I saw this he any good? Ive personally never heard of him...
I saw this he any good? Ive personally never heard of him...
Leechmaster wrote:kettle wrote:The Dev wrote:Okay, I think I've made a decision...nobody mentioned yet, but the best of all of them in my opinion...he's never made a metal record I don't think...
I am contacting him tonight, I don't know if he's available, but gooodddammm.
I'll let you know soon.
Phil Collins?!
No... Wait.
He's not a drummer! Silly me.
The Dev wrote:Ok, question:
Who (other than Gene) are your favorite drummers?
hevysyl_rob wrote:OMG just a random thought...Dev should get Joey Jordison from Slipknot
The Dev wrote:Okay, I think I've made a decision...nobody mentioned yet, but the best of all of them in my opinion...he's never made a metal record I don't think...
I am contacting him tonight, I don't know if he's available, but gooodddammm.
I'll let you know soon.
TheOmniscient wrote:The Dev wrote:Okay, I think I've made a decision...nobody mentioned yet, but the best of all of them in my opinion...he's never made a metal record I don't think...
I am contacting him tonight, I don't know if he's available, but gooodddammm.
I'll let you know soon.
The Dev wrote:
SYL was an amazing band, I love the guys, I'm proud of what we did, and I will be talking about it and answering the same questions for the rest of my career, ultimately...I guess that will decide how long the career lasts. I'm still on the fence as to weather the music world will welcome me as anything but that was a great charcter. And if it doesn't, I'm cool with that as well.
So to the syl fans, I love you, I love syl, deconstruction is for you....(and me).
The Dev wrote:Ok, question:
Who (other than Gene) are your favorite drummers?
The Dev wrote:Ok, question:
Who (other than Gene) are your favorite drummers?
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