Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#134291 by Falk
Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:14 am
OFF-topic ON

Edkaye wrote:Damn you to the board filter which made me spell kvnt in the kvlt way, but was fine with me typing bother nigger and fag. Very odd.

Seems to be a bot filter (sex, drugs) rather than a bad words filter. I taped s.o.m.a. the other day, as in s.o.m.a.FM, the webradio, not the drug or medic or whatever that is, and it doesn't accept it neither.

OFF-topic OFF

#134296 by Goat
Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:38 am
What is this s-o-m-a thing? Wow, this is so unnecessary. Background anyone?

#134327 by Falk
Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:43 pm
It seems to be many things, including an halucinogenic plant or something, a pleasure drug in a fiction, but also a real drug (or 'medic', I don't know).
I've already seen a spambot to "buy some", and google returns a shitload of results.
(remove the happy smiley (^_^) for the link to work)
The webradio is quite addictive though, and pretty relaxing :wink: And it can't harm your organism, so I'll stick to this one :wink:

#134338 by JuZ
Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:09 pm
the_scoon wrote:Drunk again? :?

No, sorry, I just got carried away.

I'll pull my head in.

#134339 by Goat
Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:03 pm
Falk wrote:It seems to be many things, including an halucinogenic plant or something, a pleasure drug in a fiction, but also a real drug (or 'medic', I don't know).
I've already seen a spambot to "buy some", and google returns a shitload of results.
(remove the happy smiley (^_^) for the link to work)
The webradio is quite addictive though, and pretty relaxing :wink: And it can't harm your organism, so I'll stick to this one :wink:

Yeah I've seen the wikipedia main article and subarticles, that's what makes it even more ridiculous. It's so many things and among them I can't find a single one that would deserve such harsh censorship. I mean c'mon, this is almost symptomatic, this doesn't make sense. I asked the webmaster what this is all about, I'm waiting for the answer.

#134340 by Goat
Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:13 pm
On topic, Jamie Foxx seems to be really pissed off.

#134343 by Wiseblud
Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:46 pm
I actually feel bad for the dude. I dont buy the excuses he gave for doing and saying what he did, but there was some kind of frantic power trip happening on that stage. He has issues....

Kinda reminds me of a date I once had, It started off terribly and never recovered so I kept throwing toothpicks at her the whole rest of the night. She ended up spilling a drink in my lap and storming out, but I'll be god-damned if she was gonna hate me, I'd give her damn good reason...

okay, I have issues too. :wink:

#134344 by Coma Divine
Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:18 pm
Goat wrote:Yeah I've seen the wikipedia main article and subarticles, that's what makes it even more ridiculous. It's so many things and among them I can't find a single one that would deserve such harsh censorship. I mean c'mon, this is almost symptomatic, this doesn't make sense. I asked the webmaster what this is all about, I'm waiting for the answer.

The "s" word is one of the naughty terms that spammers have been using to try and sell their bullshit products here, on a music forum.

Ergo, it is now removed from use.

#134361 by Turge
Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:06 am
Wiseblud wrote:Kinda reminds me of a date I once had, It started off terribly and never recovered so I kept throwing toothpicks at her the whole rest of the night.

:lol: You're my hero! *dies from laughter*

#134504 by Dandamage
Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:49 pm
Ha ha Krammer
he tries but no one can rant like Jason Alexander ala Duckman
With language like that he could be rap superstar
then again ive never heard Eminem drop the "N" bomb

#134564 by fullgore
Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:30 pm
kvnt? I don't really know a single black person that's been through much racism. I've probably been through just as much as most blacks I know, and that is not saying much! I've experienced the "PAKI!" here and there but that's about it...

#134596 by JuZ
Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:40 am
Well, I guess it was only in the 60s that segregation in schools ended in the south, etc. I just saw the Borat movie today and the way some of those southerners reacted to Borat's Gypsy and Jew comments was pretty scary.

Funny, disturbing movie. I'll never look at a fat, hairy Kazhakstani the same way again!

#134628 by sj_2150
Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:52 am
Dandamage wrote:he tries but no one can rant like Jason Alexander ala Duckman

oh how wrong you are! you forget about a man named Larry David

#134637 by THE_NEW_PLAGUE
Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:17 am
Curb Your Enthusiasm is pure gold!

#134668 by JuZ
Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:03 pm
What a brilliant show. Thank God for HD recorders, as it's on unreasonably late here.

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