Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#203094 by sj_2150
Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:04 am
lost soul, you have the best avatar on this board
#203106 by Leechmaster
Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:12 am
The Dev wrote:If Inside Out chooses to do slipcases, thats totally their call, they've done slipcases and special editions for almost all the releases, we never do, it's cost prohibitive. We like to be able to sell cds for around $10, to do slipcases in Canada raises our costs and the prices significantly.

We just do what we can afford...thanks for the support!

That's fair enough... And actually looking at the price of Ki on InsideOut, if I buy it from there as well and add that to the preorder one I got from ye it's about the same price of getting a disc from any of the CD shops in Cork... This country is such a rip-off. Cheers for the good value, Devin! :lol:
#203122 by Devymetalnut
Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:02 am
Lettuce wrote:
The Dev wrote:Ok, question:

Who (other than Gene) are your favorite drummers?

Bit late answering this as it's several pages back, but I always thought Dan Foord to be one of the best. I'm certain a lot of people on here are familiar with his work in SikTh, he's a very technical drummer, everything sounds very mechanical and clockworky when he plays, as opposed to heavy and hard, bit like a robot! I'd personally like to have a wee bit of Foord in some Devy work somewhere...I'll give him a ham sandwich and a juicebox then send him to Canada!

For you guys unfamiliar with SikTh, this song is a good example of Foord's drumming, although they're missing their weird trampy vocalist in this song so they sound a bit emo...but they were not I assure you-

Agreed, Dan 'Loord' Foord would rock on a Dev album, very technical, highly skilled drummer, nice guy aswell. Mind you any of the musicians from Sikth would be amazing on a Devy album, out of place and very mathematical sounding but awesome nonetheless. Just my two cents concerning the drumming issue.
#203127 by GuyOne
Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:56 am
I'm not too worried about slip cases and matching covers. Besides, the DTP logo on the spine once the four albums are connected will look great.

I would rather have cheap prices than fancy casing. The cheap prices will help draw those weary of purchasing and will be a bonus to those already dedicated to purchasing.
#203141 by slapvete
Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:45 pm
The Dev wrote:Nope, actually what I'm looking for IS a progressive drummer, but one that does grinds and stuff as well, with tight snare attack, a balnce hit between cymbals and drums, and tight feet.

Been looking online, this Bobby Jarzombek cat seems to be pretty amazing. Have you heard of him?

Check out this Finnish guy, Heikki Malmberg. He plays in a metal band called Diablo that's opened for Metallica, among others. Very disciplined, technical, good ear for musicality, progressive as hell (polyrhythms/overlapping time signatures are not a problem), snare attack that will blow out the fillings in your teeth. Would probably love to do the project. http://www.myspace.com/heikkimalmberg Check him out, you won't regret it.
#203151 by daneulephus
Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:05 pm
I think alot of people are forgetting that he needs a drummer that can blast...

which makes me wonder, if he is talking to a non-metal drummer, how will that drummer do it? I know alot of jazz guys don't think of it as a blast....but they are actually doing it in their fills. Some of the fastest drummers alive are jazz drummers. just a thought.
#203167 by Purple Tentacle
Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:00 pm
I'm kinda confused about Devin choosing a non-metal drummer for Deconstruction. I mean, sure, it will create something unique, possibly very nice, but I thought Deconstruction was about heaviness and chaos. Metal is an art-form in itself, just like any other music style, so it takes time and practice to get to some point where you are satisfied with what you can do in the style. Some things that are required to play modern metal cannot be performed as well by non-metal drummers. Just like any drummer who never played jazz will simply not get the "jazz feel".

So I understand why Devin may have chosen a non-metal drummer, I'm just afraid it won't sound right.

Also, Devin, why choose someone with a different feel if you write all the parts and just need someone tight to lay them down, with small place for creativity, like I believe you stated earlier when talking about Gene's work on City?
#203170 by Abydost
Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:32 pm
Nobody said he's not a metal drummer, Devin just said he thought the drummer's never done a metal album. See, I can be clever sometimes too. I'm sure that even if he doesn't typically play metal, he can probably learn double kick and there would be some interesting fills! :D
#203173 by The Dev
Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:16 pm
Yeah, this dude can play metal. I've known him for 15 years and he's a super brain more than anything, really schooled cat from a long line of drummers.

I hope you guys will like the record...it's pretty different from your standard heavy album.

Still haven't confirmed him yet.
#203174 by Amber
Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:28 pm
Cool stuff.

Do you plan on having a female vocalist for the next two albums? As you said how much you like the juxtaposition, it seems almost befitting, espeically on what I've heard you say about Decon so far. :D
#203176 by The Dev
Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:34 pm
Gospel choir on decon. No feature female vox I don't think.
#203177 by Amber
Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:38 pm
Ooh, that's cool. Speaking along choirs, I always found accapella (I hope I spelt that right.) To be quite interesting. The sound some people can make, is kinda astounding.

If you don't mind me asking yet more questions - Do you plan to do the little interview tour like you did with "Ki" for the self explaination of it all again?

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