The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#125441 by Noodles
Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:14 am
Yanko wrote:
gurp13 wrote:I have two things I want to say. First, I agree that Dev throws in some crazy stuff sometimes. The "Triumph" example is perfect as is "Vampolka." I think he does this to humble himself occassionally in order to stay grounded as his music would otherwise seem pretentious at times. I mean, this is "progressive" music, a genre that is usually associated with a lack of humor, I think. Or, I could f*ck off.

As to the "entertainment" of the music. I always thought that line in "Earth Day" was to say, "Hey, look we're not changing the world, it's just a song. Or is it?"

My second thing to say is that I think people should refrain from describing their enjoyment of music in terms of their sexual peaking. I think it's funny, in a way, but also strange how we're always getting so excited about music that we're gonna bust a nut in our shorts. Isn't it a little creepy to suggest that music could so tittilate you that you'd blow a wad? Or even become erect? I just think that music, especially metal, should not produce a turgid weiner. It's just not right. The last thing I want to think about at a concert is that every dude around me is sportin' a thick one 'cause they're so happy. Ewww.

And, did anyone ever notice that girls NEVER say this? I have never heard a chick say, "Man, that new album makes my thighs quiver and my labia just throb! I changed my underwear because I climaxed listening to it!"

I think it's quite telling that we males associate happiness with our genitals so strongly.

Just a thought for you. Or, I could just f*ck off now.

that post is so :shock: that it should be quoted for awesomeness :lol:


and my friend describes good things as orgasmic, so girls do do it too!

#125450 by Ike
Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:36 pm
hell yeah, the "most-awesome-post"-guy is right: we're all oversexed. calm down everyone, and realize that sex is not the most important thing in life.

#125451 by Biert
Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:38 pm
Ike wrote:hell yeah, the "most-awesome-post"-guy is right: we're all oversexed. calm down everyone, and realize that sex is not the most important thing in life.

But it is! It is the source and the sole purpose of all animal life!

#125452 by Ike
Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:43 pm
yes, of all animal life. and you're an animal? - sure we have animal bodies, which makes sex a great thing for us, but we also have a human mind, which allows us to do stuff like music and meditation, which i consider more important than mere bodily pleasures.

and i have to correct you: the purpose of life is to be. sex is only a way to achieve that purpose. don't take the map as the territory 'nstuff!

#125456 by Biert
Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:52 pm
Ike wrote:yes, of all animal life. and you're an animal? - sure we have animal bodies, which makes sex a great thing for us, but we also have a human mind, which allows us to do stuff like music and meditation, which i consider more important than mere bodily pleasures.

and i have to correct you: the purpose of life is to be. sex is only a way to achieve that purpose. don't take the map as the territory 'nstuff!

Human beings are animals just like dogs, elephants and pigs. We're the only ones who have adapted our environment (read: fucked it up) to make things 'easier' for us. That is the only thing that separates us from other animals.

The purpose of life is to reproduce (THAT'S SEX!!!!). If an animal can choose between reproducing and starvation on one side, or eating and not reproducing on the other side, it'll reproduce and starve. Some animals die during mating. (Black Widow spiders eat the male while they're having sex).

#125466 by Reivoli
Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:07 pm
Biert wrote:Human beings are animals just like dogs, elephants and pigs.

Sure, but I've never seen any of them listening some Devin Townsend stuff, or doing any intellectual activities (even if I've barely see some humans doing it...) :)

#125473 by Blazingmonga
Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:41 am
I think comparing how you feel when listening to a piece of music to something sexual is absolutely fine. I mean, any method of describing music in words is always going to be innapropriate anyway. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture? Something like that anyway.

I do, however, feel that this topic has gone off. As in, off-topic. Or something.

#125483 by Yanko
Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:47 am
Ike wrote:yes, of all animal life. and you're an animal? - sure we have animal bodies, which makes sex a great thing for us, but we also have a human mind, which allows us to do stuff like music and meditation, which i consider more important than mere bodily pleasures.

and i have to correct you: the purpose of life is to be. sex is only a way to achieve that purpose. don't take the map as the territory 'nstuff! ... s%20dancem

but i think Monga is right.
Talking about sex is offtopic AND is getting me depressed, lets move on :lol:

#125494 by Cliff
Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:46 am
Yanko wrote:making music as complex layer-wise as the dev's music is something that takes a lot of time, attention and effort. You can't just DO it, you gotta plan it (at least in some level), then record it, then record layers of it. It's not only letting things flow, it's a BUILDING process in which you know all the building blocks for it. That's why he most certainly sees some songs with a much more "detached" eye than they sound, cause really, it's inevitable.

And they're awesome because they're HUGE
but he has the option of not taking them as serious as the listener might do, cause he knows them inside out, and he knows how to do great emotional songs over and over again. To us, it's all fresh and gutsy, to him, it's also work... and entertainment folks :D

Dude, hit it right on the money!

#125495 by Cliff
Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:02 am
gurp13 wrote:I have two things I want to say. First, I agree that Dev throws in some crazy stuff sometimes. The "Triumph" example is perfect as is "Vampolka." I think he does this to humble himself occassionally in order to stay grounded as his music would otherwise seem pretentious at times. I mean, this is "progressive" music, a genre that is usually associated with a lack of humor, I think. Or, I could f*ck off.

As to the "entertainment" of the music. I always thought that line in "Earth Day" was to say, "Hey, look we're not changing the world, it's just a song. Or is it?"

My second thing to say is that I think people should refrain from describing their enjoyment of music in terms of their sexual peaking. I think it's funny, in a way, but also strange how we're always getting so excited about music that we're gonna bust a nut in our shorts. Isn't it a little creepy to suggest that music could so tittilate you that you'd blow a wad? Or even become erect? I just think that music, especially metal, should not produce a turgid weiner. It's just not right. The last thing I want to think about at a concert is that every dude around me is sportin' a thick one 'cause they're so happy. Ewww.

And, did anyone ever notice that girls NEVER say this? I have never heard a chick say, "Man, that new album makes my thighs quiver and my labia just throb! I changed my underwear because I climaxed listening to it!"

I think it's quite telling that we males associate happiness with our genitals so strongly.

Just a thought for you. Or, I could just f*ck off now.

Great post bro, had me cracking up nicely!

#125497 by jemer
Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:12 am
How ironic.

#125498 by Cliff
Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:18 am
It seems to me that some of us here are very passionate about Devy's music. (we feel strongly about it and are very "emotionally moved" by it)

It also seems to me that some of us here are not passionate about Devy's music but they ARE very passionate about holding their lack of passion for it. (they feel passionate that the music should "not" be that "emotionally moving" and taken so passionately by others.)

Buy hey,...whichever passion that you have, least we all are passionate about the music! (in one way or the other)

CT :lol:

#125507 by Eyesore
Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:33 pm
Dev rules your face. Deal with it.

End of thread.

Or, I could just fuck off.

#125512 by sj_2150
Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:29 am
Eyesore wrote:Or, I could just fuck off.

yeah do that

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