steve_dave wrote:Eyesore wrote:steve_dave wrote:dude seriously... shut up
just shut up and enjoy it, they're only songs
I love the people who combat intelligence with stupidity. Good post. 
haha, didn't think my post was THAT silly, a bit blunt possibly...
I'd just got in from rather a heavy night out... that's my excuse. You GOTS to admit though that the fella seems to be over analysing the music.
C'mon dude,...So I write what I feel in a "flowery and colorfull" way. Sometimes I exaggerate and romanticize a point to really hit it home. (Shhh,..sometimes I do it to create "controversy too")
C'mon,..."spiritual G-Spot"???
That one i sooo "out there" that it should have gave the whole thing away by itself.
To the guy that accused me of taking Devy too seriously,..I now accuse YOU of taking ME too seriously.
Let's all have "deep peace".
Where was I?....oh,....anyhoo,...The first time I heard "Suicide", freaked me out soo much that I felt like doing it. Thank God that hearing "Sunday Afternoon" three songs later talked me out of it.