
Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:14 am
How can this be? Infinty in a poor 3rd place, only just ahead of AE! Infinity, IMNSHO, is Devin's best work (followed closely, I have to say, by Ocean Machine) - there's just nothing like it out there, even amongst Devy's other albums. Terria is great in places, but it looses me when it goes into full-on stadium-rock-ballad mode - I recall that someone here said Terris could sound 'pompous' at times, and I have to agree. And I think Physicist kicks AE's arse all over the place.

And another thing - why can't we vote for Punky Bruster!?

#40332 by Peach
Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:52 am
everyone of dev`s albums are amazing they blow me away :houhou:

but if i had to pick 1 album it would have to be Accelerated evolution purely because it was my first experience of devy and without a dought the first experience was the greatest and no other album could just leave me in the awe i was in when i first heard the first song "depth charge" and his beautiful scream mid-way which left me breathless sitting there with my mouth wide open!! :thebrain:

not to say the rest of the albums are amazing! :statue:

personally my fav choice is to put all his albums on a mini-disk and listen to it all as 1 beautiful experience.

:guitar: :trumpet:

#41794 by The Dirty Cactus
Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:55 am
YES! Terria has taken the lead over OM. That's great, cause it's the better album of the two.

#42152 by HoserHellspawn
Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:13 am
I give it to OM over Terria by a whisker, with Infinity a somewhat thicker whisker behind that. AE is really good and Physicist isn't bad, but I think the big aforementioned three stand out above the rest. It seems the votes reflect that with OM and Terria neck-and-neck, although Infinity needs more...

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