Ghost Hard With a Vengeance?
Ghost II : Lé Dev's Revenge.

Ran out of more Ghost ones but if there's another Deconstruction:
Decon 2: The Next Penetration
Decon 2: Starsh*t Poopers
Decon 2: The Next Penetration
Decon 2: Starsh*t Poopers
Ghost is growing on me. It was nice at first, but didn't click as instantly as Decon. From hearing Fall though, I am really looking forward to Ghostbusters 2.
It's growing on me too. The Kawaii+Ghost+Blackberry segment isn't quite working for me like the rest of the album. But, like most of Dev's work, it'll probably come together with time.
Disintegrating into madness,
War, famine, disease, bureaucracy reign supreme.
It's customary to trade your soul for a sword
And fend for yourself against the dealer.
War, famine, disease, bureaucracy reign supreme.
It's customary to trade your soul for a sword
And fend for yourself against the dealer.
The Dev wrote:Yo guys!
[awesome words]
I'm late to the party, but this is exactly what I wanted to hear now that the Project is 'complete' mostly.
For me, everything in the 4 albums pinnacle in Feather. The DTP album concepts have had a huge parallel in my life, however, I'm not past the Deconstruction part yet. I think the ultimate point in life's journey is when self no longer matters with no more concern for it and time/energy is given to others. This is seen in the fullest through parenthood. I've an amazing Mother (and her Mother, also )who is the pure embodiment of this where in she has so little concern for her own comfort and takes absolute joy in giving her of herself to her parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, co-workers, and community until exhausted . It's amazing and bewildering.
I'm a selfish 32 year who makes an OK living, owns a home in the country in isolation, is single, and has no desire for marriage or children (subject to change) and few friends. I thought I was dandy and good a few years ago until life and it's chaos happened and I went this direction and became comfortable with it although I know it's empty. Now, as I live my little life and try to fit in all my own wants and pleasures mixed with life's requirements (job, home/lawn care, bills...) and realize how much it would require to include a family and community in that mix. Self absolutely has to be let go to have it work healthily with proper balance between work and play. That need for change looms but is ignored.
Ki is the frustration, Addicted is the realization, Destruction is fighting change, Ghost is letting go, moving on, and getting rid of 'me' and embracing 'you'.
So, with the Fatherhood theme in Feather and it's gorgeous sound scape, everything before it seemed to build up until here. I hear contentment, true contentment, peace, comfort, and assurance that a child longs for in a home's shelter. Honestly it makes me a bit emotional as it is hugely comforting.
Congrats on expressing what you wanted to and thanks for your example. It's meant much to me and all of us here. Very grateful.
my poor music recordings: ... 0YnT8_3YS7 ... 0YnT8_3YS7
Ghost 2: The Men Who Stare at Ghost
stubear280 wrote:Ghost 2: The Men Who Stare at Ghost
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but what tuning is this stuff in? Specifically, Fly, Feather and Kawaii.
Answers on YouTube videos are mixed...
Answers on YouTube videos are mixed...
Feather and Fly are Open C as always. I tabbed them using the live NAMM videos.
I have no idea about Kawaii.
I have no idea about Kawaii.
Nobody knows what Kawaii is in, not even Devin.
Kawaii sounds like its in Cb tuning.
Anybody who would get personally insulted over an album has bigger issues than music..........
ctfod wrote:Ghost is growing on me. It was nice at first, but didn't click as instantly as Decon. From hearing Fall though, I am really looking forward to Ghostbusters 2.
I ain't afraid of no Ghost!

I think I'm still far to obsessed with Ki to begin to think about moving on to Deconstruction or Ghost. May sound weird to people but I'm still content with Ki.
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