Peace to you
#269014 by Scherz
Fri May 27, 2011 8:21 am
Man, country music is sweet! :P (Not the twang country, I'm in love with my dog and have a pickup truck stuff though...)

Listening to the previews of Texada on youtube, I wasn't sure how such jarring music could fit on an album like this at all. But about three listens it, and it just clicked in there, it's overall atmosphere is just so great and fitting with the rest of the albums. I love music where it takes a bit to grow on you. Realistically, if you like it too much at first, chances are you'll grow bored of it faster, so I definitely don't mind these albums being a bit of a growing challenge.
#269018 by Octillus
Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 am
Monitarcturum wrote:lol'd at all the over-analyzing and everyone sucking Devin's dick.

Or maybe music that emotionally resonates with people is enjoyable to them on that level? I mean, you're allowed to like what you like, and have your own opinions as such, but did you really think his official forums would be a bunch of people disparaging the dude?

Besides the fact that there is a bit of irony on the over-analysis given the idea of the project is to stop over-analyzing to begin with :P
#269020 by Faffy
Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 am
Monitarcturum wrote:lol'd at all the over-analyzing and everyone sucking Devin's dick.

Yeah... I mean it's not like we're here because we like the music or anything. :P
#269024 by Scherz
Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am
Hipster indie stuff is good with me as well! As for the over-analyzing comment, we're all just having friendly conversation/appreciating an artist we like together. Why you gotta bring down the mood, man? :P
#269027 by Octillus
Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am
It most certainly is with me as well, I've been trying to get people who wouldn't normally listen to "METAL MUSIC" since they've already made up their mind before they've listened, to give Ghost a try. It hasn't been successful so far.

Monitcarnum: Well, as long as you're the one saying it. 8)
#269028 by Scherz
Fri May 27, 2011 8:44 am
Lol nah you seem like a good guy :P.


EDIT: And yeah Octillus, I think I'm gonna try this one on all my indie loving semi-hipster friends as well.
Last edited by Scherz on Fri May 27, 2011 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
#269031 by Mara
Fri May 27, 2011 8:49 am
Octillus wrote:Folky does not equal country. It's actually much closer to some hipster indie stuff than country music. Just sayin :P

Exactly. Alt country and indie hipster poop ftw!

In other news, I discovered that the Decon -> Ghost order doesn't work for me, because after listening to Deconstruction I'm not in the mood for Ghost, and can't really relate to it the way I would like.
#269033 by ctfod
Fri May 27, 2011 8:54 am
I'm listening to the 4 out of sheer boredom, currently on Addicted. I can imagine I'll be sick of listening by the time Ghost rolls around and I'll want to get back to playing LA Noire or something like that.
#269034 by Octillus
Fri May 27, 2011 8:57 am
ctfod wrote:I'm listening to the 4 out of sheer boredom, currently on Addicted. I can imagine I'll be sick of listening by the time Ghost rolls around and I'll want to get back to playing LA Noire or something like that.

I went on a journey to here on the 14th of May and listened straight through:
It was amazing.
#269035 by Scherz
Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 am
I did the 4 last night. Interesting experience, by the time Ghost ended, I wanted to go back and listen to Ki. So that circular part definitely worked. The biggest thing that doing all 4 does at once I think is give you a sense of how diverse the content is. It really does feel like a musical journey. Not perfect, Addicted is kinda jarring after Ki, and by around halfway through Decon I think you get kinda sick of hearing music in general, and kinda just want some silence. But Ghost is a good substitute for silence.

Mara, I agree with Ghost being kinda weird after Decon (but only in certain moods). After Decon I feel pumped and want to lift weights/tackle the world, but Ghost completely ebbs that feeling which is kind of disappointing sometimes. On the other hand though, when I did all 4 last night and Decon went into Ghost, it just seemed to make Ghost all the more touching and calming. So I'm not sure, I think it really depends on mood.

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