The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#122832 by Eyesore
Tue May 30, 2006 11:50 am
Biert wrote:Monday should have been on the original HAARHT!

I think a more polished version of "Monday" would have been awesome on Ocean Machine.

#122855 by Naffis-kun
Tue May 30, 2006 9:56 pm
Pitäiskö toi tulkita vittuiluks?

No. It's just fun to speak Finnish :).

#123132 by Shamnera
Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:41 pm
Naffis-kun wrote:I think Shitstorm should be on Terria.

Oh, I could swear it could fit into Synchestra as well. Right after Vampolka. :P

#123201 by BlueRaja
Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:02 pm
djskrimp wrote:
I think that "Rainbow in the Rose" should have been on Winger's "Pull", not "In the Heart of the Young."

Good song! 8) Pull is soo underrated, might I add.

#123258 by Eyesore
Sun Jun 04, 2006 9:48 pm
BlueRaja wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
I think that "Rainbow in the Rose" should have been on Winger's "Pull", not "In the Heart of the Young."

Good song! 8) Pull is soo underrated, might I add.

Pull is killer! Totally underrated.

#124432 by DevonH
Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:04 pm
Namaste should have been on City

Deadhead sounds like an Ocean Machine song.

#124498 by frog
Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:04 pm
Eyesore wrote:
Biert wrote:Monday should have been on the original HAARHT!

I think a more polished version of "Monday" would have been awesome on Ocean Machine.

It is. Japan and Monday both contain parts of The Death of Music in SYL style. Japan has the melody from the 'don't die on me' part, and Monday has the lyrics 'In things you are, are things that should not be' with the same melody. So yeah, they're sort of like demos for The Death of Music, created in the SYL mindset. Hence the similarity. :D

All of Physicist should be on Ocean Machine, and all of Synchestra should be on Terria. After all, Biomech is the ocean and Physicist is the clouds, so they have a strong relationship! Also, I agree that Deadhead should be on OM, and om should be on OM just because of the title. How about we just make one 6-hour album that is 'THE DEVIN TOWNSEND ALBUM'? Then this problem will be no more! Yeah, everything's fine as it is.

#124545 by Brainwashed
Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:47 am
There should've been more cowbell. On everything.

#124546 by Biert
Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:29 am
Amen to that.

#124673 by :)
Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:23 pm
The Fluke on Accelerated Evolution, it feels so out of place to me on Terria.

3 A.M./Voices in the Fan on Terria would be perfect.

Almost Again almost fits on Synchestra.

#125135 by Das Schuetzenfest
Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:32 am
Ocean Machines should have been on Ocean Machine - Biomech, after Night and before Hide Nowhere.

The 4 Demos should have been on Infinity.

#125141 by Blazingmonga
Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:49 am
Das Schuetzenfest wrote:Ocean Machines should have been on Ocean Machine - Biomech, after Night and before Hide Nowhere.

The 4 Demos should have been on Infinity.

Would it fit? You might have to take a track off Biomech for that to work. What track would you remove?

#125145 by Biert
Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:09 am
Sunday Afternoon might have fit on Terria...

#125170 by :)
Wed Jun 28, 2006 9:25 am
Blazingmonga wrote:
Das Schuetzenfest wrote:Ocean Machines should have been on Ocean Machine - Biomech, after Night and before Hide Nowhere.

The 4 Demos should have been on Infinity.

Would it fit? You might have to take a track off Biomech for that to work. What track would you remove?

Greetings/Regulator :X

#125981 by black_tooth_grin
Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:38 am
I don't want to sound like an ass kisser but I reckon all the songs on all the albums are in there perfect place, they all flow together. 8)

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