Easy, Disruptr and Heaven Send. I have a slight case of the Jekyll and Hydes and was going through something of a crisis recently when I rediscovered Mr. Townsend, and those two tracks sonically described to me the extremes I was experiencing in detail, without even listening to the lyrics they just felt "right" on first listen. It's a highly personal/subjective/wassname thing I s'pose, but those two resonated with me heavily.
I don't know why it has taken me this long to decide upon my key selections from Ki, but I ended up choosing Terminal and Disruptr. Terminal always stood out to me, mainly because it is so mild-mannered and drifting compared to the Dev's other solo works, and now having had listened to Addicted as much as I have, the song has become that much more chill and peaceful as a result. But kinda going in the complete other direction, Disruptr has that great build of dynamics...starting quiet and clean and all-the-while unfolding as it progresses along into this ugly son-of-a-bitch that makes you wonder if you are still listening to the same song somehow. Even the lyrics' evolution throughout the song is great, climaxing with the hard-hitting line "BE A GOD DAMN MAN, BOY!"...something that every male has either heard or told themselves as they transistioned into adulthood or faced a threat (in some form or another).
Want to move? Feel the groove!
This was a hugely difficult choice for me. I don't want to only pick 2 songs! I ended up with Coast and Ki, but I wanted to add in Terminal, Lady Helen and Winter... 

If I could change my choices now, I'd probably go for a combination of Disruptr, Gato, Ki and Heaven's End (the last two are the ones I originally chose).
Pretty easy choice for me in "Terminal" and "Quiet Riot". I LOVE "Quiet Riot", it's a simple song but it sets a very distinct mood and has some of my favorite Dev lyrics. Terminal just rules, I think that should be pretty obvious to everyone.
A Monday is becoming my favourite song easily, if I could change my choices I would choose that and Coast.
But they're all so good...
But they're all so good...
"A moment of rest upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me."
i was able to change my choices because i hit the wrong song initially...so those out there who say they wish they could change their votes, change away - the totals are recalculated!
i hope i don't sound like a sacrilegious DT fan but i have a confession and I wonder if anyone else feels at all the same- after Winter, I've heard all the tracks I really want to hear on Ki (besides the reprise that is Demon League - I do really like that melody). I really really love listening to (most of) this album and I do crave hearing it often, it's just that songs 9 through 12 don't do a thing for me. Gato and Heaven Send are the ones I picked as my favorites but I also love Coast, Winter, hell I love songs 1-8! I am a big fan of DT's dynamics, but the title track, Ki, just takes too long for me and when it does build up I don't even dig it. I can't believe it's so many peoples' favorite track?!? well, to each his own for sure.
i think he's amazing that he can be so diverse to make me absolutely love most of his stuff but really dislike a few of his tracks (like Ih-Ah off Addicted! and Quiet Riot off this one). i admire that he is such a polarizing artists - i have friends who either love him or hate him. rarely do i hear "Devin Townsend - yeah he is alright". not for the casual listener i don't believe!
i hope i don't sound like a sacrilegious DT fan but i have a confession and I wonder if anyone else feels at all the same- after Winter, I've heard all the tracks I really want to hear on Ki (besides the reprise that is Demon League - I do really like that melody). I really really love listening to (most of) this album and I do crave hearing it often, it's just that songs 9 through 12 don't do a thing for me. Gato and Heaven Send are the ones I picked as my favorites but I also love Coast, Winter, hell I love songs 1-8! I am a big fan of DT's dynamics, but the title track, Ki, just takes too long for me and when it does build up I don't even dig it. I can't believe it's so many peoples' favorite track?!? well, to each his own for sure.
i think he's amazing that he can be so diverse to make me absolutely love most of his stuff but really dislike a few of his tracks (like Ih-Ah off Addicted! and Quiet Riot off this one). i admire that he is such a polarizing artists - i have friends who either love him or hate him. rarely do i hear "Devin Townsend - yeah he is alright". not for the casual listener i don't believe!
^^^Pretty interesting in the fact that I feel exactly the opposite. Tracks 10 through 13 are the highlights of the album IMO (with the exception of Terminal).
WOW! That is most definitely interesting to note what music trips our triggers. I have always hated 50's sounding music so Trainfire is a turnoff. Even though I know he is jammin' and twistin' it up, it's just not for me. Lady Helen would be good for me for falling asleep I guess, but I don't hear any of what I like about Devin in Quiet Riot. No strong voice, no dynamic shifts, no unpredictable chords. If i feel like i can predict the chord progression too much, I'm bored, unless it is a REALLY great song. He doesn't have to be heavy for me to like him that is for sure (love A Monday, and Demon League), but strummed acoustic folky stuff doesn't do anything for me by anyone even a master songwriter like Devin. I also dislike Trains by Porcupine Tree for the same reason though I love most everything else they do.
Perhaps I should take my acoustic and go play coffee shops and broaden my horizons...maybe it will be good for my soul!
Perhaps I should take my acoustic and go play coffee shops and broaden my horizons...maybe it will be good for my soul!
"Ki" and "Terminal"
This album was so good for mental imagery, all of the songs really catered to that for me, but "Ki" especially threw me for a loop. The slow build is what got me, I'm a sucker for crescendos and an explosive climax.
And "Terminal" is just absolutely beautiful, through and through.
This album was so good for mental imagery, all of the songs really catered to that for me, but "Ki" especially threw me for a loop. The slow build is what got me, I'm a sucker for crescendos and an explosive climax.
And "Terminal" is just absolutely beautiful, through and through.
"I don't want to save my soul now
I don't want to lose control
And even if it takes a lifetime to learn
I'll learn."
I don't want to lose control
And even if it takes a lifetime to learn
I'll learn."
Terminal, followed by Coast, and closely by Ki.
boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats
Demon league, and The Coast are my two favorites.
I really enjoy the mellowness of the two songs.
Coast speaks to me on a personal level really well and I just love the music in it.
All in all this is my favorite album at the moment.
I really enjoy the mellowness of the two songs.
Coast speaks to me on a personal level really well and I just love the music in it.
All in all this is my favorite album at the moment.
Heaven Send and Ki. End of.
FlyingPiranha wrote:The tuning is C-A-B-B-A-G-E.
Let's see who gets that!
To be honest, there are better albums by Dev, but still this one kicks ass. My favs: Heaven Send and Trainfire (it shows that Elvis is still alive, trapped in Mr Townsend's body

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SEKATOR --->> http://band.pl/sekator
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Definately Disruptr and Lady Helen.
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