Whoa, this is so heavy! And unbelievably cheesy!
#319705 by crazyaga
Thu May 29, 2014 11:58 am
NamasteLikeBender wrote:
Telescopes Are Gay wrote:Basically CD quality. MP3 formats have a degradation to sound quality but honestly, unless you're an audiophile with expensive equipment, it's hardly noticeable.

I have Sennheiser HD280 headphones. Hardly audiophile equipment, but they're good and reliable. If I get the 650s like I want to, FLAC will be even more important to me.

Re: Insular nerd.

Hiddos wrote:Oh, it very much does. You don't even need good equipment for it. Back when I just had my monitor's speakers, I could hear the difference. There is sooo much difference in it.

Im afraid it might just be a placebo effect.
The diffrence between high quality mp3 and FLAC should be unnoticeable for the human ear.

According to my knowledge, mp3 320kb cut frequencies that are above 20.5k HZ, as well as a barely noticeable "shelf" at frequencies that are above 16kHZ (look at the picture)
Can you actually hear up to 20k HZ?

http://www.noiseaddicts.com/2009/03/can ... ring-test/
#319732 by Hiddos
Thu May 29, 2014 2:28 pm
No. I've tried with oscillators and my hearing stops around 17kHz. Nobody can hear past 20kHz anyway. I'm incredibly lucky to be able to hear up as high as I can (though it might've changed as it was about a year ago I've checked).

Anyway, MP3 doesn't just shelf and cut off high frequencies, it kind off 'dims' various frequencies as well, as a way of compression (file compression that is, not producing-wise compression).
If there is no difference between MP3 and FLAC, how is there difference between MP3 and CD? Depending on the source of the FLAC, FLAC files can be higher quality than CDs. Please don't try to tell me there's no difference between MP3 and CD quality.

If you want I can rip a track off one of my CDs in FLAC, duplicate it, and convert the duplicate to MP3 with 320kbps, then reverse the polarity/phase of one of them and upload the result to soundcloud or something similar. The result will be everything MP3 doesn't display, and that only.
#319848 by KeasbyNights
Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:56 pm
Hiddos wrote:No. I've tried with oscillators and my hearing stops around 17kHz. Nobody can hear past 20kHz anyway. I'm incredibly lucky to be able to hear up as high as I can (though it might've changed as it was about a year ago I've checked).

Anyway, MP3 doesn't just shelf and cut off high frequencies, it kind off 'dims' various frequencies as well, as a way of compression (file compression that is, not producing-wise compression).
If there is no difference between MP3 and FLAC, how is there difference between MP3 and CD? Depending on the source of the FLAC, FLAC files can be higher quality than CDs. Please don't try to tell me there's no difference between MP3 and CD quality.

If you want I can rip a track off one of my CDs in FLAC, duplicate it, and convert the duplicate to MP3 with 320kbps, then reverse the polarity/phase of one of them and upload the result to soundcloud or something similar. The result will be everything MP3 doesn't display, and that only.

I didn't understand a single word of this. Except the prepositions. 8)
#320056 by StClean
Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:48 pm
Sooooooooooooo... apparently there is a link between Casualties of Cool and Ziltoid, it's all part of the same Omniverse <3
#320131 by Naz
Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:12 am
Just watched the "up close and personal" interview from a month ago, and I notice the same circuitous problems coming up as usual. The record companies almost getting into his head, the worry about being pulled instead of pushing, unintentional empathy causing confusion, et cetera. It's interesting how he seems to be the only person I can think of besides myself and varied loaded media outlets that gives a flying (French Connection UK) about Ukraine, which is plus points in my book.

"That's nice, Naz, but after such a long absence, can't you at least post on-topic here?"

Actually, superego, I am! The theme of "war" being prevalent linking up with "Ziltoid vs DTP" seems very pertinent considering his mental state. I know "Epicloud" wasn't technically part of either, but I feel as though this is kind of a cincher to the whole equation that's been simmering since "Ocean Machine", and here's where my amazing grammar nazi skills are going to fall on their face trying to explain something so abstract, but here goes...

"Can I afford to play what I want? Will [insert label here] be alright with that? Will my fans be able to keep me afloat if I *do* go it alone?" and, furthermore "Am I being a selfish person if it all works out?" And perhaps the "versus" scheme is a way to find a middle ground here. "Ziltoid" seems to be the most name-dropped album for people that want The Dev to be "SYL4lyfe", and DTP seems to be the quoted project for people that want him to become "Johnson style", or (dare I say it?) "Dad Rock" :oops:

But what if these are two sides of a coin that need to meld into a complete entity? Surely DTP was growth out of the chains laid by fans and labels, with Ziltoid raising his head to remind him you can't escape that baseline. Without meaning to pimp myself, it's the same issue I'm having trying to make my necrotech (Black Metal + Breakcore) album for the last five years: How can I blend these styles that, now I have been able to accept they are both as valid to my expression as each other, in such a way that it works for me *and* makes sense as a product.

I hate to use the word "product", but if you like it and a few others like it, there's a product there. If ONLY you like it, then something went full retard there. So, to cut a long story short too late, if Z2 works as a whole, maybe there will be a synthesis coming soon, and we'll finally have what I've been waiting for:

A Devin album.
A Devin album.

Ocean Machine was the larval stage, and the last decade has been quite the chrysalis, and as hyped as I am for new Ziltoid AND DTP because I do love both projects, I'd love to see what happens when their funk warts meld to a butterfly.

tl;dr? Yeah, I'm still six months behind Dev existentially, and still splerging up whatever thread seems to be most relevant to the thoughts. Nice that we're at least comfortable with ourselves, now we've got to work out how to fit in the jigsaw....or I'm just projecting.
#320134 by Octillus
Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:25 am
Naz, man, without trying to be condescending or anything - I think you've overanalyzed and missed the point.

Dev goes where the music takes him, and basically doesn't linger on that thought.

But if you want something that he obsessed over with little outside support, I present to you Casualties, a great synthesis of many of the things present in Dev's music since early demos and definitely Infinity. Maybe just without a lot of the crunch you're used to.

Basically you're projecting your expectations in the same way you insinuate others do. But that's okay - it just means you're like most folks
#320135 by Octillus
Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:37 am
An addendum - one album and I'll even give you 50% of Addicted (even though I think that it sounds more like OM and Synchestra had a baby) does not make the DTP dad rock.

I have no idea what you thought Ki was, but I do feel that entire project was very much in line with the way his solo stuff has always gone.

As time passes, I lose interest in nearly all of Epicloud (not epiclouder though!) but I do think it'd be pretty weird if we all loved every piece of his output equally.

I dunno if you're chasing that Ocean Machine feeling, so forgive me if this is off-base -that's something I gave up on long ago. When music is something you really care about, the first time it all truly clicks for you is special. I don't think that sensation can be replicated, and all I try to remember is that for a majority of people alive now, it was Thriller that did it for em.

Music gonna music
#320169 by KeasbyNights
Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:17 pm
Off topic from the last two posts, but on with Z2.. I'm so damn excited for this Universal Choir website tomorrow (hopefully)! I think it's an awesome concept on many levels. It's a unique and timeless way to contribute in a way other than financially to Devin's music. I also am excited about it on the grounds that we get a closer listen to the background singing that normally I have to strain to hear under devin's "wall". :)
#320205 by umberlune
Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:29 pm
KeasbyNights wrote:Off topic from the last two posts, but on with Z2.. I'm so damn excited for this Universal Choir website tomorrow (hopefully)! I think it's an awesome concept on many levels. It's a unique and timeless way to contribute in a way other than financially to Devin's music. I also am excited about it on the grounds that we get a closer listen to the background singing that normally I have to strain to hear under devin's "wall". :)

I know!! I've been eagerly awaiting the announcement that the website is actually up. Fingers crossed for tomorrow...
#320259 by debs
Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:42 pm
so am i lets see if ican do something for it, devy said it didn't matter if you can't sing
#320410 by KeasbyNights
Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:48 pm
Fira wrote:wooooooooooo !!!

just done some z2 vocal tracks.

They're rubbish, yet awesome.


Unless you're especially horrible, you can't be picked out of a choir. :wink:
#321115 by Chris87
Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:47 am
Can't wait for this album!

Ziltoid was the album that introduced me to Devin and I still remember that I wasn't really sold. I had a suggestion from my Spotify Client to listen to "Hyperdrive" and I just thought "Ah well, sounds okay I guess, but I'm not so much into this powermetal stuff". Then I listened to the whole album and disliked all the comedy stuff so much that I almost stopped listening at all. However, I liked one or two songs and before I knew it the other ones grew on me as well. The Devin-addiction started and especially Ocean Macine really convinced me what an unbelievable soundwall he can create. Still, Ziltoid remains my favorite up to this day - it just grows on you. "Color Your World" is still my most favorite song, there's so much in it!

What's your opinion about the stuff we could already listen to? I'm really blown away by "Dimension Z", this is *exactly* what I loved about the first one. The "Eeeeven more geeeters" on youtube was interesting as well. Looking forward to all the harmony explosions :).

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