A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#304036 by MikzorTheFirst
Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:56 pm
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mikzor-1/mikzor-here

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK8hMxSTv40&feature=plcp

Another new song. I'd recommend this to all the fans of Addicted and future fans of Epicloud for it has a similar goal. Combining sugary sweet melodies, big drama, pop-aesthetics and polish with the pounding groove and epic heaviness of metal. More proud of this one than ever, so I hope you guys check it out!
#314987 by MikzorTheFirst
Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:08 pm
Man, being a lurker I feel like a bit of a dick keeping on doing this, but here we go anyway...

This is the first official song-release for a new band called iAi. I'm not an expert on genres but I guess it's some sort of dreampop/rock with a much more relaxed touch of metal (much in the same way as with Devin on, for instance, Ocean Machine or parts of Epicloud). All wrapped in that ethereal, dense wall-of-sound that I imagine many here may appreciate. :) Basically it's what I'd like to hear radio-pop being played like.


Soundcloud (FREE legal download of the song provided here, of course):

Take a peek if you're interested and tell me what you think! Some of the feedback here HAS helped me with my producing! :)
#314988 by Faffy
Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:16 pm
Again, I am not the best person to give constructive feedback on music... but that was really catchy :D

Also, 'Here', which you linked to above... Awesome. Three thumbs up! *insert dance gif here*
#314989 by MikzorTheFirst
Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:45 pm
Thank youuu! All warm and fuzzy here in mah feel! :D Brightens up my worst Sunday-hangover (still trying to figure out how it happened :| )!
#314990 by JuZ
Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:58 pm
Had a listen to iAi.

Nice one, you have something really interesting going on there. Dev meets Mew meets The Dream Academy?
#314992 by MikzorTheFirst
Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:34 pm
Thanks man! I'm only vaguely familiar with Mew and The Dream Academy doesn't really ring a bell. TO THE INTERNETS!
#315053 by CutManMetal
Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:31 pm
Dig the music. Love the sound.

Production needs work, though, it's loud and fuzzy due to clipping, I would guess... Otherwise, man, keep truckin'. : ]
#315077 by MikzorTheFirst
Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:47 am
Thanks man! I'll be the first one to admit that, as a "producer", I'm still very much in a learning phase. But I think it gets a little closer to the mark every time. I've already learned some new tricks that will be applied to the next job (that should indeed help with the clipping).
#315086 by JuZ
Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:33 pm
MikzorTheFirst wrote:Thanks man! I'll be the first one to admit that, as a "producer", I'm still very much in a learning phase. But I think it gets a little closer to the mark every time. I've already learned some new tricks that will be applied to the next job (that should indeed help with the clipping).

Cool, definitely stick with it because what you're doing musically is good stuff.
#315104 by Quantumleaper
Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:50 am
Damn, your music is too catchy, for some reason it makes me think of a more modern and heavy Coldplay...Maybe not the best comparison but it works. As others said, it deserves a better production, but way to go!
#315147 by MikzorTheFirst
Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:45 am
Thanks guys! Yeah the ones I've heard the most so far are variations of "Owl City with guitars" and "heavy Coldplay". I'm okay with both. :) Especially Owl City is one of my greatest "guilty pleasures". In fact, a certain Devy-vlog (Australian tour, 2010-ish) introduced me to their music. Which means Devin also has indirect influence over this project! :guitar:
#317573 by MikzorTheFirst
Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:05 pm
Okay, so what I've really always wanted to do is to make music for video games and movies, which is what I'm starting to seriously pursue now. Posted a track today on Youtube/Soundcloud from my growing portfolio. I personally imagine it going into a platformer game of some sort, as it's sort of lively and colourful, but it's open for interpretation. Anyway here it is... would love feedback!


#317628 by MikzorTheFirst
Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:54 pm
That's a compliment I gladly receive, friend!

A song from Ashard, a now-defunct band, that was never released. Essentially a project of mine, I guess, since I do everything on recordings, but we did actually have line-up. This was the only song from it that was more or less finished before the band was laid to rest a year ago. It has been mucking about on my hard drive ever since, waiting for the rest. I came to realize the EP will probably never be finished, and thought it a waste not to post this one song. Especially here since the style is not so far removed from some of Devin's/SYL's more straight-forward metal anthems. Thought some of you might like it! :wink:



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