The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#127674 by Janne
Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:26 pm
After "City" came out, it was announced that Devin was going to release OM, so I placed an order for it, not quite knowing what to expect (although I probably expected some sort of lighter version of SYL). What I heard was rather disappointing, due to these faulty expectations - but obviously not entirely, since I still buy everything the guy records (and releases)...

#128285 by dovstar
Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:25 pm
my first encounter of devin townsend came by accident on total rock radio a few years ago. there was this amazing spacey distant sounding guitar track playing that had me hooked from the first note.
i listened to it and couldn't wait to hear who the artist was. to my horror, i missed the DJ announcing who it was. i sent an e-mail to the radio station for info, but never got any reply.

about a year later, my mate from another fanclub (dream theater voicesuk) told me he was into this guy called devin townsend in a big way and recommended the album AE to me start off with. after a few months looking at the disc in HMV, i finally bought it. took it home and loved it staright away. the massive sound that was pounding out my speakers was awesome!!! i didn't know the names of the tracks or anything, then the first few notes from the 7th track came on and i knew straight away it was that track i had heard on that radio station ages ago. not for one minute did i believe that such a sound was capable from such a virtually unknown artist to me. i was hooked from there on.

i got mt a hold of the DT back catologue and shall i say, the rest is history.

#128484 by TheBolg
Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:51 am
Actually the first time I ever heard Devin was a couple of weeks ago when my friend bought Terria. She was really excited about it and I wanted to give it a shot. My first reaction was along the lines "Hmm... interesting", which changed to "Oh my God, this is the best album ever made" in a few listens.

After that I knew I had to get more, so I ordered Terria, AE, OM, Synchestra and Infinity pretty much instantly. Just like Terria, OM and AE (the ones I have received so far) took a while to sink in, but once that happened I was ready to place them alongside Terria, beyond any other albums I had ever heard. So now I'm just waiting for the mailman to bring me Synchestra and Infinity. Oh, and for the day I get some more money so that I can buy the rest of Devin's stuff.

So there, you've hooked another innocent human being. Happy now?

#128487 by Biert
Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:35 am
No. You need Physicist as well :P

#128494 by TheBolg
Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:06 am
Biert wrote:No. You need Physicist as well :P

I know, but my financial resources are limited. :wink:

I'll get it soon though. And Ass Sordid Demos 1 & 2. And Devlab. And I might look into SYL too.

#128495 by gozu
Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:14 am
don't wander into devlab territory unprepared... i did and it took me a while to leave the house again, i'd recommend loking youself in a refrigerator with a cat a water melon and a small plastic representation of the death star, do this for a couple of weeks then you might be prepared for devlab.... It bears NO resembalence to anything he's done before

#128496 by TheBolg
Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:22 am
gozu wrote:...i'd recommend loking youself in a refrigerator with a cat a water melon and a small plastic representation of the death star...

I find your ability to describe my morning activities quite dazzling. I'm always trying to do it without the neighbors noticing, but it seems that the word's out if the news has already reached Scotland. Oh well, I don't even try to appear normal anyway. :roll:

#128499 by gozu
Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:46 am
well i do get the papers in the morning... they also tell me of beirt, sab and lars' morning *ahem* 'activities'

#128501 by Biert
Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:48 am
who the hell is beirt?

#128503 by TheBolg
Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:03 am
My guess is that it's Beirut on a diet.

#128507 by YojimbO
Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:32 am
The first Devy album I got was Terria... It didn't took me that long to get well into it and it SPOILT me no end. For months I didn't want to look any further than the Dev catalogue. Next came OM, Infinity and AE. Synchestra wasn't out yet so I got into SYL after having bought AE. Took me a bit more time to get into that but I think City and Alien are brill... Well Dev's going to remain a lifelong fave for sure.

#128517 by gozu
Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:46 am
Biert wrote:who the hell is beirt?

oh they haven't told you then.... :oops:

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