That's totally a female in the first small bit of Fly. I'm willing to bet my own personal worth on that one
Where's Dev when you need him?
BTW, OP I totally have had that feeling before while listening to Synchestra before. I was having some sort of unhealthy argument inside my mind over religion one night while listening to that album (I have opposite beliefs of my family & most friends), and some of the things Devin was saying mid-album were lining up exactly with what I was thinking at the time. It felt a bit multi-dimensional in a way, but beyond that it didn't honestly mean anything significant. At most, the album gave me strength in a way, as I felt like I wasn't the only person who had experienced such a mental battle with the projected sense of self-loathing and disappointment in what I had become. All I can do is trust my experiences to help guide the decisions I make in the future.

BTW, OP I totally have had that feeling before while listening to Synchestra before. I was having some sort of unhealthy argument inside my mind over religion one night while listening to that album (I have opposite beliefs of my family & most friends), and some of the things Devin was saying mid-album were lining up exactly with what I was thinking at the time. It felt a bit multi-dimensional in a way, but beyond that it didn't honestly mean anything significant. At most, the album gave me strength in a way, as I felt like I wasn't the only person who had experienced such a mental battle with the projected sense of self-loathing and disappointment in what I had become. All I can do is trust my experiences to help guide the decisions I make in the future.